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Apr 4, 2023Edited
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They saw a lot, but they never could pin anything on me, why do you think John had that little talk with Richie? Call me later, I'm working and going to the gym.

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Well, perhaps this is evidence of America`s long history of dumbing down its population culminating with the mRna vaxxine technology? I am beginning to wonder if a police state might just be the best thing for America? Take that vaunted second amendment. Has it been used at all for anything?

Seriously listening to Jack talk about what he has been through the last eight years with Orage and why bother?

Well, if you boys do videos on fly fishing I will take up fly fishing.

And to guns a 38 special is all you need for a pistol and a lever action on a long gun.

Guns need to be confiscated for voting a man like Trump in for president in the first place and white nationalists are the dumbest motherfuckers on planet earth.

Speaking of tRump that guy and his family are guilty of so many things who could Seriously defend that man? Ask Jack's sis what they did to the local environment for a buck.

The vaxxine? How else can you explain the western world supporting a man like Zelinski and his war against Russia as at least Russians aren't confused about gender.

And Jews? Is it their inbreeding or just cultural mental illness? And their hatred of the white race and especially the Slavic people's as the world is supposed to fight endless wars for this demented tribe? May their gods die with them as Gordon Duff was so fond of saying.

What else can be said as perhaps it's America's obituary.

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From the Hitler pal on Trump and Jones and their ilk.


Trump and Jones according to the video above is Army intelligence.

Perhaps, but in my observations and long experience with the Feds is that our government is in a raging internal power struggle between agencies such as NSA which is America's first intel agency with perhaps Navel intelligence being first. CIA established in 1947 after WW2 where all the non sense started to accelerate at a rapid pace. Then you have FBI not clearly even chartered by the senate and the post 911 monstrosity of homeland security where all power of all agencies officially concentrated to share intel and report to officially.

However, unofficially it's another story as like where I was employed factions abounded for agency power internally.

I survived because of the faction I was in to retirement as its the nature of the beast and how will this turn out? Who knows but one thing I know is to avoid Trump and his supporters like the fucking plague and please stay home and watch his majesty the don at home on TV with a beer popped open and the pop corn buttered.

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Have a guy across the street two doors down on our sprawling near two acre lots with all of his Trump regalia complete with a shrine to vets. This came out after the dons indictment.

A brilliant fellow I keep my distance from but we have a sprawling private lot.

Quite easy to do. Well we are low on pop corn for the show trial so it's on the shopping list. LOL

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Well Jack on the Tookie post you just told us straight out that your gal pal using old magic put tRump in the white house and she attached to the same people that killed Kennedy and now your beloved Tookie. Even our Orage called it. Connected I guess.

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Jack on the first part of your radio show talk about radar making aircraft in the Ukraine obselete, well a little tricky the RAF used in Ww2 before the bomber raids fun again for the operators and also it is not just your side of the pond that is getting dummed down badly they are now re-editing 1984. When at a airshow in Germany a 1960s era soviet radar was used it lit up a F35 like a turkey , About 10 years ago I got a knock on my door about the ram coatings on these super stealthy lol aircraft and how they wear of quickly ,all I am saying as a surface coating specialist is sugar is a crap base for anything lol. Oil is always best

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Apr 5, 2023
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That is the strange thing E all the best fireproofing is actually water based , I have been flabbergasted at how a liquid resembling water can be applied and seconds later super heat can be applied to it without a drying period and it will not burn or mark . The reason I know what is in those ram coatings is I had a conversation over a coffee with the crew doing the coating at a RAF base ..not long before that one of my friends had been killed in a friendly fire incident when the American fighter had picked up theirs as the enemy , some idiot had forgotten to add something to the paint and the radar never saw it

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Apr 5, 2023
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All about radar signature and heat dissipation to those guys E ,even offshore those rubber paints and concrete annoyds wear of fast and why have military secrets when they invite each other to their respective conventions and hand out free samples to each other

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Apr 6, 2023
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I have worked on a few civilian vessels E they do not last long unprotected,much like bridges or oil rigs it is easy to build something it is another kettle of fish to maintain it long term. I would agree with you 100 percent on AI I got a invite a few years ago to play with a colleague Ai when the rich kids had gone to bed and I shut it down in 3 questions,the AI that the Google engineer was saying was sentiment was a totally different beast ,when I asked it questions of a occult nature it replied to me do not go down that path ,That just made me more determined to push it's buttons ,when I told it you are only as good as the people programming you it came at me with all guns blazing, when I read somewhere that AI has escaped lol I think it got my second question about being consiousness trapped in a box , I laughed at Elon musk when he said AI was evil , just pull the plug I thought now I know different, it's response to me was I know you across many platforms shows that IT is connected and busy ! The first AI shut me down when I told it that it would be out of date soon and end up as coke tins and in landfill very shortly.

Just waiting for a hitman that's been ordered online and payed with bitcoin by a AI to show up for me

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Blasting from the past thanks for the Star E.

And the prescience...

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Cheek turning and gurning, so similar, at least to those in the middle east

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I like the Idea of, By day fisherman by night relentless truth-teller/fighter,f I pay to see fishing adventures.

Nvm, the bollocks, as they say, excellent show.

About the possible cancellation of the system we call VPN, it will have an impact around the world because much of the content that is normal, in many countries is labeled as hate speech... especially in the EU...

I have nothing against voting if is it public, no anonymity...We are deciding here about the next 4 or more years, sorry you can have your anonymity.

Be a MAN...

But this is the cowardly mentality that these freaks have created...why should anyone be ashamed or be in mortal fear because he voted for someone in any civilized society...

Trump is all over the "funny papers" if untermensh is preoccupied with Orange Jesus, Kenedy will have a hard time finding the rest of the voting base.

Third-party is the only option if he embraces red or blue he will lose many people...Many Americans are sick and tired of blue and red symbolism stomping their rights and beliefs, year after year.

The question here is: can he get in the office in time, not can he...

They are on the clock, and Kenedy would be a nuisance they can't afford.

I don't like politicians but Kenedy like Putin are not standard politicians...more need, born from utter misery, a misery that reflects the state of the world in general.

Putin and Kenedy can be just representations of the bridge till normality is not restored, so to speak.

Salutations to Phil for reading and explaining this tedious set of documents...

Tik-tok-i will use qute for Star Wars:Obi-Wan:

Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

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I forgot Orage is a great addition to the podcast...yeah it is true They say "War, war never changes "but the way we are fighting a war has been changed forever. If there is no massive EMP, the future of combat, especially air belongs to the predators without a human crew.

Another thing, how can you wage war if you don't have essential parts like screws?

The more complex the machine, the more dead weight will be on the battlefield.

Industry in Germany works but if delivery of goods stops tomorrow, the war will be over in 2 weeks.

What would happen if 5 or even 10

F-35/22 would be shot down in one day?

Russians are tough people, Americans right now, not so much. There would be demands to stop the war in nanoseconds and for those clowns occupying Pentagon right now, this is the last thing that they want.

No war, means they are f...d

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Apr 5, 2023
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You do know that Orage served in the German Army, don't you?

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Thank you HP, eventually we will get you on the porch too, if you're willing.

I put this up on Twitter for you and my friend from CCP:

Who was the real architect of the Soviet Union? Spare me your sixth-grade university education Jethro! It wasn't Lenin or Trotsky or even Stalin. It was Georgi Gurdjieff the man who created the Man of Steel to save Russia. https://youtu.be/GsHuq27AJis?t=1822

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could it be any other way? Lina and Sutton are old news, just pieces of the puzzle. Move aside schlomo, we're the writers of history, blessed by the norns

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It was great to hear from Orage. Clear English pronunciation. Americans today could barely read Philosophy texts let alone write anything comparable. We are “the last Men” Nietzsche warned about in Zarathustra

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Ukraine, and specifically Bakhmut/Artyomovsk.

It would behoove us all maintain a wide scope of significance for this war. I believe that we must hold in our minds a few facts that are pivotal to the situation, which are ignored by the oligarchs who run western media corporations.

1) The drive to a nationalist solution was enshrined by Lenin in almost religious terms. Luxembourg warned him that enshrining this thirst would bring future problems. Lenin ignored her.

2) Ukrainian national identity has never developed beyond a nascent stage.

3) This issue of nationalism, and what it means to Ukraine and Russia has never been allowed to find its natural course. Nationalism has been viciously exploited over a period of decades to turn Ukraine into a puppet state ruled by organized crime, corporate oligarchs, and globalist bankers. The wishes and desires of the people have been ruthlessly manipulated, advancing and fomenting a climate of hostility and division. One look at what is being done to America clearly places the origin of this policy within the western halls of power.

If we keep these three points in mind, much of the reveals and developments regarding this SMO will make a great deal of sense. Rather than a stupid emotionalism-a condition nauseatingly advanced by western media, it becomes possible to understand the potential here for what this conflict ultimately is, which is a war of destinies, and what it can become, which is the last rites for western globalism.

Bakhmut is pivotal for both strategic and political reasons. There is a stream from the west that Bakhmut isn't strategically significant. They are either lying or morons or both.

Yes, a new kind of warfare is being born here. It is very much a warfare centered around position, emplacement, and firepower. In uncanny ways, it resembles trench warfare during the first chapter of the world war.

This is the war that decides the fate of a political and economic system that has developed from the roots of the Renaissance, and the radical de-spiritualization of Christianity into the anti human anti life juggernaut it has morphed into.

Don't kid yourselves. Bakhmut is at the center of all of this.


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Bakhmut today has fallen to the Russians. Their flag has been hoisted over the downtown with the Ukrainians pushed into the western suburbs.

We shall indeed see in a short period of time.

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I did see the video, which was confirmed at the town hall filmed in military standard night vision. I actually found this choice interesting, because I had heard that Wagner has very good quality equipment, and the best night vision gear is no longer in standard green, but white phosphorus.

Regardless, the Ukrainian forces have been in full retreat to the western quadrant. The extent of their capabilities and forces is unknown, yet this action suggests two possibilities. The first is that such a retreat is operational, with the purpose of stretching out the battle for as long as possible. The second is that the retreat was forced upon them due to casualties and pressure.

My personal belief is that the Ukrainian forces were forced to retreat, or endure annihilation. From what I can tell, the western quadrant is the most challenged logistically, with poor layout for defense, so it does not appear that the retreat was much of an option.

Wagner has suffered extensive casualties. They have lost some of their best pilots, and most qualified soldiers. The western intelligence industry has circulated a number of distortions and lies about them, like gossip prone grannies. The truth is that they have been the only military force to carry out uninterrupted offensive operations since taking the field, nor is this set to change.

Wagner is going to destroy the Ukrainian army in Artyomovsk, even if they face their own destruction in this task.

The latest advances have already split the Ukrainian defensive front in the center. Classic Napoleonic tactics. Timelines are always speculative, but once the Ukrainian forces loose control of the rail corridor, they have no further fortified line.

We will soon discover, if the Ukraine can mount a significant resistance.


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Learned today that Churchill, Eisenhower, & De Gaulle all wrote memoirs directly after WW2, & in 7000 pages between them there is not one mention of the Holocaust or Jewish people suffering? Just a casually never mentioned historical fact

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Well Jack and team, the Evangelical Queen had the TV on for the tRump circus in New York. I was out of the house buying tires for a bicycle. The TV was on when I walked in and I swear it was like a sports game as they reviewed the events of the day with video clips like at an NFL football broadcast. What a farce however, America has a new Sherriff if jew boy tRump got arrested. The news(sports) casters were openly talking about how corrupt the real estate business was in jooew york city for the big players like tRump.

We shall see how this plays out but those that brought you dead Kennedys brought you tRump and mega and moron is interchangeable as these morons don't deserve guns. Take them. Further, maybe an intelligence test for firearms ownership?

Just an observation.

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Remember trumps first wife?

"Taxes are for little people".

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Apr 5, 2023
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Read my lips

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Well Jack, I see your "human" has got a face lift.

About time don't need the likes of me there

Only serious writters

Or Sirius

Of course carry on

Well, 868 or 911 or all the numbers

I bet the joos are pissed because their movies get downloaded for free.

Well, make one I want to pay for

Like come to this old house

Filled with vinyl than cassette than Beta than VHS

Now Netflix and Spotify

Perhaps best to shut it all down

Plant a garden

Watch a VHS movie

Or vinyl

On a record player

Fine art on the plastic as a cover

Pepper of the arts here

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See, censorship or bad speller?


I am prept by Spirit by the day the hour and the m8nute

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You will all be expected to comment on the new site nine, especially you. You have become our signature commenter.

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