The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries: Written in 1911, the author interviews Irish and Welsh people then in their 80's and 90's about their interaction with the Fairy Folk (Note: 40 page difference between PDF page number and actual book page) Also put a link to some articles.



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Here's another book that looks good, I actually can't remember if I finished this or not.

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Now this is more like it

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Never trust Google, if the book was worth a dime Google would burn it Jacob, and I'm not just spouting rhetoric either, guy starts off talking about Stonehedge. I've heard Stonehedge was faked in the early twentieth century and the work crews never even paid, that's backed up by guys like Godfrey Higgins in the Anacalypsis, and Crowley, never even mentioning Stonehedge that I can recollect. Then he thanks AE = Aurthur Edward Waite and William Butler Yeats two scum sucking British Israeli turds, although unlike Crowley I will give you that Yeats was a great poet, but Waite just may be the most pedantic bore that ever waked the earth. Don't believe a word of it...

Now I like the second one I think we'll run it in the Human, thanks Jacob

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I hear you. I'm sure you're right about Waite, but I wouldn't totally dismiss the fairy book, you might want to skim the contents and check out a few of the chapters. I will say this though the book is a bit redundant, a lot of the interactions are similar in scope. As for Stonehenge, lol I don't know, I've seen the photos that your talking about. Are they building it? Are they repairing it idk. I know you've researched the mud flood theory, I think I sent you and Sage some links to that along time ago. There is a lot that doesn't add up, but there is also a lot of photoshop. Did you check out the link to Renegade tribune? They have a good amount of material on their site, not just Celtic.

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All correct Jacob but the stuff about Stonehedge I got from Nikki, research and the facts that Higgins and Crowley don't discuss Stonehedge gives it a 99.99% probability, if you read Crowley's Moonchild you will Understand how I feel about Waite, Yeats, Mathers and the rest of their British Israeli posse

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Looks to be the same edition, I'd prefer the 240p PDF as easier on the eyes

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For consideration: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1259521/

Great show,cheers.

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I love a happy ending

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Ah Lionsgate, this looks like the trailers we used to cut at Hammer filmworks. On the list

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I love these conversations.

These are the topics where you can give us more insight!

And these are complicated subjects because we can't know much and only experience can give us insight into the nature of these phenomena.

That's why everything is confusing when we look for clarification from others.

If I were to summarize very briefly what I have learned from my experience, it is that this world is not normal, that there is nothing attractive about it at the bottom line and that some of us have been tricked.

I don't know how but I know that there are locks on all sides within me even though I probably had a little bit of "help" at some point. At least I hope it was help, otherwise I don't know what some entities did to me...

And I don't know if these locks will completely break in my lifetime even if I want it, but I see the time I have here only as preparation for my death.

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Are you experienced Romain? I know you are that's why you are here and they, the unwashed and ignorant masses are there... https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=are+you+experienced+album&view=detail&mid=8C64B73C8679992F27F78C64B73C8679992F27F7&FORM=VIRE

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Love Hendrix.

Ever heard of Kath?

Band called Chicago?

Hendrix said of Kath best guitar player ever

Got a number of his vital records

Turntable busted

For telling to much truth

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I had Chicago's live at Carnegie Hall album when I was 12, six by six poster kept ripping the tape off the wall, they were the first rock band to ever play Carnegie Hall, they were that good...

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Speak softly and walk boldly there are shadow walkers all around you. You may be one yourself and if things get too dark remember how to breathe to feed the flames of your inner light and let it grow bigger and hotter. The world becomes dimmer the lower our flame burns and the darkness instantly rushes to fill the void if we let it. The darkest paths can be the one meant to be taken but without sight how can we find it and walk it with confidence? That inner light knows each step to take if we only focus on it and allow it to guide us correctly one foot in front of the other. Don't mind the feelings you might feel or the things on the periphery just focus on the path and you'll always be OK. Look down if you dare but it's not required. What is required is your absolute attention to where you're heading.

If we cannot trust ourselves then who can we hope to trust? It's easy to see the world against you and most conspiracy theorists try to paint the world as nothing but selfish tricksters. However, there are many if asked with true sincerity that offer help selflessly if only you can listen and take that leap of faith. If you're in that situation to begin with what do you have to lose anyways even if tricked as you were already doomed the moment you became lost and confused.

All of us have been helped and likely found ourselves in moments where we failed to listen to ourselves and needed an outside force for assistance and to restore our trust in others. Without them I would not be here myself. Who knows maybe it was one of you that helped me and my duty is to put it forward as they told me to help others and restore trust once again.

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Got inspired to write my first post on Substack. Thanks Jack, Orage, and Phil (+ others) for your ongoing hard work, research and dedication on this site and the Human. All your in-depth writings and podcasts are educational, and I’m looking forward to the depths that this paranormal / ufo subject will lead too.

Jacques Vallee - Messengers of Deception - UFO Contacts and Cults (1979) Page 251

“Receiving a visit from outer space sounds almost as comfortable as having a God. Yet we shouldn't rejoice too soon. Perhaps we will get the visitors we deserve.”

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You need to give me your site link Raibeart so we can link to it

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Government is indeed in faction Jack, that factions guides us here to get some truth like Jesus said the truth will set you free.

I found this site interesting Jack and Phil.


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The above? His older work.

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Who can be trusted? I personally like that blogger above.

And which government do you work for?

Jack's primary readers are welfare recipients, I mean intelligence professionals.

It's like at the bar, free drinks?

Happy hour is over.

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Ba da ding!!!!!

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Money? It will come your way since you just spoke it into existence through as MM says a positive intent or an affirmation. You asked others to help in the endeavor and I believe this will manifest.

In the Evangelical world we have prayer warriors usually women that make things happen.

I love MM and Al's your substack guy from Britton who like Hawkwind.

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Your new substack author.

Dam machine.

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I am the newest American gangster

White male canceled individual

Who will go Rouge and blame Greg

Just lo9k at you

A 7disgrace

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Great point on "soft disclosure", Jack. I'm sure you and Phil are aware of, "camouflaged disclosure." When the Ruling Class through its' vehicle, the government, feels a need to disclose something occult or esoteric that the public is almost savvy to and clamoring for, they do it in a format that subjects it to ridicule and disbelief. The ownership and control of the supermarket tabloids, as with all entertainment, has always been under the Cryptocracy and its adjuncts. The granddaddy of them all, The National Enquirer was founded by Generoso Pope, a CIA asset back in 1951. Metaphorically, like lifting the lid off of a boiling steam kettle to release the pressure, "they" reveal things like you gentlemen are discussing in a manner so that Joe & Mary Sixpack will snicker at the very notions condescendingly. In the tabloids. Right along side of articles on celebrity sex scandals. Diabolically clever of the swine, wouldn't you say?

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Right Heretic, The Cross, the Rabbi and the Skinwalker has been read by millions of people, Christ if they hadn't got to Merdith Fowlk it would have been a TV series starring yours truly. Anyone who thinks they pulled a Rabbi out their asses to make contact with the entity is too stupid to be reading me. What they didn't tell you is that its Qabalistic Black Magick that allows the Rabbi to communicate with this being. Standby we got unpublished work from Alec Newald that will answer many of the questions raised here. I'll get it up behind the wall today with a rant by me

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I can't get a long enough chunk of time to listen to this entire piece, but I can say that it was proven, thousands of years ago, that sensory perception is no measure of reality.


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You're in it, it's toward the end

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Rather then prison planet, might I opt the idea we are a healing planet, entities energies spirits whatever you want to call them all come together on this planet to be healed.

The problem is some don't want to be healed and they are messing things up for everyone.

People with a soul don't have to worry, they will continue to live forever and can not be controlled by technology or whatever else those parasites throw at us.

Our original DNA blueprints come from the highest source (15th dimensional) at frequencies far above what the negative entities can access. Metatron and his minions can only go as high as the 11th dimension. Hence all their "sacred geometry" based on 11 dimensions. Their tree of life has only 11 dimensions.

They are jealous at us, as we with our original blueprints in tact are actually immortal as we do not lose our memories. Something they have been trying to pursuit their whole existence and lost that ability since the fall of consciousness occurred.

Talking about frequency and numbers. Their geometry is based on fibonacci which is a finite number.

It's too long to explain here but for those interested you can read it here


Phil and Jack I would be very interested to hear your opinion on this math and geometry.

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Well an I don't put much store in mathematics, I'm with George Berkeley on that and I'll go him one better, mathematics is an etiological myth, remove the timeline and its gibberish. But I do put great store in the Qabalah (Tengrism and the Yggdrasil too, they are all kissing cousins). In Qabalah there are now eleven Sephira's, Da'at is no longer just theoretical it's a fact since the arrival of the Sirius contingent. Beyond that is Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur, and if there is one beyond that, which surely there must be, the infinite light must have a source, that would make fifteen...

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I used the term math cause it's numbers but we are really talking energy/frequencies and how matter divides and multiplies. One way is finite (fibonacci) and vampiring off the infinite (krystal sequence) 2+2 = 4, divide 4 by 2 and you have 2 again. Perfect and wholesome sequence. You can not do this with fibonacci, with every step a bit of energy is lost.

I wonder where Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur would be placed on the grid that I have learned.

1D - 3D / Incarnate identity (Gross Matter) MALKUTH, YESOD, HOD

4D - 6D / Soul Identity (Semi Etheric) NETZA, TIF'ERETH, GIVURAH

7D - 9D / Over soul identity (Etheric) HESED, DA'AT, BINAH

10D - 12D / Avatar, Christed identity (Pre Matter, this is where all the head chiefs are e.g. Metatron) HOKMAH, KETER...........???? but then it stops where is 12D?

Ain 12D, Ain Soph 13D, Ain Soph Aur 14D?

No 15D?

13D - 15D / Rishi, I-Am-This, Monadic identity (Anti-Matter, primal light field)

Above 15D there is the primal sound fields

I'm looking at the Kathara grid which is similar to the Sefirot albeit it has 15 points in total.

In my understanding those Sephira's are stargates, or wormholes if you will. They also are connected to our chakra system and that of the earth, every living being has a grid which connects us to source.

On the Kathara grid, Sirius B is in the place of number 6 Gevurah.

Da'at at the place of number 8 on the kathara grid (Orion Mintaka)

Hope this makes sence.

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