deletedMar 21, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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Beautyful E beautiful

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Ok but from my perspective..I know who cares right , ANYWAY..all the players on the worlds stage are able to out and debate all the clowns shoved down our throats via fake news and the alt-kike. So many profiting from books on crypto clown Fauchi, Gates, Wuhan theory ..who cares? We know our government and military are dirty as they can be, bio labs are nothing new, all 3 letter agencies and Mossad work together because they all serve the shekel ((masters)) This who bio weapon release has ZERO proof since I do not trust anything coming from Rothschilds commie China and the numbers out of Lombardi Italy were later redacted and New York numbers were a dud ..when everyone is told to count any death or illness as Covid and PAID to do so how do you get to actual numbers for a computer generated cartoon virus? What happened to that weasel Lieberman and his Chinese mules? ((Gateway Pundit)) sourcing the Times of IsRAel ..sure good info can be extracted from the horses mouth But those guys at the GP are of the tribe and all is fair as long as you don’t out the jew and why I am banned from their comment section..

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage, Phil Hunter

Getting banned from many of those sites can be considered as a Badge of Honor.

On a personal level I have not been able to post again on Moon of Alabama for the last 3 weeks or so. It's a pretty good site and it's founder, B, happens to live in Germany, an occupied country since 5-8-45 with U$$A nukes still located in bases like Ramstein. U.$. and U.K. refuse to initiate a peace treaty with their puppet regime in Berlin...thus the German security police may have done the dirty deed on me...and likely many others, because we have called them out on the Talmudist Supremacy types and their string-pullers centering on the Rottenchild Crime Clan in City of London.

Germany reminds me of a whipped puppy. The Germans will never be forgiven for the National Socialist regime shutting down their bank, newspaper and other control mechanisms. Nor will they be forgiven by the Talmudists for creating a vibrant, full-employment economy in less than five years time.

But the squeeze is on now. The Ukraine and sanctions strategies are falling flat on their respective faces. Mama Bear is taking on the Talmudist controlled collective West. To the East, the Dragon is breathing out some fumes. To the South, Iran is joining the struggle and the rest of the world looks on in wonder and in hope that colonialist mercantile imperialism may be soon in deep decline. Many voices are joining the chorus, even here in this ruptured republic, under enemy control since the unlawful passage of the Feral Reserve Act on 12-23-1913. At that time one could post a first-class letter for the price of two cents. That's my marker for their destructive fiat money inflation policies. Now they are working on something even worse, Digital Currency, where they can control your every move...if you are hooked in to their system.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The key to America is the Evangelical Church.

Like Hitler before us America must reform its most powerful protestant Church.

The Evangelical pulpets from across the land will erupt with extreme vitriol against any Kennedy running for any office.

I suggest military wet teams dispatched to take care of the biggest 'vangelical mouths as the rest will get the message and support Kennedy for President.

The same done to Jewish organizations like ADL.

That's how I ran my dock at USpostal. Discipline applied to the biggest mouth as the rest complied with orders.

We did two Billion in revenue for UsPostal.

BTW, was there when anthrax hit our dock. As Duff says, have standing.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

A street sermon, but they killed "your" savior

"Fucking dead jew on a stick"

Reaction? Yes he was

But arose

Notice I said once was?

A street preacher adjusts his game like a stand up comic play "their" "room"

The "room " is the instrument

He who controls the "ro9m" controls the heart

Please pay attention we are in


Military has a term for this

Hearts and minds

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deletedMar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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Yes, I'm very familiar with my own cousin R, not because he's my cousin but because he is the go-to site for what is hot on the internet, his site is a must.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Phil Hunter

Jack and Phil, I hope the NSA is tuned in here.

Did they enforce that oath they all took?

My pal Tommy, killed by agent orange

Had a very quaint African American saying


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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Totally metaly iLL.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Vietnam vet

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Lost my carving buddy, Winston, to agent orange. He piloted a Huey in the Nam. Great shopman, an artist with wood. Introduced him to diamond willow, one of the three rarest woods here on Turtle Island. He really went to town with that medium. Still have one of the boxes he made from that wizardly substance...rectangular, about 2x2x4 with a grooved in top much like the roof on a house, with "diamonds" along the top.

His brother in law, Larry was a Navy corpsman who served with the Marines as a medic. How many lives he may have saved...bravest of the brave, those guys, unarmed and in the thick of the shitstorm. He kept it quiet, even to wife and daughters and his older brother. Then one day he could hardly get up anymore and was taken to a major medical center over a hundred miles away. He lasted there for maybe 30 hours. Body teeming with cancer. Chalk up another one for Dow, Monsanto, Standard Oil and the entire WarDefense industry. They would have called his death "collateral damage"...sounds all clean and clinical, doesn't it? The fact is he had to be in terrible pain, yet he never let on.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage, Phil Hunter

It is interesting how this happened right before the military actions in Ukraine...somebody is telling Putin...Hey You..wait we are not all gone here...

America is factor X... I have been telling this fact like a parrot..no pun independent here.

I read almost all comments on the previous Jacks's post and all I got to say is ..you got your chance...Americans.

When Europeans were on the street all ii have seen were post-go Europe, go Australia, we don't have to do anything we have guns over here...

I will be blunt...Somebody just told Putin don't do it...and that is, my friends the best news from the beginning of the so-called SMO in Ukraine.

An interesting thing about the picture with vril girls was Putin in the middle surrounded by them or was he on the outskirts of the picture...You know this SMO is from the beginning very "girly war" we will not destroy this and that...it can't be done.

You will have fewer civilian casualties if you go all in...Mariupol looks like Vukovar..destroyed to the ground it will take at least 10 years before this one city will be functional again...

Diplomacy can be established if nobody is there you can talk...now there will be somebody.

Trump is all over the media they are trying to nullify this candidation...they will arrest Orange Hesus..o.k.."fascinating" as Spock should say.

You don't love politicians?..who with any decent IQ does...but the truth is especially Americans you had your chance, people with guns...now you will have to deal with the Kennedy.

I guess humans are not ready they still need some big name to carry them over...so be it.

All nations need to come together...and you will see something that once was just a whisper.

America was and still is factor X...People in the Middle East, Russians, and others don't hate you, they just don't understand why people who are brave and free don't want to help them and fight this Evil...

We don't need one more video about how corrupt and decadent these people are....you know who they are, and where they sleep, it is time to get them.

Look up at the sky, the stars are so close these days, you can almost pick them with your hand...

This fact should tell you something..and this is a real reason why they keep spraying the sky.

Black Sun is Rising...this is the best chance you will ever have...

Maybe I am done with the writing...I got part 2 in my head, I am not sure if I should write this next peace...

Right now, the "situation" with Kennedy is more important.

Only the brave can be free, are you ready to give your life so this place can be free?

This is the only question that You should ask yourself right now, are you ready and willing to "die" so others can be free?

This is the reason why certain gentlemen told Loki on his podcats some things...Do YOU want to go HOME?... Die like a MAN.

There is no DEATH..but what we do here echoes in eternity...and this my friend is not just a shallow phrase.

All the best, and Good luck to all.

If i made any writing mistakes,f it...it is morning here,i need my coffe.

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deletedMar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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HP is not American R, and we as Americans have a second amendment obligation to uphold the entire constitution, whether the government be Capitalist, Communist or National Socialist

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Phil, my Thrift Savings fund managed by the Feds payed out 2.5 % as my money is in the "G" fund. Many folks lost 30% last year in their 401k investments.

Why is the interest paid on federal bonds so low? Because Blackrock lives on debt. The solution for the American people? Raise the interest rates paid on those bonds to at least cover inflation. Let blackrock(jews) pay back what is owed to the American people.

Remember the 80's when government bonds were paying 18%? Most governments were in such instruments because of their safety and guaranteed returns.

So, even here the Federal Government holds the power.

Me thinks an 18% return would fix our retirement system. Blackrocks purpose? To steal America's money. They promise returns that don't manifest and then blame the people for what blackrock did. Then they go after Social Security because it's all those old boomers, let's genocide them. Wait we call it a vaxx.

Like Harry Voxx says we keep interest on bonds low by the Feds which is a direct transfer into Jewish money power hands. I am so sorry, blackrock(jews).

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Now these greasey fucking jews run railroads on shoestring budgets even getting rid of all safety standards? All for a greasey buck? We need to revitalize our hemp industry as home made rope will look the best with a jew from Blackrock dangling on it. To paraphrase Harry Voxx.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

I heard the same Jews who owned the oil companies owned the railroads before ((Blackrock)) This is why our railroads never progressed because they needed air travel and cars to keep the sheckles rolling in. Either way the wealth and ownership changes hands but all the hands are kosher.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The purpose of the Federal reserve? To funnel America's money into the pockets of our Jewish controllers same as the MIC with our state department creating a war in Ukraine by a greassy jew called Newland. Now our military hardware supplies are spent leaving America weak. A direct transfer of 100 billion to a Jewish homosexual who sends old men and children to the front lines to be wiped out by the Russians? And when I see one of those Ukrainian flags on a cycling kit I wanna fucking crash them on to the tarmac.

The good news here? MIC stock prices will soar! Attracting investors from retirement funds.

The Feds can stop this instantly by raising bond interest rates but for a jew that will hold this up. Why we can't raise bond rates as this will not be good for the jews and hence is antisemitic.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Low bond rates creates the transfer of investment in America to private companies like Blackrock. The purpose of government? Another example here, is to be infiltrated then controlled by jews.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Free speach rights in America are absolute! Harry Voxx being our finest example as he is always on point and not in jail.

"It's the fucking jews"

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

RMB, if you took that vaxx you are sub human. I only know one jew who didn't take that vaxxine. I know hundreds of jews from the cycling community and trust me when I say this but the vaxx is part of their religion as facts don't matter.

Our top vaxx pushing Jew RMB? Gordon Duff along with his shabbos goy jim dean.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

What did Adolph Hitler do but run out the jew?

To much truth?

Another example? Why does USpostal have three wage tiers? The starting wage so low that food and rent are unaffordable? Because jews control the unions whom made deals with management to screw the workers.

My union hall, mind you a famed local place from that 1970 strike now a place where masks are required along with vaxxines? Even management does not require masks or vaxxines on the work floor as who is worse? The jew run union that's who.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

I gotta laugh at the APWU

Masks and vaxxines required to enter here

Management needs workers at low wages

No one will work anywhere with mandates

APWU dues optional many won't pay

Union says this

Look what we did for you


Shut the fuck up

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

What did Adolph Hitler do

Got rid of the jew but kept the union

Workers united working for Germany

Free of the jew

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I told our "union" president to fuck off about vaxxine mandates. Lucky I didn't wring his neck.

Of course he has taken all 5 shots as he is so proud of his so wonderful achievements!

Stunning and brave he is as he leads the workroom floor to lower wages than before the strike in 1970.

So proud he is!

Now this man's resume? Spent a career at USpostal on the grift floor helping management screw those on the work floor.

Stunning and brave he is on the grift and a better retirement than being upon that glorious USpostal work floor.

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Our African American APWU local union president equates white privilege with being anti mask or anti vaxx. You see you the anti vaxx/mask refuses to protect the at risk African-Americans with that stance. It's an obvious example of white privilege.

Me and our union president absolutely agree as I moved 35 years ago to an all white rural community with white privilege proudly on display with not a mask in sight as I know few who have took the vaxx. We are heavily armed with better weapons than the US Military.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The roads in the UK jack are on par with America, The place is falling apart with neglect and it's all by design and as you pointed out in your episode there we pay taxes for it ,the housing stock that we the people owned was sold and not replaced,the streets are filthy yet they needed a 4% rise in taxes for their pension funds while cutting services, try suing the local government for damages to vehicles or personal and they have never paid out one cent for anything even when they lost in court .

Look into street lights as a weapon Robert Steele Newcastle England won a court case recently , idiots walking around with their cell/mobile phones getting pinged will be getting zapped if the man got your name on a list , polystyrene mixed with petrol/gas is one bitch to extinguish lol and gas poured through the lower air vets of government buildings ,there ain't no saving that building by the time they notice ,burn the idiots out of house and home , what's the worst they can do to me put me in a room and give me 3 meals a day, last time I had a government sponsored holiday some years ago they couldn't wait to throw me out the door lol someone with good chemical knowledge showed the loons how smoking a tablet for your tummy ( buscopan ) was like taking coke /crack /meth all in one and would put you off your rocker , chemical Fridays were fun in the jail I saw the zombie apocalypse first hand at opening up time . There is a way round every system jack the rich kids are way to stupid to see this or even understand the basic principles, it's just a ride jack lol

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

However, roads are racist in America. In wisconsin 40 miles west of Milwaukee where few black folks are allowed to live they built a new city. The main road hwy 67 is beautiful with wide enough shoulders to ride a bicycle safely 15 miles to my little town. With the interstate highway attached to this new city also brand new and perfect! All the roads attached to the interstate are brand new all with wide shoulders suitable for bicycles. And these feeder roads go to small towns which are full of small thriving manufacturing businesses all with easy access to the interstate road system to move their products. Also the warehouse industry is thriving along these roads all with 30 dollar an hour jobs! And they can't find men to fill them!

Roads are racist because you should be fixing roads in Lightfoot's Chicago! Not in formerly rural Wisconsin. LOL

Wisconsin is happening that's all I see every where I ride upon that bicycle!

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Kennedy or Trump in Wisconsin ? Which is Trump in these new prosperity areas as Milwaukee and Madison are total shitholes run by low IQ blacks and where transgenderism is King and where woke has gone broke with the non woke voting with their feet.

Kennedy? He would win over Trump in these prosperity zones in Wisconsin and perhaps bringing a dose of reality back to these transgender, woke and low IQ blacks fixated on race.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Call us white Supremisists will you? We fucking ignore you and go about our lives free of mandates such as all whites are racist and we have gathered together in like minded communities to escape woke politics in our large cities.

Fuck the woke backed by the AR with millions of rounds of 223 stored in our basements.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Speaking of low IQ blacks, they run the union at UsPostal lowering wages in real terms than before the great postal strike in 1970 but I am the racist!

How fucking stupid can they be?

In the APWU union hall you need to wear a mask and prove your vaxxinated.

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Lightfoot is on her way back to Hollywood where she will make another Beetlejuice movie to cover her loses burning down Chicago

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

You are lucky nine it is impossible to be a cyclist in my area 8 inch pot holes are common ,cars are getting wrecked driving on our roads and good luck trying to get them fixed or taking the local authority to court they simply refuse to pay for damages, dog crap and weeds everywhere because they put everything out to private contractors who do F all time for some drastic action me thinks

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Awesome! I would ride those roads with an old bike with fattish tires armed with a knife. You can have knifes in the UK still? No helmet or kit and I am not opposed to dragging you out of said car at a stop and either beat you or stab you because at 66 life in prison in the UK you get three hots and a cot plus I will refuse to work as I will get my own cell.

The difference between the UK and America? Add a gun and lose the knife. We can cycle and open carry firearms at least in Wisconsin.

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Wait till you see the food in the jail Nine lol 2 bucks a day is the going rate to feed a prisoner in the UK ,you would be making escape plans very quickly to get a steak , strange thing was some of the guards ( screws) we call them were flaming model material,. They ship me about for some reason between the prisons because I am a bad influence lol

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The purpose of privatization George, government gets off cheap and a Jew running or most likely owning the contracting company gets your money.

Now there is another layer, the contractor, when service is not rendered.

The beauty of privatization? You still get to pay your taxes as both government and its contractors get rich. The government workers with fat salaries and the contractor(jew) getting a lot of money and skimping on the work.

Everybody is happy right? Why are you batching?


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This ones for you nine, just in from one of our peeps, kid is good

"Spunky young White man posts his "anti-semitic" Ragtime satire piano songs on Odysee! Lots of good serious music as well.

He's The Goyim Maharaja!

Don't miss. Somebody put this man on the radio!

He had a normal channel at YouTube, with 16 years of serious piano work...posted one anti-Fauci song, any the dirty sock-cuckers deleted that song, his entire channel, and him!

This is why these mattoid creeps need to be tossed into the wood chipper.

Serious pianist, though."


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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Well Jack, he looks to me that he has been in Synagogue a bit? Ever hear a good Cantor sing? Or perhaps at the Mosque? Almost reminded me of the call to prayer? Perhaps it is ?

Well, really funny will pass it on to my Hitler pal. If he is Jewish and calling his own to account we must let him in.

After all many Jews were in the SS. My rants of late about jews? Those jews at the local bike shop pushing transgenderism to children. And their shabbas goy shop two miles down the road and Trek bicycle corporation.

Now their is a group destained to go feet first into the wood chipper.

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Yea he's definitely Jewish nine, so is Harry Vox and Brother Nathanial, the evil jews make sure we only see other evil jews, hats off to this one, talented too...

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

There are no 4x2 s in my area Nine just greedy baskets filling their own pockets doing F all ,It never used to be this way ,direct action is coming to them that they will understand they were warned to get the parks and roads cleaned up and ignored it , bulldozing good school buildings and giving the ground to private companies to rebuild cheap crap and rent it back with massive management fees and at the end of that 20 years contract they can and will turn around and say get your brats of our property, a laptop computer can be had for a couple of hundred bucks new but these idiots rent them which costs 3 grand over the course of the lease . It really is clown world out there

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Phil Hunter

It might behoove people in America to consider a couple of things regarding the political reality they live in. This is not to say that I endorse any current political solution. My personal perspective is that the journey the people of America have embarked upon will occur whether they participate or not. I may take Mr.D's suggestion to heart at some point and write about free will, but in the current conditio if you've been reading here for a while.n ruminations concerning your own agency, people of America, are kind of like recalling family memories of life during WW2.

I can find only one possible reason to participate in the political process, and that is to support candidates that will help the current transition to take place. You might have noticed your world is rapidly altering into something undreamed of, and this was predicted, right here. It will not be altered, changed, or affected by any party, especially not by those who fancy themselves in charge.

The coming condition will not be stopped. It will arrive. Perhaps the best way to explain this to American sensibilities is that there is a deep reality, just like there is a deep state, and no one here tells deep reality what to do.

The clinging to any method, any structure, any identity of normalcy that has its roots in the current structure is only going to ensure that the transition will be a rocky one.

The current system, and those who participate in it are no longer capable of creating anything. Theirs is the lower hungerof the beast, and they are inspired by causing pain and loss for the benefit of their masters.

However, a new way has been gaining in power. It has been through the fire, quite naked, and it will not abide the status quo. Like it or not, this world is not going to become a rogue planet of jews ruling viciously over the goyim they despise. This transition away from this transhumanist, globalist model can happen relatively smoothely, or with paroxyms of conflict, but it will occur.

Politically, choosing candidates that have proven history of good works for people and planet will certainly help this transition to move in a better way. Personally speaking, the real need here is to stay human, to support and protect those leaders who embody the same.


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I too have hope for the future. In my house there is little care for the conflict. I've got popcorn and spring water...

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Its a matter, in any war, that loyalty to what makes us human is so easily lost. I'm certain that those who want to see bodies will have their chance. Honestly, its hard to imagine that the sitting power will ever see the true picture. Doubtless many will need instruction via munitions. However, the real purpose of this war is to clear out the guff, and make ready the spirit for manifestation in this sphere, for the next chapter that deep reality demands.

Looking at it from another point of view, the gods are tired of playing with snails, they want a more interesting phenomenon.


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