Got friends there too doctor but I got unfinished business in Europe, and thank you for listening, you are the real expert on being hounded out of the country by Cointellpro, no one knows better than you.
Took French for the first five years of school, I went to a very exclusive Jesuit school, it was mandatory along with classical music and dance, to bad I forgot all of it
Jack, perhaps we need an American version of national socialism?
You do know that work for men no longer pays don't you? Look at the price of rent and housing in general?
How does a man even afford a woman on the current wages? However, good men are out there under 30 let me tell you and they are in the Evangelical church. Not the TV church but the real one. They are there but hidden.
That depends on what kind of job you have nine, if you produce nothing but more paperwork you will do very well for yourself in NYC working for Schlomo sucking the life blood out of the rest of the world but yes if you build things, you will make basically nothing.
Jack, you have said some powerful things here - you ooze pathos, who could not appreciate that?
Sure enough the battle is on...btw, I wrote and you replied to me [SL] via The Revolution is Televised article comments section and as I am having a difficult time I turned again to Leviathan, synchronistically on the very next page, you were dealing with your father's cancer. Listening to Phil, he is also a thinker - I am wholly with his thoughts on the Native side. Don't pretend to know the specifics, but it is not so easy to be precise and sometimes more important to get the general principles before starting the journey proper. Still listening, so will share further thoughts as is apropo. SL
"If I claim to be a wiseman it surely means that I don't know." You're in the rabbit hole Seb, no turning back now, follow it to the bottom and find yourself.
Excellent comments on blood memory or what the late, great Robert E. Miles used to call genetic memory. He said that is our true bible. Rome did not fall for lack of any social program but because of the dearth of real men, same thing happening here. The U.S. has per capita far more lawyers than any nation on earth. I read an article by a physicist years ago and he said these parasites drain over a trillion dollars from the U.S. economy every year. And of course a judge is just a lawyer in a black Halloween costume. There may be an etymological link between the words lawyer and liar.
It's the hive mind at work. The hive mind is the reason no one can be allowed to escape. There are no "good" Jews, there are no "bad" Jews, there are only Jews; just as there are no "good" or "bad" termites, bees or ants. These creatures are what they are. If one fails to realize the nature of the beast with which they are dealing, they will consume one's house to the ground, sting one's body to death and gnaw one's corpse to the bone. Below is a comment I wrote in response to thoughts on the Jew's oriental culture.
Body snatching barnacles and zombie crabs
Excuse me, maybe I missed something in history class. Thousands of years of mass slaughter by Chinese warlords and their fiefdoms? Genghis Khan? Rape of Nanking? Bataan Death March? Fukushima? How about the Kamikaze, no not the suicide corps, but the divine wind that wiped out the invading Chinese fleet. Do any of these sound familiar? Do they sound peaceful?
If you need a Japanese history lesson, watch some of their movies. They highlight the civil unrest that describes most of Japan’s history. Try Ugetsu, one of Mizoguchi’s most celebrated films, and a definitive portrayal of just a small portion of Japanese culture and history. Why is it Japanese movies are always so heavy on the Samurai and their swords, was this because they were peace doves?
Are the Chinese and Japanese people equally culpable for allowing their leaders to lead them to death and destruction along with those they attacked? I think it is human nature to follow the leader. Humans are regimented animals that thrive in packs. The rank and file simply go along to get along.
The last hundred years of American history, and its constant state of war, has been largely orchestrated and directed by the hidden hand of Jewish machination. Sure people are stupid, but why are they so stupid. Were America’s founders stupid? Were the settlers? Was the great American inventive age of the nineteenth century due to American stupidity? Was the age of enlightenment the result of stupidity? Wasn’t it that age that led to the colonization of North America?
So why are presetn day Americans, offspring some of the most intelligent people on the planet, so stupid? Could it be because the Jew’s control their educational system along with every other social structure? Could it be that Americans have been so Judeaized that they actually believe that murder and mayhem are the only form of normal life? That’s what Hollywood would have Americans believe. How many of western civilization's problems would be non-existent had the Jews never existed? What might the world look like without their influence? We’ll never know because, over the millennia, the Jew’s influence on American culture has been so profound that it is inextricably bound to the west’s history.
I part with a metaphor of body-snatching barnacles and zombie crabs.
While some parasites are relatively benign, the worst offenders can actually force their host to do their will. Sacculina Carcini is a genus of barnacles that is a parasitic castrator of crabs, wreaking havoc with their hosts’ existence. Upon finding a host crab, a female Sacculina will crawl over the crab’s surface until she finds a weak spot, a chink in the armor, usually a joint. She then ejects her protective shell, reducing herself to a gelatinous blob, and invades the crabs body.
Inside the host, the parasite grows long, root-like tendrils throughout the crab’s body, even taking over the crab's optic nerves before emerging on its underside for the remainder of the crab’s life. During this process the barnacle makes the crab infertile. It then creates a small opening in the crab’s back to allow a male Sacculina to make residence there. Soon the crab is filled with millions of Sacculina eggs and larvae, and like a zombie, the crab cares for these eggs and larvae as though they were its own, losing all interest in mating. When a male crab is infected, the parasite alters its physiology, feminizing its behavior to better care for Sacculina’s young. Thus the parasite rewires the crab to serve its own ends. The crab then becomes a helpless vehicle, able only to expend its energy caring for other parasites that will move on to infect other crabs.
The question presented by this metaphor is who is at fault? Is it the crab’s fault it becomes suicidal in its effort to obey its master? Must the crab assume guilt for its predicament because it exposed itself to the parasite? More importantly, how does the life of an uninfected crab compare with that of an infected one? Are they even remotely similar? The crab free of the parasite lives to serve its own biological end, while the parasite’s host crab lives only to serve its master. In the end the crab is expended while the parasite moves on.
If one cannot see the obvious parallels of the Jews' infection among western culture, then they probably ought to go back to watching their ball game.
Thank you, Jack, it is right on target. Speaking of the Japanese, a race and culture I admire for many reasons, their most cherished myth is of their origins as a people. Countless millennium ago a god and goddess who were brother and sister copulated in the heavens. The results of this cosmic, incestuous union were the progenitors of the Japanese race.
I love Japanese culture it is the closest to Viking in all the world, we are kin with the little yellow bastards, Hitler recognized this and so did the Japanese...
Very true, many anthropologists posit that the European and Asian races have a common origin, separate from the black race. Not to mention that Japanese females are incredibly beautiful, I think the loveliest of all the Asians. The Japanese referred to Hitler's National Socialism as Western Shintoism.
Also, we really need some Aryan Kamikazes (The Divine Wind) to take out these sons and daughters of pox riddled whores who serve the demonic Cryptocracy. Take them out with extreme prejudice, throw their worthless carcasses in a pit and cover them with Quicklime. A beatific vision.
Loving these Conversations Jack. Sorry I couldn't comment earlier, life has been very busy as of late and i need to be at the home computer to do it since I dont have a cell-phone. All this needs to be said but I wonder if the people who REALLY need to hear it will? Like you said the the latest episode, each group/Race needs to clean their own house. If a certain Race doesn't want another to point out their issues than THEY need to make the effort to do it "in house" because the rest can see that shit and the lack of response to it. Just like a parent with shitty children, if you don't want a stranger to tell you to get your kids in line then get your damn kids in line on your own. Another thought occurred during the talk, the people in the prime of their life the 25-to 39 year olds are almost 75% vaxxed. Which most likely means that they will not be able to re-produce and/or live long enough to see this fight out. I'm 45 and while i'm still strong and able to do a hard days work, i'm not young anymore but I look around and the young males I see (I wont call them Men...) all look soft and lost. I know some are out there but you wont find them in the major cities...the last of the men are out in the country and would be ridiculed in the cities for actually daring to be Men. As always, thanks for the best content on the internet....and can't wait to hear from Orage. M
Hey I'm 63 Morg I could still work a door if I had too, long as my back holds out and that's why they make spinal epidurals, I believe there's 120 thousand military unvaccinated and a whole slew of combat veterans like Phil, 74 million altogether in the United States. Give me a million fighting men out of those, what a waste with the Ukrainians, and I will take this country back. Numbers add up to nothing in a fight, I learned that fighting Batchlor parties at strip clubs, only a small percentage end up doing the fighting even in the best trained army. You want to know how things really happen watch the biographical movie of Wyatt Earp, that's the way it really is, a few good men can run roughshod over a hundred loud mouths, and Kevin Costner shows you exactly how it's done...
I've heard those numbers before Jack, (from you of course...) and it really seems that the true fighters are no longer in the Military. Now i'm sure that there are still great Men and Women in our Armed Forces who get the Oath and will dis-Obey bad orders, but they are still bound to the Corporation and are subject to it's whims and Ideology. The Corporation knows, like you said in the last talk, that the true wealth is in peoples Labor, which is why our Birth certificates are bonded for a Million, insured for Two and traded on the stock exchange. We are the mechanisms of commerce that float the bloated corpse of the Corporation on the waters of Maritime Law. And yet they still cant help but Rent-seek and drown us all in Usury. I'm proud of the Soldiers that took whatever punishment their commanding officers saw fit to put on them for standing up for what was the right decision in NOT taking the poison, It couldn't have been easy. My father is 73, a Vietnam Vet and still a very dangerous person to the an enemy. While i myself have no military experience, i understand the mind-set from growing up with him. It's funny you mention the Wyatt Earp movie Jack (and i'll go watch it...) but i was gonna mention that movie No Country for Old Men. I think right now it's No Country Without Old Men. It's the Men in their 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's that will do whatevers needed. I think the last piece to fall is when no-one feels safe in their own home no more. The mind-fuck of Apathy via technology (screens, food, air, water ect) has turned the populace docile....not to mention that I think the information war has made it very hard for most to find a common trustworthy source to follow. So many psyops. Most of the unlucky folks sitting in prison right now from Jan 6th allowed themselves to get whipped up by Q and all that...and they fell right into the trap. At this point it seems to me that if you haven't been working on UN-raveling the bull-shit around you for at least two decades, you have very small odds of actually seeing though it all. Now I could be wrong about that, but from the people that I know who basically woke up during Covid...are still trying to turn on the tv to get some truth, and not the "hidden in allegory/fictional narrative kind of stuff" but the "Tucker Carlson is telling us like it is" kind of shit...that tells me all I need to know. All that being said, i'd be proud to stand by you if the fight should come to that. You keep rubbing that Lamp for the Genie wish and i'll get ready for the bayonette charge. Death is but a Door, Energy does not die and whimpering servitude is the worst existence possible.
Jack, the cities in America are in collaspe right now. The military will be needed in due time to quell them. The blacks will fight them and bogg them down and the rural and semi rural areas will prosper.
That military will be exhausted when they try to subdue the rural areas and will collaspe. Local police in rural areas? We know where you all live.
Ponder the implications of that.
That road checkpoint with 4 guys? It's called ambush.
Imagine that law inforcement and military spread out all over America that is increasingly hostile to them by the day.
Cops are assholes.
If I see something I say nothing especially to cops. I will handle my own problems on my property without them.
Remember this Jack that cash transactions are always king. Never create a record of any kind meaning never put that cash off books near a bank. Let it circulate through the local economy. In the rural areas we can beat them.
In 1900 Caucasian's were 28% of the world's population, Today that figure is 8% if you strip it further down and take away the mixed race among that figure it is 5% , deaths are rocketing every where the clot shot was rolled out in IE mainly Caucasian's, funeral directors worldwide are saying they are sick of seeing bodies when you would expect them to be running their hands at the money flowing in to their business,This is a war and the idiots among us lined up for the head shot happily,. Some will not go quietly into the night
Mike Kay keeps telling you guys, this is not a situation created by human hands. I guess the Gods who support Humans over robots found it necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff, I know them, and I know them well, you got some even commenting on here. They will not fight your battles for you, like those who took that shot require, but they certainly will fight by your side. It will reach a tipping point and then it will be time for us to roll...
The amazing thing about mankind, is that they so firmly believe they are in charge, when all most can do is sometimes choose a direction, and those moments of choice are very rare.
However, we live in interesting times, and a choice is indeed on the horizon for mankind. Ultimately, the choice will be to continue the tired follow the leader antics, or to assume the mantle of potential, but personally, on the individual level, it will manifest in many ways.
I am waiting for the outrage as it becomes clear the injection is merely another failed bid by an Archontic elite to seize a power they will never have.
I am waiting for the final collapse of the wests fave prospect for despoiling, the Ukraine.
Yet perhaps most of all, I'm waiting for the dead structures of this dead society to finally be revealed as dead.
I've been trying to gloss over Christianity. I've actually been way too nice about something that is given a due it doesn't deserve and has never earned. I've said it before years ago, and perhaps now is as good a time as any to revisit and remind ourselves of some essential truths...
Christianity is globalism. It is the first form of global control, a chimera that adapts to the native forms and structures, slowly digesting them whilst retaining its cohesive political form. Christianity is not European, it merely appears that way having already absorbed native ways.
With all due respect to Russia, it wasn't Christianity that held them together, it was the spirit of the Russian people, their deep connexion to blood and soil. At best Christianity, with its opulence and wizard of oz special effects, assumed its usual political role of homogenization. We see how well this political effort has played out, as now Russians must kill Russians in order to survive.
There is a big difference between an ant farm, and a thriving human society, but Christianity has a purpose to reduce the latter to the former. There were no religious wars, until Judaism, and it's mutations, Christianity and Islam. Yet now there are survival wars, as the abrahamic virus seeks to murder all.
There is a cure, but it won't be found in slavery, not in putting one's mind in neutral for the ego gratification of vampires, and certainly not in following the suicide that you are told is destiny, which by the way, couldn't be farther away from the truth.
Yes Mike human individual and societal culture is about blood and soil. We, some with human DNA (the thread binding the physical to ancestors) do not sit in neutral. Listening for the voices from the family and from gods only seems like doing nothing to an observer of this reality when the observed is contemplating the next best course of action. Doing, fighting, writing, speaking or other manner of change induction production is best done following consultation with ancestors (internal/physical records) and gods (external/spiritual). All those things programmed externally by ones who would control, by religion and politics, destroy the weak individual's positive outcomes. Ultimately there is a suppression of knowing one's individual spirit which reduces one's ability to take actions to make change with the odds being that the moment of change's outcome is better than the last.
LOL, I was just commenting about you. I don't think you've been too nice to them Mike; I think if anything I've been to mean to them. Being called a Satanist and a harbinger of evil for the last eight years while I have been trying to help them has done nothing good for my disposition toward them but I ain't making any excuses, I am what I am. Your message is geared toward those who have the three-digit IQ required to understand it, but we got a fight coming Mike and some of the toughest people I have ever known only have two digits. We need to incorporate them into our ranks and Christianity and Islam are just about the only ways I know how to do it. Phil and I discussed it this morning and on que Kaminski sends us the ideal piece to start with. I'll tone my act down, you stay the same and be critical, that is how we shall build the best product. Otherwise, we will leave more than half our army, Her army, on the table:
Yes Jack, but the double digits need the higher power, or they will self destruct. The kind of smoke and mirrors mind games the would be gods are working on goes deep into DNA. They have stolen the technology that unlocks language, and we already see some of what they can do. If we are going to trust our backs to hive mind soldiers loyal to their jailers, they will cut us all down, and run into the arms of the corrupt evil believing it's their highest good.
This is our moment, mankind's moment. We make it or break it right here.
Note; I won't simply abuse them the way they have tortured and abused me, but I will not willingly be their crash test dummy any longer.
That school is right by my jooish pals bike shop. The shop that pushes NICA the youth cycling club that pushes transgenderism?
I told my jews that political backlash is coming. They were warned.
The teachers? All for it but the local people? Not going to happen Jack in our little towns. Go back to Milwaukee with the ferrel retarded blacks run by weaponized Jewish woke faggots.
Sorry Jack, sick of the BS.
The Wapo? Burn it down to the ground. For whites? Must leave the cities and let the ferrel blacks and bulshevic joos have them.
Hispanics? Will join whites in the fight. It will be in the Evangelical church.
I have to laugh Jack, all the Hispanics they brought in to America? Large portions of them are Evangelical converts from catholicism in the Assembly of God denomination.
They came to America for freedom of religion.
My Hispanic pals are absolutely tortured by criminal ferrel blacks in the cities. No wonder they have gangs. Blacks are totally out of control like a biological nuclear bomb set off in American cities. Who did that do you think?
Madison Wisconsin? Libtards invited them in and ruined a great town and now those very libtards have invaded the surrounding small towns and jacked up prices.
Liberal bulshevic retards are a mind plague on any other human culture.
Milwaukee? Has a black mayor who openly flaunts how white people are not needed.
Only woke retards can stand to live there. Chicago is 10 times worse.
Then the first thing a libtard does in a small town is try to take over the school board and introduce perversions into the schools.
My grown children were home schooled and spent not one minute under a bulshevic pervert teacher. They have pure minds. There are millions of them all over America.
Precisely what Adolph Hitler did when the Nazi''s took power in Germany. They even executed traitors and American spies like Dietrich Bonnhoffer.
German Jesus was muscular and not a homo in a dress. Jesus was a man who led and inspired the German people to live and do right.
Only wicked joos would put a dress on American Jesus and have him lisp like a homo.
American Jesus honors and protects women and men's word is their bond and American Jesus in sends Spirit to move American even the two digit ones Jack.
Keep him in Asia he's safe there for now, you're not here an, you don't see them turned into zombies by that mRNA shot, their all over the fucking place here. I got three living upstairs and I'm in rural Tennessee, they have overrun the city's and combined with the feral crack baby's they seem to keep as vicious pets made life unbearable in them.
Got friends there too doctor but I got unfinished business in Europe, and thank you for listening, you are the real expert on being hounded out of the country by Cointellpro, no one knows better than you.
Imagining the sound of Jack heart speaking fluent French, priceless. the rant was absolutely right on.
Took French for the first five years of school, I went to a very exclusive Jesuit school, it was mandatory along with classical music and dance, to bad I forgot all of it
Jack, perhaps we need an American version of national socialism?
You do know that work for men no longer pays don't you? Look at the price of rent and housing in general?
How does a man even afford a woman on the current wages? However, good men are out there under 30 let me tell you and they are in the Evangelical church. Not the TV church but the real one. They are there but hidden.
I am very hopeful Jack for the future.
That depends on what kind of job you have nine, if you produce nothing but more paperwork you will do very well for yourself in NYC working for Schlomo sucking the life blood out of the rest of the world but yes if you build things, you will make basically nothing.
Jack, you have said some powerful things here - you ooze pathos, who could not appreciate that?
Sure enough the battle is on...btw, I wrote and you replied to me [SL] via The Revolution is Televised article comments section and as I am having a difficult time I turned again to Leviathan, synchronistically on the very next page, you were dealing with your father's cancer. Listening to Phil, he is also a thinker - I am wholly with his thoughts on the Native side. Don't pretend to know the specifics, but it is not so easy to be precise and sometimes more important to get the general principles before starting the journey proper. Still listening, so will share further thoughts as is apropo. SL
"If I claim to be a wiseman it surely means that I don't know." You're in the rabbit hole Seb, no turning back now, follow it to the bottom and find yourself.
Excellent comments on blood memory or what the late, great Robert E. Miles used to call genetic memory. He said that is our true bible. Rome did not fall for lack of any social program but because of the dearth of real men, same thing happening here. The U.S. has per capita far more lawyers than any nation on earth. I read an article by a physicist years ago and he said these parasites drain over a trillion dollars from the U.S. economy every year. And of course a judge is just a lawyer in a black Halloween costume. There may be an etymological link between the words lawyer and liar.
Arch Stanton
It's the hive mind at work. The hive mind is the reason no one can be allowed to escape. There are no "good" Jews, there are no "bad" Jews, there are only Jews; just as there are no "good" or "bad" termites, bees or ants. These creatures are what they are. If one fails to realize the nature of the beast with which they are dealing, they will consume one's house to the ground, sting one's body to death and gnaw one's corpse to the bone. Below is a comment I wrote in response to thoughts on the Jew's oriental culture.
Body snatching barnacles and zombie crabs
Excuse me, maybe I missed something in history class. Thousands of years of mass slaughter by Chinese warlords and their fiefdoms? Genghis Khan? Rape of Nanking? Bataan Death March? Fukushima? How about the Kamikaze, no not the suicide corps, but the divine wind that wiped out the invading Chinese fleet. Do any of these sound familiar? Do they sound peaceful?
If you need a Japanese history lesson, watch some of their movies. They highlight the civil unrest that describes most of Japan’s history. Try Ugetsu, one of Mizoguchi’s most celebrated films, and a definitive portrayal of just a small portion of Japanese culture and history. Why is it Japanese movies are always so heavy on the Samurai and their swords, was this because they were peace doves?
Are the Chinese and Japanese people equally culpable for allowing their leaders to lead them to death and destruction along with those they attacked? I think it is human nature to follow the leader. Humans are regimented animals that thrive in packs. The rank and file simply go along to get along.
The last hundred years of American history, and its constant state of war, has been largely orchestrated and directed by the hidden hand of Jewish machination. Sure people are stupid, but why are they so stupid. Were America’s founders stupid? Were the settlers? Was the great American inventive age of the nineteenth century due to American stupidity? Was the age of enlightenment the result of stupidity? Wasn’t it that age that led to the colonization of North America?
So why are presetn day Americans, offspring some of the most intelligent people on the planet, so stupid? Could it be because the Jew’s control their educational system along with every other social structure? Could it be that Americans have been so Judeaized that they actually believe that murder and mayhem are the only form of normal life? That’s what Hollywood would have Americans believe. How many of western civilization's problems would be non-existent had the Jews never existed? What might the world look like without their influence? We’ll never know because, over the millennia, the Jew’s influence on American culture has been so profound that it is inextricably bound to the west’s history.
I part with a metaphor of body-snatching barnacles and zombie crabs.
While some parasites are relatively benign, the worst offenders can actually force their host to do their will. Sacculina Carcini is a genus of barnacles that is a parasitic castrator of crabs, wreaking havoc with their hosts’ existence. Upon finding a host crab, a female Sacculina will crawl over the crab’s surface until she finds a weak spot, a chink in the armor, usually a joint. She then ejects her protective shell, reducing herself to a gelatinous blob, and invades the crabs body.
Inside the host, the parasite grows long, root-like tendrils throughout the crab’s body, even taking over the crab's optic nerves before emerging on its underside for the remainder of the crab’s life. During this process the barnacle makes the crab infertile. It then creates a small opening in the crab’s back to allow a male Sacculina to make residence there. Soon the crab is filled with millions of Sacculina eggs and larvae, and like a zombie, the crab cares for these eggs and larvae as though they were its own, losing all interest in mating. When a male crab is infected, the parasite alters its physiology, feminizing its behavior to better care for Sacculina’s young. Thus the parasite rewires the crab to serve its own ends. The crab then becomes a helpless vehicle, able only to expend its energy caring for other parasites that will move on to infect other crabs.
The question presented by this metaphor is who is at fault? Is it the crab’s fault it becomes suicidal in its effort to obey its master? Must the crab assume guilt for its predicament because it exposed itself to the parasite? More importantly, how does the life of an uninfected crab compare with that of an infected one? Are they even remotely similar? The crab free of the parasite lives to serve its own biological end, while the parasite’s host crab lives only to serve its master. In the end the crab is expended while the parasite moves on.
If one cannot see the obvious parallels of the Jews' infection among western culture, then they probably ought to go back to watching their ball game.
From Kaminski I thought of you when I read it Heretic
Thank you, Jack, it is right on target. Speaking of the Japanese, a race and culture I admire for many reasons, their most cherished myth is of their origins as a people. Countless millennium ago a god and goddess who were brother and sister copulated in the heavens. The results of this cosmic, incestuous union were the progenitors of the Japanese race.
I love Japanese culture it is the closest to Viking in all the world, we are kin with the little yellow bastards, Hitler recognized this and so did the Japanese...
National Socialism & Shintoism: "Blood and Soil"
I love Japan, lived there for almost 2 years, very close with them felt like home!
Very true, many anthropologists posit that the European and Asian races have a common origin, separate from the black race. Not to mention that Japanese females are incredibly beautiful, I think the loveliest of all the Asians. The Japanese referred to Hitler's National Socialism as Western Shintoism.
Also, we really need some Aryan Kamikazes (The Divine Wind) to take out these sons and daughters of pox riddled whores who serve the demonic Cryptocracy. Take them out with extreme prejudice, throw their worthless carcasses in a pit and cover them with Quicklime. A beatific vision.
Loving these Conversations Jack. Sorry I couldn't comment earlier, life has been very busy as of late and i need to be at the home computer to do it since I dont have a cell-phone. All this needs to be said but I wonder if the people who REALLY need to hear it will? Like you said the the latest episode, each group/Race needs to clean their own house. If a certain Race doesn't want another to point out their issues than THEY need to make the effort to do it "in house" because the rest can see that shit and the lack of response to it. Just like a parent with shitty children, if you don't want a stranger to tell you to get your kids in line then get your damn kids in line on your own. Another thought occurred during the talk, the people in the prime of their life the 25-to 39 year olds are almost 75% vaxxed. Which most likely means that they will not be able to re-produce and/or live long enough to see this fight out. I'm 45 and while i'm still strong and able to do a hard days work, i'm not young anymore but I look around and the young males I see (I wont call them Men...) all look soft and lost. I know some are out there but you wont find them in the major cities...the last of the men are out in the country and would be ridiculed in the cities for actually daring to be Men. As always, thanks for the best content on the internet....and can't wait to hear from Orage. M
Hey I'm 63 Morg I could still work a door if I had too, long as my back holds out and that's why they make spinal epidurals, I believe there's 120 thousand military unvaccinated and a whole slew of combat veterans like Phil, 74 million altogether in the United States. Give me a million fighting men out of those, what a waste with the Ukrainians, and I will take this country back. Numbers add up to nothing in a fight, I learned that fighting Batchlor parties at strip clubs, only a small percentage end up doing the fighting even in the best trained army. You want to know how things really happen watch the biographical movie of Wyatt Earp, that's the way it really is, a few good men can run roughshod over a hundred loud mouths, and Kevin Costner shows you exactly how it's done...
I've heard those numbers before Jack, (from you of course...) and it really seems that the true fighters are no longer in the Military. Now i'm sure that there are still great Men and Women in our Armed Forces who get the Oath and will dis-Obey bad orders, but they are still bound to the Corporation and are subject to it's whims and Ideology. The Corporation knows, like you said in the last talk, that the true wealth is in peoples Labor, which is why our Birth certificates are bonded for a Million, insured for Two and traded on the stock exchange. We are the mechanisms of commerce that float the bloated corpse of the Corporation on the waters of Maritime Law. And yet they still cant help but Rent-seek and drown us all in Usury. I'm proud of the Soldiers that took whatever punishment their commanding officers saw fit to put on them for standing up for what was the right decision in NOT taking the poison, It couldn't have been easy. My father is 73, a Vietnam Vet and still a very dangerous person to the an enemy. While i myself have no military experience, i understand the mind-set from growing up with him. It's funny you mention the Wyatt Earp movie Jack (and i'll go watch it...) but i was gonna mention that movie No Country for Old Men. I think right now it's No Country Without Old Men. It's the Men in their 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's that will do whatevers needed. I think the last piece to fall is when no-one feels safe in their own home no more. The mind-fuck of Apathy via technology (screens, food, air, water ect) has turned the populace docile....not to mention that I think the information war has made it very hard for most to find a common trustworthy source to follow. So many psyops. Most of the unlucky folks sitting in prison right now from Jan 6th allowed themselves to get whipped up by Q and all that...and they fell right into the trap. At this point it seems to me that if you haven't been working on UN-raveling the bull-shit around you for at least two decades, you have very small odds of actually seeing though it all. Now I could be wrong about that, but from the people that I know who basically woke up during Covid...are still trying to turn on the tv to get some truth, and not the "hidden in allegory/fictional narrative kind of stuff" but the "Tucker Carlson is telling us like it is" kind of shit...that tells me all I need to know. All that being said, i'd be proud to stand by you if the fight should come to that. You keep rubbing that Lamp for the Genie wish and i'll get ready for the bayonette charge. Death is but a Door, Energy does not die and whimpering servitude is the worst existence possible.
Jack, the cities in America are in collaspe right now. The military will be needed in due time to quell them. The blacks will fight them and bogg them down and the rural and semi rural areas will prosper.
That military will be exhausted when they try to subdue the rural areas and will collaspe. Local police in rural areas? We know where you all live.
Ponder the implications of that.
That road checkpoint with 4 guys? It's called ambush.
America is a big place.
Imagine that law inforcement and military spread out all over America that is increasingly hostile to them by the day.
Cops are assholes.
If I see something I say nothing especially to cops. I will handle my own problems on my property without them.
Remember this Jack that cash transactions are always king. Never create a record of any kind meaning never put that cash off books near a bank. Let it circulate through the local economy. In the rural areas we can beat them.
And that military? Fuck that military. They mandated that vaxx and the ones still in there will shoot you for not taking it if ordered to do so.
That is a fact. I will never ever thank one for their service.
Fuck your service. Every war vet I ever knew including my father always had deep regrets for their service.
I watched several Vietnam guys die from agent orange including a close family member who passed two years ago.
And that military created and deployed covid to America and before its release was a patented vaxxine all ready to go.
That military developed and deployed anthrax. America's first bio attack. Before that that military blew up buildings on 9/11.
To much truth? And perhaps femma camps are to good a thing for men like that and we let them loose in society.
If rural whites and urban blacks should ever unite?
Game fucking over.
In 1900 Caucasian's were 28% of the world's population, Today that figure is 8% if you strip it further down and take away the mixed race among that figure it is 5% , deaths are rocketing every where the clot shot was rolled out in IE mainly Caucasian's, funeral directors worldwide are saying they are sick of seeing bodies when you would expect them to be running their hands at the money flowing in to their business,This is a war and the idiots among us lined up for the head shot happily,. Some will not go quietly into the night
Mike Kay keeps telling you guys, this is not a situation created by human hands. I guess the Gods who support Humans over robots found it necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff, I know them, and I know them well, you got some even commenting on here. They will not fight your battles for you, like those who took that shot require, but they certainly will fight by your side. It will reach a tipping point and then it will be time for us to roll...
The amazing thing about mankind, is that they so firmly believe they are in charge, when all most can do is sometimes choose a direction, and those moments of choice are very rare.
However, we live in interesting times, and a choice is indeed on the horizon for mankind. Ultimately, the choice will be to continue the tired follow the leader antics, or to assume the mantle of potential, but personally, on the individual level, it will manifest in many ways.
I am waiting for the outrage as it becomes clear the injection is merely another failed bid by an Archontic elite to seize a power they will never have.
I am waiting for the final collapse of the wests fave prospect for despoiling, the Ukraine.
Yet perhaps most of all, I'm waiting for the dead structures of this dead society to finally be revealed as dead.
I've been trying to gloss over Christianity. I've actually been way too nice about something that is given a due it doesn't deserve and has never earned. I've said it before years ago, and perhaps now is as good a time as any to revisit and remind ourselves of some essential truths...
Christianity is globalism. It is the first form of global control, a chimera that adapts to the native forms and structures, slowly digesting them whilst retaining its cohesive political form. Christianity is not European, it merely appears that way having already absorbed native ways.
With all due respect to Russia, it wasn't Christianity that held them together, it was the spirit of the Russian people, their deep connexion to blood and soil. At best Christianity, with its opulence and wizard of oz special effects, assumed its usual political role of homogenization. We see how well this political effort has played out, as now Russians must kill Russians in order to survive.
There is a big difference between an ant farm, and a thriving human society, but Christianity has a purpose to reduce the latter to the former. There were no religious wars, until Judaism, and it's mutations, Christianity and Islam. Yet now there are survival wars, as the abrahamic virus seeks to murder all.
There is a cure, but it won't be found in slavery, not in putting one's mind in neutral for the ego gratification of vampires, and certainly not in following the suicide that you are told is destiny, which by the way, couldn't be farther away from the truth.
Yes Mike human individual and societal culture is about blood and soil. We, some with human DNA (the thread binding the physical to ancestors) do not sit in neutral. Listening for the voices from the family and from gods only seems like doing nothing to an observer of this reality when the observed is contemplating the next best course of action. Doing, fighting, writing, speaking or other manner of change induction production is best done following consultation with ancestors (internal/physical records) and gods (external/spiritual). All those things programmed externally by ones who would control, by religion and politics, destroy the weak individual's positive outcomes. Ultimately there is a suppression of knowing one's individual spirit which reduces one's ability to take actions to make change with the odds being that the moment of change's outcome is better than the last.
That is part of the reason for the wave technology, and aerosol activation; the deafening of the people from hearing the voice of their lineage.
The injections?
The same, but stepped up.
Russian science has already proven that ghosts are real, and Kurt Goedel ( anglicized, cuz puter has no umlaut) already proved the ancestors right.
Maybe I've been too nice about this rite of passage as well, because when I try to explain this is for all the marbles, it truly is.
LOL, I was just commenting about you. I don't think you've been too nice to them Mike; I think if anything I've been to mean to them. Being called a Satanist and a harbinger of evil for the last eight years while I have been trying to help them has done nothing good for my disposition toward them but I ain't making any excuses, I am what I am. Your message is geared toward those who have the three-digit IQ required to understand it, but we got a fight coming Mike and some of the toughest people I have ever known only have two digits. We need to incorporate them into our ranks and Christianity and Islam are just about the only ways I know how to do it. Phil and I discussed it this morning and on que Kaminski sends us the ideal piece to start with. I'll tone my act down, you stay the same and be critical, that is how we shall build the best product. Otherwise, we will leave more than half our army, Her army, on the table:
Yes Jack, but the double digits need the higher power, or they will self destruct. The kind of smoke and mirrors mind games the would be gods are working on goes deep into DNA. They have stolen the technology that unlocks language, and we already see some of what they can do. If we are going to trust our backs to hive mind soldiers loyal to their jailers, they will cut us all down, and run into the arms of the corrupt evil believing it's their highest good.
This is our moment, mankind's moment. We make it or break it right here.
Note; I won't simply abuse them the way they have tortured and abused me, but I will not willingly be their crash test dummy any longer.
That school is right by my jooish pals bike shop. The shop that pushes NICA the youth cycling club that pushes transgenderism?
I told my jews that political backlash is coming. They were warned.
The teachers? All for it but the local people? Not going to happen Jack in our little towns. Go back to Milwaukee with the ferrel retarded blacks run by weaponized Jewish woke faggots.
Sorry Jack, sick of the BS.
The Wapo? Burn it down to the ground. For whites? Must leave the cities and let the ferrel blacks and bulshevic joos have them.
Hispanics? Will join whites in the fight. It will be in the Evangelical church.
I have to laugh Jack, all the Hispanics they brought in to America? Large portions of them are Evangelical converts from catholicism in the Assembly of God denomination.
They came to America for freedom of religion.
My Hispanic pals are absolutely tortured by criminal ferrel blacks in the cities. No wonder they have gangs. Blacks are totally out of control like a biological nuclear bomb set off in American cities. Who did that do you think?
Madison Wisconsin? Libtards invited them in and ruined a great town and now those very libtards have invaded the surrounding small towns and jacked up prices.
Liberal bulshevic retards are a mind plague on any other human culture.
Milwaukee? Has a black mayor who openly flaunts how white people are not needed.
Only woke retards can stand to live there. Chicago is 10 times worse.
Speaking of homo's. Look at them it's like there eyes are hollowed out from the rot of their perversions.
Like the two homo's screwing the pooch and giving it monkey pox?
You do have to admit that the script writters have a sense of humor.
Then the first thing a libtard does in a small town is try to take over the school board and introduce perversions into the schools.
My grown children were home schooled and spent not one minute under a bulshevic pervert teacher. They have pure minds. There are millions of them all over America.
They will become the leaders.
Precisely what Adolph Hitler did when the Nazi''s took power in Germany. They even executed traitors and American spies like Dietrich Bonnhoffer.
German Jesus was muscular and not a homo in a dress. Jesus was a man who led and inspired the German people to live and do right.
Only wicked joos would put a dress on American Jesus and have him lisp like a homo.
American Jesus honors and protects women and men's word is their bond and American Jesus in sends Spirit to move American even the two digit ones Jack.
America is now importing ISIS to Africa.
I am proud of their service.
How bad is it really with those green haired obese them/they/their/shale/wtf..... etc etc etc?
It seems mainstream media has to push it so hard to make it look big, but whenever I see demo's now, I count maybe a handful of people.
I'm an entrepreneur myself, I fully resonate with what you are saying, luckily I did have a few good years when I was younger.
I hold my heart for the new generation including my son.
I'll do my darn best to make him a producer and financially independent..
No need to apologize if u move to France, there will be plenty of work to do there.
Keep him in Asia he's safe there for now, you're not here an, you don't see them turned into zombies by that mRNA shot, their all over the fucking place here. I got three living upstairs and I'm in rural Tennessee, they have overrun the city's and combined with the feral crack baby's they seem to keep as vicious pets made life unbearable in them.