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Mar 7, 2023
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Europe is some of the most fertile farmland in world Seraphim, the people of Europe just need to take it back from their oligarchs who stole it from them a thousand years ago.

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Mar 7, 2023
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Gordon Duff's latest. Basicly, anyone not taking a vaxxine for covid is under the influence of unit 8200 of Israel`s famed mosaad.

However, mixed in with his rants against anti vaxxers is some good Intel. His analysis of the alt media is spot on. As always one is wise to be worry of the alternative media and Gordon Duff and I are in agreement on these issues.

To Duff? Make me take that vaxxine. No amount of shaming or digs can do it and tell your employers that there are millions of us and we are armed. Simple as that.

Jack, will get to your pod cast later.

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Out of respect for you nine I'll leave the link there but after a statement like that why would I read anything he has got to say? No good could ever come out of a premediated evil statement like that. Duff got what he had coming, he's lucky he's still alive, best for him to get out of my sight...

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The internet is run by the mossad Jack. Is the entire Ohio River eco system poisoned? I have my doubts however, I am in total agreement with you on Walstreet and paper pushers that produce nothing.

I have said this to you before Jack, America is at war right now its informational but at some point its going kenitic. You are correct on that point also however, East Palistine Ohio? A land buying opportunity Jack. Young men buying land cheap as the scared leave. And leaving? Where to? This is everywhere and we need to keep our heads, hold the land and make them come and take it personally. It's like that little fucking hook nose at the bike shop telling me that I need to be inclusive with transgender child groomers.

It's the fucking Jews. At some point they shall get theirs.

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Jack, my observation on this chemical spill? In Vietnam they dumped dioxins on the land for years and it was devastating to the people there. There are train wrecks and spills every day. Should we abandon Ohio? Or keep our heads and keep the land.

The internet on East Palistine? To create fear to get people to leave the land and what happens? Property values drop and here comes Blackrock to "help" the people by buying the land cheap.

It's an opp.

I live 517 miles from east Palistine, perhaps I will ride my bicycle there. Ride the ferry across lake Michigan to avoid Chicago and Gary Indiana. And into the Ohio River Valley.

One sees everything on a bicycle.

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We'll see nine, let us not forget I was the first one to say igniting vinyl chloride does not necessarily create dioxins, if they are present this an act of war against not only the American people but the entire planet and Wall Street must suffer the consequences never mind the fucking Amish farmland...

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Your comments to the black community Jack.


Read the article. The author has a spin. Oh she's a radical.

Listen to that woman's talk. What did she say? You broke the social contract so we have nothing. Let's burn it down.

I would suggest that black folks go to Barrington hills first. I would be happy to provide maps and places to park there cars. Bicycles would be best, burning supplies can be carried on a bicycle. Providing easy escape on the wonderful bike trail systems built for those woke vaxxed mother fuckers living in their McMansions.

Just a thought and a suggestion. They can burn it down because I can't buy a beer at a bar unless I am vaxxed.

Mother fuckers.

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However, Walter Payton, that great Bears running backs widow lives in Barrington Hills.

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So, black folk were brought to America to work the land by Jews. Did I get anything wrong with that statement? Factual? Of course it's factual but the jewed over mind can't accept facts. A post fact world has been created. Why did they import blacks to do aggracultural work? Because the people already here made poor workers. Why work the land when you can hunt and fish and sit at the fire with the women at night? I mean the land Was so phat and rich like big Mama Cass! So they exterminated most of the originals.

In modern America what should the highest paying job be right now? Farm work. Not paper work.

Black men producing an abundance being paid the highest wages for their labor as we make Jews stand in line for their hand outs.

Time to reverse the relationship.

Observation followed by opinion.

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So, let's put up an add for farm workers on the bulletin board at the local Synagogue. Men needed to harvest the land and to prepare the land for the next seasons plantings.

No takers from Jewish men as there is no grift in working the land.

That's why central banks were created to put Jewish men to work as grifting professionals.

The first act of the grifting professionals is to buy up all the land, not to work the land. That's the purpose of the Jew dollar, first inflation than deflation as we put the goyim in the pressure cooker. After properly cooked we eat them. We dine upon them we have a feast and in our prosperity we have to many to possibly eat so we must first control then cull them.

What we see now is the culling phase of the grifting professional class(jews) doing what they do best.

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Jack, why do we have all of these gas stations and little shit stores owned by creepy cheap asked mother fucking Indian guys. Not native American guys. Guys from India?

Because they get zero percent loans to buy businesses because their from India that's why.

So, the Hitler pal, after pumping gas at the local Indian guys quick mart asks him "did you take lessons from the juden on how to be so fucking cheap"? LOL

The Hitler pal says that these mothers out jew the juden on the cheap skate scale. LOL

Next question, how come black folks don't get zero percent loans to by businesses in their local communities? Just asking.

Questions I believe to be antisemitic.

Just an observation.

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The best weapon of war America has is the Jew. Russia imported their weapons to America and look what happened? We need to import our weapons to China. It would be cheaper to pay them to leave than to pogrom them. America currently has a shortage of proper hemp rope.

Once the Jew moves to China he will import manufacturing and jobs back to America.

China's workers make to much money.LOL

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To end my Nine monolog, if we make Jews work physical labor jobs they will immigrate to China for free. It would be a miracle as that great Pacific ocean waters will part for them to drive their 'benz's to China on dry land. LOL

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Due to racism, blacks don't get 0% loans. We are the colonized people who the immigrants are allowed to exploit on the way up the ladder.

You all know how drugs were pumped into the black community for money to aid the contras. Did you know that in order to help the Koreans after the Korean War, the US government stole the billion dollar black hair care business from the black women and gave it to the Koreans? How? The US government banned importation of long hair from China, India, etc and only allowed importation from Korea. Well, the Koreans would only sell to Korean beauty supply stores in the US. Thus, black beauty supply stores were driven out of business and the Koreans still control the majority of that market.

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My ex was an esthetician, I always wondered how the Koreans cornered the beauty market, now I know why.

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If I recall, now correct me if I am wrong, when Hitler sent the jews to palistine weren't they put in communist style work camps? Because Jewish men are naturally grifters. Whites and blacks both know what a day's work is but not Jewish men.

That's why jews invented communism because they reflect their nature onto the rest of humanity. Because we will force people into work camps we control. Creative white men think up wonderful inventions that need laborers to build then the jew steals the ideas and puts the creators into slavery for the jew dollar they created for themselves to control.

If I am wrong here please point it out how? Wait, a jew will come along to provide the narrative. LOL

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Like Seymour Hearsh or Noam chomski.

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One more thing, let's not forget Einstein. Sciences controller of the jew narrative.

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Look up the word "kibbutz" on the internet. The word is under lockdown. Maybe Duff could provide a deffinition? I bet Adolph Hitler provided the concept along with that famed transfer agreement.

Every kibbutz should have a statue of Adolph Hitler at the entrance.

It's the only way to get a jew to stop grifting.

They have to be put in work camps.

Western Ukraine perhaps? Under Russian military control, strictly locked down and only allowed to do farm work.

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An acceptable new and greater Israel run by Vladimir Zilinski.

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The Agenda 2030 map of the USA is divided into 12 zones and mega cities like in the movie Hunger Games. I wonder if these chemical spills are designed to drive citizens into mega cities and allow the areas outside the cities to return to nature like in the HUNGER GAMES and the Agenda 2030 map. I would like to overlay that Agenda 2030 map over the chemical spills and see if they are designed to push citizens into those mega cities.

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Nice. That is a great thought. Hunger games required population decimation. That would be required to drive people to town. Get me locations and we'll figure out an overlay graphic.

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Nikki used to always say the Hunger Games were prophetic.

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A lot

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Hummm...I see! This adds depth to my analysis.

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So Jack, you want to go to France? France? Invented that bright colored faggy transgendered costume called a kit for cycling. For saying that in public in France I would be arrested. France is run by transgendered faggy fags and the ugliest fucking women in pants. You get arrested for simply speaking about what is observed.

At least in America I can call a kitted clown cyclist a transgendered bulshevic faggot and beep my horn at them as I pass them on the road.

A cycling kit on a beautiful woman? A waste of a perfectly good woman.

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Well, I know our Jack doesn't want to here about cycling but I am in need with some muscle

However, Jim rats make poor cycling rats

Cyclists are rats fifth generational verm8n

Cyclist? Wears a trans uniform

Called a kit

I refuse to wear a helmet, get a vaxxine or wear a clown suit to ride a bicycle

On a public road

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The entire cycling industry has gone woke and its world wide. As Harry Voxx always says there is a greasy jew somewhere pulling the levers.

Get your vaxxine

Men can have babies

Women are faster than men on bikes

Transgenderism is environmentalism

White males have ruined cycling

White male replacement with women, transgenders and non whites

The woke cult of cycling we wear a uniform

Called a kit invented in transgendered France

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And fuck France as you need to have a vaxxine to ride a bike on a public road. In France you by law must wear a small plastic hat to pedal a bicycle upon a public road.

It is illegal in France, punished by arrest, to say that helmeted kitted clowns on bicycles are a bunch of faggots and are confused because half the population of France has a dick and wants to be a chick.

Look how the French dress when they pedal bicycles.

So, cycling the sport in America is anti American.

They dress like French transvestites.

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To be fair about the French people as opposed to kitted cycling clowns, helmets on bicycle riders in Paris is basicly ignored. However, kitted transgendered cyclists demand that all humans must be forced, under penalty of law, to wear a small plastic hat.

So, in France, we have normal people that ride a bicycle and then we have "cyclists" that wear little Styrofoam caps with tight fitting transgendered costumes.

Cyclists are faggots.

People that pedal bicycles to get around for fun are normal human beings.

I have quit cycling and now simply pedal a bicycle for fun and basic cheap transportation.

No fucking small plastic Styrofoam hat is needed nor do I need to wear a French transgendered kit.

Cyclists? All for climate lockdowns and masks and vaxxines.

Cyclists? Champions of mandates.

Cyclists are gender confused faggots and basicly dominated by so called males but in reality, cyclists are men with dicks that wanna be chick's.

What do you call a beautiful woman in a cycling kit wearing a small plastic hat?

A waste of a perfectly good woman.

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The collarary of cycling men that wanna be chick's is that most American cyclist men are over weight and have bigger boobs than cycling women.

For that reason alone the "kit" needs to be banned on American roads.

Minimum a ticket for disorderly conduct.

However, the worst "kit" offense is the flat chested pair shaped woman in the "kit" worse than the man with "tits" in a "kit".

Before we mandate helmets let's ban the above heinous practices.

Cyclists need to cleanup their own community before telling normal humans that pedal bicycles what to wear.

Transgendered, male or female?

Tits in kits needs to be banned for the sake of humanity.

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Cycling women? Pair shaped and flat chested no titled bicthes, wait the same women that work in human resources at your company. Bitches without tits love mandates and call it being inclusive.

The very first thing that a trans woman does is cut off her tits. They of course have equality with men that cut off their dicks as that's what inclusivity is all about!

What I suggest is that cycling men cut off those titties before wearing that cycling "kit".

I as a bicycle pedeler is calling for mandates.

Outta be a law.

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I've wanted to say something hopefully meaningful, but substack it seems, enjoys making this difficult. I won't waste anyone's time with lurid details, simply put I would refer to the Tao in regards to this, that a stupid and mean authority results in a clever and cold populous.

Actually, I see this phenomenon developing daily in the freedom isn't free world.


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Technology is a phenomenon we are trained to honour as a figment of intelligence. Modern technology is mindlessly worshipped as an answer to all problems, which in itself is just another tired example of the western worlds' love for hidden power games and wars by deception.

The populace has no ability to understand any of this.

The entire picture is summed up in the fable of the scorpion crossing the river, via a ride provided by a good Samaritan. The scorp gets across, then murders his helper, because of well-reasons.

From my point of view, Jack and Phil here are attempting to get the Samaritans to cease and desist from providing free rides that wind up curtailing their lives. This is actually more difficult than it sounds because the war by deception is so actively participated in by the populous.

Part of the reason for this is that abrahamic religion has developed this society where god is a concept and everything can be known. It's a closed system where the scorpions that play endless games, murder with impunity and paint it as virtue.

There is no cure for this until something fundamental to this gaming alters. This is currently underway.

Speaking of games, and I refer to these adventures as games because that is what they are, they are the language of our time.


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Mar 10, 2023
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Mike Willaims or the Sage of Quay is my first cousin R. Mike Kay is one of our writers and is no relation to me or Michael my cousin. This is all about bloodlines dear woman and Barry or as you call him Obama is the son of Malcome X, just one more case where a great man produced a welp of a son, which is why these bloodlines just won't do anymore and as grimly promised will all be broken. Excellent comment. https://youtu.be/dFciphKsv1M

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I am not an internet blogger, A YouTube production house, or a musician. I admire the talent and the skill it takes to master any musical instrument, but it's not me.

I first met up with Jack Heart on VT, back in the days when VT was perhaps the preeminent Intel hub on the internet. In the comment section I had gathered a significant number of vocal enemies, and a running battle with the in-house Christians.

I don't know why I stayed on, other than to say it was one place where I could actually fight back, so I did.

Jack Heart posted a fascinating series that featured Aleister Crowley. I really didn't know anything about Crowley, just passing mention from his secretary, Israel Regardie, who wrote on the Qabbala and the tree of life. This was my first meeting with Jack.

I live in the desert on the other side of the Mississippi river from New York and Tennessee. My heritage is largely Celtic and German/East European. Interesting note; a lot of Germans today have strong Celtic ancestry, especially those from the south. Jack has said that he is of Italian descent, so you see RMB, that we are not related.

I have nothing to do with the Sage of Quay. If I remember correctly, they once linked to a piece I wrote on the Noble Lie, which Jack had the kindness to publish.

I am not attacking or diminishing Sage of Quay, I am merely pointing out that other than the one link I have no affiliation with that blog or it's content.

I am no one, RMB. If you saw me on the street, you would pass me by without a thought. In many ways, my life ended years ago, and other than doing my best to help my family, which is sorely burdened, I no longer have any purpose in this life, although I do try.

So you see RMB, there is no great secret to myself, no wonderful internet presence, no connections to the rich and powerful. If it wasn't for Jack Heart, you wouldn't even know I exist.

Be well.


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Mar 11, 2023
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Oh will you cheer up, remember Tyron? Michael or Sage of Quay used to say he had a fire alarm that went off in his house whenever anybody posted anything anti-Christian, a red flashing Jesus and he slid down a pole to a seat at his keyboard. I'm one quarter Hungarian, half Neapolitan and one quarter Calabrese. Michael is half Neapolitan and half Scottish.

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Yep, I do remember the self proclaimed king of the Goths, how could I forget? He was emailing Mr D repeatedly, trying to get me banned from VT.

The problem, at least from my perspective, was error. They used to write stupid shit like the claims that Aquinas proved their god existed, which is absurd. Aquinas wrote about faith, and that faith provided for the existence of their god. All Aquinas proved is that you can make yourself believe just about anything. BTW, he paved the way for this relentless war by deception by rejecting genuine spiritual principles, and supplanting them with this idiotic fantasy of faith. Faith must serve a genuine spirituality, it can never be a spirituality on its own. I think this has been amply demonstrated in today's world.

I used to laugh at Tyrone, because he hated me so much he exposed himself as a moron.

Anyway, I just wanted to make it clear to RMB, and anyone else who cared that Sage of Quay is their own thing, and it's not me.


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A video worth a thousand words.


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