Your relationship with that murdered politician comes to mind immediately Seraphim. Might be time for you to get out of Dodge as we say in the states. I was poisoned, and I know who, why and where it occurred. As for what I suspect it was some derivative of Sarin Gas. They are spraying people in mass too with more diluted solutions, this we all knew on VT since early 2020. I wish you the speediest recovery Seraphim and keep a wary eye on all those around you, especially in public places. They got me in the supermarket.
I too wish you a speedy and complete recovery. I have been in very similar circumstances to yours, and thus I know it is possible to recover. In my case, I now bear a permanent scar for my trouble, hopefully you will escape such a fate.
The control complex here is utterly demonic. Americans make excuses for the sheer amount of evil that is done in their name. What might have been accomplished, had courage and awareness been the rallying call, we will never know.
Well Jack, got off the phone with the Hitler pal and you wanna know what he calls the Evangelicals?
Jewed over Christians mocking that term Judeo Christian.
The jews run the church. Never mind that the jews themselves hung him on that stick.
Sad but true but without Christian people worshipping jews and the state of Israel the jews wouldn't last out the week in America and Voxx needs to do a stand up routine on those evil enabling jewed over Christians.
The rat faced jew needs that Christian cop to protect him as the jew tells your children that there is no such thing as gender.
I told all my jewed over cycling pals about that jew bike shop and how they push transgenderism to kids and you know what? No one cares so it will only get worse.
Jews are the God of this world and the jewed over christian serves that God.
Duff is correct.
And their God shall die with them as jews and jewed over Christians are most heavily vaxxed as a demographic.
As a group, the jew backed by the Christian is the evil concentrated in a group of people.
All the wars? What anti war movement? Anti war is anti Christian and anti Semitic as they are one and the same guided by the black goo coursing through their very vains. Literally.
However, there is a consciousness of the Christ that I refer to as Spirit. This exists as I exist and it changes the wave which changes reality. It's the creator manifested in the creation.
VT, a total mind war site since the mind is the fifth generation of warfare and the internet itself is a weapon of mind war.
And white Noise the movie is a total demonstration of fifth generational warfare and we are in the battle.
And so would the powers totally polite the most productive farmland in America? And for what purpose? If it's ruined how could the Chinese buy it? So, they want you off the land.
And Kaminski is the man for the job along with Stew Peters.
Well Jack, Jefferson always dreamed of an America of farmers and small bussiness owners.
America could be China's bread basket and China could be America's factory to make things a win win but our leaders want endless war. And who are they? As Mike Kay says it's the Abrahamic religions. God came to them in a burning bush and notice from day one the Jewish God is a destroyer of worlds? Notice jews invented and deployed nuclear weapons and Von Newman using wave and frequency technology to destroy.
Jews weaponize everything in the world around them and they can't be part of any new world and if history is a teacher how many civilizations threw them out including Adolph Hitler? The evil seems to be sequestered here and sequestered in human form via the injections.
Perhaps ignoring them and simply outlining them as we build the new out of the death of the old? Anyway, that's what I try to do as I arise each morning.
As they say in the UK,keep the ball on the deck,your right about so much,but that in itself leads to the fact people like us will never have money,it's impossible because our very ethos will not allow it.As for France,I went on a holiday there , to rennes le chatteax via santander, Spain.They are always pushing this eu bs,how great it is etc,well when I got to the border,I wasn't expecting to be even stopped,there's still 2 borders there,and I got stopped and hasseled 3 times,not a coincidence,one armed cop said he wasn't going to let me through, I said OK well I'll just put my fukin tent over there in no man's land!This is the world we have chosen,It wasn't meant to be easy,but once you cross those white lines,no going back. Oh and your right some people stink,I thought it was my sensitive nose,but I can smell some of these zombies from 10 feet away,am turning into that character from one flew over the cuckoo's nest,
We need to call out the insanity, the anti-life, anti-creation side of it all. Don't let the screamin' bots drown you and the knowledge of the ages in their sea of noise, white noise is an insult just by the name alone. I'l get you more on Vanguard, Blackrock, mind fucks and all. Give me a day or two, and then a steady burn. The emperor has no clothes, as H.C. Anderson in the namesake fairytale let a child call out the obvious.
I have my reasons for avoiding footnotes in my work, as well as citations. First is because of the nature of the internet, most-yes most free open access to the sources I employ is unavailable. For example, no one will find anything regarding Coptic of any use on the free internet any longer.
Second is that the availability of any internet link is currently highly questionable. Dead links are now common across the landscape of the "information age".
Third is that few hard copy sources are in print any longer, nor do libraries bother to maintain them, thus they are essentially unavailable.
A good example here is the work of Kurt Godel ( umlaut on the o), regarding his proofs on the absolute set. Go ahead and try to find anything worthwhile regarding this work, which by the way has long since destroyed the notion of RusseIls' axiom defined closed system. Today, all we hear is the notion of the closed system. Its as if Mr. G. never existed. I wrote about his work in regards to the reality of Emanation, and those who were interested, and searched, found nothing of value on line.
So yes, I suppose I could go through the extra effort to provide citations and a bibliography, but in the current climate it would be of little value.
Mike, we're not working for the current climate. I don't have to remind you of the chain of those before us and those that come after us and always have, no matter how dire the apparitions looked in their strains
True, however Jack has mentioned citations several times of late, so it seemed that a little explanation was in order. I see no value in citing sources that aren't available. That said, my work is not made up, it is based on a lifetime of deep research and exploration.
I should probably make it clear that my conclusions are my own. A good example here was my piece on Templar time, which was a culmination of various historic and astrological events that opened a window by which much of the support for the current system was put to rest, one of the reasons in my view of why the modern world is spiraling out of control.
I suppose I could include a partial bibliography, but my experience here suggests it would just give the wrong people more ideas in their censorship rampage.
None of what I said bears any relationship to your philosophical pieces Mike or Alecs eyewitness accounts, neither of which need citations. But when somebody gives an account of something without being there and relying on what they heard and read citations are a must otherwise it is what is known in court as hearsay, garbage. The human race gets only garbage for news...
It is now or never because as ORAGE stated: Emperor has no clothes, and they are slowly running out of time. If they were winning, there will be no series of Earthquakes around the world or "derailments" around the USA and explosions in certain facilities with a very questionable background.
The truth is we must be vigilant and with time barrier will be broken.
Humans are already on their way to become a realization of what we call MAN, this process can't be stopped, they can try but they will fail spectacularly as they are failing right now.
Collective 2.0 is destined for failure..."They" broke the rules and they will soon reap what they have sowed...
How do I know humanity is on the rise...People are talking about impossible things that could be just a whisper just 10 years ago.
This is a sign of what is coming, what we can expect from the human race.
Focus on the good things around you and be aware of bad things and their destiny will be sealed.
How many previous civilizations tried to kill nature? Nature(Mother) is still here, they are not...
Explosions around the USA are mostly distractions from OHIO, Nine is very close, it is a land grab and probably the removal of people from their lands.
What happened to Palestine-they lost their land, and living standard is an almost non-existent word.
Palestinians are allowed to exist that's all.
There are many derailments happening around the world but the problem is an extensive focus on accidents in OHIO...
Land may be unsuitable in the next 10 years or even 20 but this is the point, even if all is HOAX how many people are living in Prypiat or Fukushima these days?
Answer: none or extremely low level population. The land is very cheap and classified as radiated or not desirable for living. Everything in these places is controlled by the government, land is seized from people by the government.
You need special permission to visit these places...
So, in this case, you can have a storage of countless variations of guns and ammunition but you will be forced to leave...or die slowly because you are living on polluted land...If this is HOAx then pollution will be always in your head and with time there will be few lost dwellers on this now "cursed" land.
About Ukraine and Russia-Focus should be on the place where you live, not when and where your Senile president is falling or not falling down the airplane stairs.
Putin-Any fool with common sense in these times can look and sound very convincing...Because when pedophiles and blood drinkers are roaming through the Western lands it is relatively easy to look good on the global stage,no effort is needed.
Now, even the Mass media is announcing the Spring offensive...Like nature so will the war machine be awoken with the first signs of the spring, this is no brainer.
Will Vladimir Putin do what is required...there are two possibilities and they are hidden in his first name and last name. I will explain this in my writing, this essay is already way too long.
China is building a War machine, China needs more land...Russians don't, too few people...150 million is not enough to successfully conquer the World.
If a big showdown happens between Russia and NATo there will be not enough forces left to successfully defend Mother Russia from China. China all must do is wait, after two forces kill each other they can again sail and rule across the Seas with their new naval fleet that is been build right now as I am writing this ungodly long statement.
Conclusion: The future belongs to the brave and resourceful not to the old way of thinking.
Remote Controlled Soldiers-Painted Blue, Black Goo all this is put in motion so Humanity doesn't grow up for lack of better words.
It is that simple, and the Author of Thus Spoke Zarathustra knew it too well for his own health.
A NEW MAN is coming, in many ways, he is already here...There is no force that can stop his arrival, none.
Inspirational HP but I will feel much better when the American political structure along with Blackrock and Vanguard are strung up along every highway and byway in America, Mussolini style...
They will reap what they sow and I stand behind these words...It will be a narrow we can see not all are destined to obtain the future that is looming on the horizon.
As you know I don't despair and don't dwell in dungeons of history I solve problems...Can I be wrong, of course, but all parameters are here so the future can be obtained...Will this future be after a global War or catastrophe... all is written in the stars, as always.
If they somehow manage to "win" this win will not last long...There is too much stupidy and ignorance among them. Another thing is nature always finds a way and all this evil-doing will be rewritten, nature will reset things. So they are f anyway you look at this " problem"
I will send something your way, just in case...I had a feeling something has happened to you...
Sometimes I just know things, few prayers can't hurt, right?
All the Best, and I wish you a speedy recovery from your ailments.
Sorry for the late response.
Your relationship with that murdered politician comes to mind immediately Seraphim. Might be time for you to get out of Dodge as we say in the states. I was poisoned, and I know who, why and where it occurred. As for what I suspect it was some derivative of Sarin Gas. They are spraying people in mass too with more diluted solutions, this we all knew on VT since early 2020. I wish you the speediest recovery Seraphim and keep a wary eye on all those around you, especially in public places. They got me in the supermarket.
I too wish you a speedy and complete recovery. I have been in very similar circumstances to yours, and thus I know it is possible to recover. In my case, I now bear a permanent scar for my trouble, hopefully you will escape such a fate.
The control complex here is utterly demonic. Americans make excuses for the sheer amount of evil that is done in their name. What might have been accomplished, had courage and awareness been the rallying call, we will never know.
May your health and vigour return.
Be well,
So sorry Seraphim. Sending healing energy your way or prayers as many believe.
Very good choice for endorsement...I will listen later. I know on this one your voice will be very clear if you know what I mean.😉 Cheers.
Well Jack, got off the phone with the Hitler pal and you wanna know what he calls the Evangelicals?
Jewed over Christians mocking that term Judeo Christian.
The jews run the church. Never mind that the jews themselves hung him on that stick.
Sad but true but without Christian people worshipping jews and the state of Israel the jews wouldn't last out the week in America and Voxx needs to do a stand up routine on those evil enabling jewed over Christians.
The rat faced jew needs that Christian cop to protect him as the jew tells your children that there is no such thing as gender.
I told all my jewed over cycling pals about that jew bike shop and how they push transgenderism to kids and you know what? No one cares so it will only get worse.
Jews are the God of this world and the jewed over christian serves that God.
Duff is correct.
And their God shall die with them as jews and jewed over Christians are most heavily vaxxed as a demographic.
As a group, the jew backed by the Christian is the evil concentrated in a group of people.
All the wars? What anti war movement? Anti war is anti Christian and anti Semitic as they are one and the same guided by the black goo coursing through their very vains. Literally.
However, there is a consciousness of the Christ that I refer to as Spirit. This exists as I exist and it changes the wave which changes reality. It's the creator manifested in the creation.
Just what I see.
I see a big picture here. To defeat evil it has to be concentrated to become visible.
As it carries out its evil we see it in the actions of the people it controls and enables.
The goo wants you to join it and it will use force to do it as the evil tells its subjects to make them take that jab.
Over time the jab itself will get rid of the evil as the host dies off.
The jab is the weapon sent by our military as I suggest we let it do its job.
Just an observation.
VT, a total mind war site since the mind is the fifth generation of warfare and the internet itself is a weapon of mind war.
And white Noise the movie is a total demonstration of fifth generational warfare and we are in the battle.
And so would the powers totally polite the most productive farmland in America? And for what purpose? If it's ruined how could the Chinese buy it? So, they want you off the land.
And Kaminski is the man for the job along with Stew Peters.
Well Jack, Jefferson always dreamed of an America of farmers and small bussiness owners.
America could be China's bread basket and China could be America's factory to make things a win win but our leaders want endless war. And who are they? As Mike Kay says it's the Abrahamic religions. God came to them in a burning bush and notice from day one the Jewish God is a destroyer of worlds? Notice jews invented and deployed nuclear weapons and Von Newman using wave and frequency technology to destroy.
Jews weaponize everything in the world around them and they can't be part of any new world and if history is a teacher how many civilizations threw them out including Adolph Hitler? The evil seems to be sequestered here and sequestered in human form via the injections.
Perhaps ignoring them and simply outlining them as we build the new out of the death of the old? Anyway, that's what I try to do as I arise each morning.
"If it's ruined how could the Chinese buy it?"
But I'll tell you this that's another really good point nine, you are a persuasive man
As they say in the UK,keep the ball on the deck,your right about so much,but that in itself leads to the fact people like us will never have money,it's impossible because our very ethos will not allow it.As for France,I went on a holiday there , to rennes le chatteax via santander, Spain.They are always pushing this eu bs,how great it is etc,well when I got to the border,I wasn't expecting to be even stopped,there's still 2 borders there,and I got stopped and hasseled 3 times,not a coincidence,one armed cop said he wasn't going to let me through, I said OK well I'll just put my fukin tent over there in no man's land!This is the world we have chosen,It wasn't meant to be easy,but once you cross those white lines,no going back. Oh and your right some people stink,I thought it was my sensitive nose,but I can smell some of these zombies from 10 feet away,am turning into that character from one flew over the cuckoo's nest,
They stink and its nothing a bar of soap is ever gonna fix, thanks John.
We need to call out the insanity, the anti-life, anti-creation side of it all. Don't let the screamin' bots drown you and the knowledge of the ages in their sea of noise, white noise is an insult just by the name alone. I'l get you more on Vanguard, Blackrock, mind fucks and all. Give me a day or two, and then a steady burn. The emperor has no clothes, as H.C. Anderson in the namesake fairytale let a child call out the obvious.
I have my reasons for avoiding footnotes in my work, as well as citations. First is because of the nature of the internet, most-yes most free open access to the sources I employ is unavailable. For example, no one will find anything regarding Coptic of any use on the free internet any longer.
Second is that the availability of any internet link is currently highly questionable. Dead links are now common across the landscape of the "information age".
Third is that few hard copy sources are in print any longer, nor do libraries bother to maintain them, thus they are essentially unavailable.
A good example here is the work of Kurt Godel ( umlaut on the o), regarding his proofs on the absolute set. Go ahead and try to find anything worthwhile regarding this work, which by the way has long since destroyed the notion of RusseIls' axiom defined closed system. Today, all we hear is the notion of the closed system. Its as if Mr. G. never existed. I wrote about his work in regards to the reality of Emanation, and those who were interested, and searched, found nothing of value on line.
So yes, I suppose I could go through the extra effort to provide citations and a bibliography, but in the current climate it would be of little value.
Mike, we're not working for the current climate. I don't have to remind you of the chain of those before us and those that come after us and always have, no matter how dire the apparitions looked in their strains
True, however Jack has mentioned citations several times of late, so it seemed that a little explanation was in order. I see no value in citing sources that aren't available. That said, my work is not made up, it is based on a lifetime of deep research and exploration.
I should probably make it clear that my conclusions are my own. A good example here was my piece on Templar time, which was a culmination of various historic and astrological events that opened a window by which much of the support for the current system was put to rest, one of the reasons in my view of why the modern world is spiraling out of control.
I suppose I could include a partial bibliography, but my experience here suggests it would just give the wrong people more ideas in their censorship rampage.
None of what I said bears any relationship to your philosophical pieces Mike or Alecs eyewitness accounts, neither of which need citations. But when somebody gives an account of something without being there and relying on what they heard and read citations are a must otherwise it is what is known in court as hearsay, garbage. The human race gets only garbage for news...
It is now or never because as ORAGE stated: Emperor has no clothes, and they are slowly running out of time. If they were winning, there will be no series of Earthquakes around the world or "derailments" around the USA and explosions in certain facilities with a very questionable background.
The truth is we must be vigilant and with time barrier will be broken.
Humans are already on their way to become a realization of what we call MAN, this process can't be stopped, they can try but they will fail spectacularly as they are failing right now.
Collective 2.0 is destined for failure..."They" broke the rules and they will soon reap what they have sowed...
How do I know humanity is on the rise...People are talking about impossible things that could be just a whisper just 10 years ago.
This is a sign of what is coming, what we can expect from the human race.
Focus on the good things around you and be aware of bad things and their destiny will be sealed.
How many previous civilizations tried to kill nature? Nature(Mother) is still here, they are not...
Explosions around the USA are mostly distractions from OHIO, Nine is very close, it is a land grab and probably the removal of people from their lands.
What happened to Palestine-they lost their land, and living standard is an almost non-existent word.
Palestinians are allowed to exist that's all.
There are many derailments happening around the world but the problem is an extensive focus on accidents in OHIO...
Land may be unsuitable in the next 10 years or even 20 but this is the point, even if all is HOAX how many people are living in Prypiat or Fukushima these days?
Answer: none or extremely low level population. The land is very cheap and classified as radiated or not desirable for living. Everything in these places is controlled by the government, land is seized from people by the government.
You need special permission to visit these places...
So, in this case, you can have a storage of countless variations of guns and ammunition but you will be forced to leave...or die slowly because you are living on polluted land...If this is HOAx then pollution will be always in your head and with time there will be few lost dwellers on this now "cursed" land.
About Ukraine and Russia-Focus should be on the place where you live, not when and where your Senile president is falling or not falling down the airplane stairs.
Putin-Any fool with common sense in these times can look and sound very convincing...Because when pedophiles and blood drinkers are roaming through the Western lands it is relatively easy to look good on the global stage,no effort is needed.
Now, even the Mass media is announcing the Spring offensive...Like nature so will the war machine be awoken with the first signs of the spring, this is no brainer.
Will Vladimir Putin do what is required...there are two possibilities and they are hidden in his first name and last name. I will explain this in my writing, this essay is already way too long.
China is building a War machine, China needs more land...Russians don't, too few people...150 million is not enough to successfully conquer the World.
If a big showdown happens between Russia and NATo there will be not enough forces left to successfully defend Mother Russia from China. China all must do is wait, after two forces kill each other they can again sail and rule across the Seas with their new naval fleet that is been build right now as I am writing this ungodly long statement.
Conclusion: The future belongs to the brave and resourceful not to the old way of thinking.
Remote Controlled Soldiers-Painted Blue, Black Goo all this is put in motion so Humanity doesn't grow up for lack of better words.
It is that simple, and the Author of Thus Spoke Zarathustra knew it too well for his own health.
A NEW MAN is coming, in many ways, he is already here...There is no force that can stop his arrival, none.
Inspirational HP but I will feel much better when the American political structure along with Blackrock and Vanguard are strung up along every highway and byway in America, Mussolini style...
They will reap what they sow and I stand behind these words...It will be a narrow we can see not all are destined to obtain the future that is looming on the horizon.
As you know I don't despair and don't dwell in dungeons of history I solve problems...Can I be wrong, of course, but all parameters are here so the future can be obtained...Will this future be after a global War or catastrophe... all is written in the stars, as always.
If they somehow manage to "win" this win will not last long...There is too much stupidy and ignorance among them. Another thing is nature always finds a way and all this evil-doing will be rewritten, nature will reset things. So they are f anyway you look at this " problem"
There is no scenario they can win this war, none.
Last thing: who said it would be easy?
All the best my friend..take care.
Find light post or tree provide rope bring jews
You know those cheap battery LED lights? We can decorate those choosen packages as they line our highways with bright colored holiday lights. LOL
It would be festive