This is about as close to a real gangster as I've ever been. Except once in a bar in Rhode Island. The guy never let on anything about it. But I could tell he had a certain way about him, very subtle, but very...., well I can't describe it. I just figured he has to be some kind of "boss"

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A welcome break from the norm, thank you Jack.

As an aside, have you turned off comments on the new human site for the recent Gurdjieff post, or is it just me unable to comment?

Been trying since it was posted up, but there is no option to comment coming up...

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deletedApr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage
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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart


Cheers E...

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Will tell Phil

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Fixed it

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Seraphim, I believe the new site`s comment section is regulated by outsiders. I can't post at all and Phil has tried many ways to allow me to post but none work.

I suppose I could buy an email generator program and sign in again everytime but doing internet tricks is time consuming. VPN, email generator and Linux all requires time and experts will view that as child play to what they can do.

The internet after all is their domain in our little war.

The real world however, will be held one acre at a time. That`s the world I concentrate upon.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Like Jack`s story above, how he created and controlled the real world of days gone by.

Jack being a class act showing us all how it's done.

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deletedApr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023Liked by Orage
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No E this is war, nine is right and if they are in my comment section already this has cost me over a thousand dollars and Phil hundreds of hours of work for naught. Maybe you don't feel the pain but we sure do...

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I know that pain, although not to the same degree as you and Phil.

At first it stung, but then I realised that's all they have...

They can only control, and influence that which is material.

And we are so much more than that...

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An ancestor of the sun once said:

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."


"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle."

Be the house, not the gambler.

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"In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things." - Book of Five Rings Miyamoto Musashi

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Seriously, talking to the Hitler pal as he says you own nothing in America since any legal fiction can be used to take your property if someone with funny money wants it. And the fucking cops? All work for the man that controls the funny money and you say our Jack was a gangster? Fucking Seriously? Those cops I am supposed to worship? As an old man now as I watch life move on I have taken note how the funny money men are robbing my children blind and boy am I pissed off.

As my mentor at the Fed's always pontificated "if a man lives long enough he will become a mass murderer"!

Just an observation of the world I am in.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Seriously, now I understand Joseph Stalin.

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From what I've seen in this country it's probably a very safe bet that 99% of those killed by Stalin did not die horribly enough, particularly if they were Free Masons or Schlomos. Trotsky got just what he had coming an icepick right through the brain pan. You see Stalin knew about the old faithful icepick too nine. the assassin could have just shot him, but he used an icepick on him even though Trotsky had a pistol within easy reach, another Jew faggot that couldn't do shit one on one...

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All I know is I really need to beat me a few feds to death while I still can. It's becoming a categorical imperative with me...

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Megalomaniacs, like idiots, always overstep...

They think they are invincible.

They should watch Nobody.

Don't fuck with a man's home and family.

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deletedApr 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage
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Good point E.

Some people may gain a nickname or two in their Lifetime, but napoleon was prestidous with them...

From the British Boney (or little boney), through to the Little Meddler, Caporal la Violette, the Corsican Fiend, Man of Destiny, God Hanuman, or God of Clay. To my personal favourite - The Devil’s Favourite!

All in all, I belive he collected over 20 nicknames during his life..

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

All sold out under Killery Clinton and eminent domain to China in 2016 Nine to cover the loans , national parks,,deep water ports , bridges , under international law they can send the troops in to secure their property, ice picks through the reptilian part of the brain wow that is Farm boy thinking, it's a grey area with the law there as long as the animal does not suffer and how many times Blacks law dictionary has changed the defanition of a Human Being over the years, with dementia I struggle to remember these things,

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There's a lot of bugs nine this site got all the buzzers and bells, please try not to be so pessimistic, he's trying to fix it I can't even comment

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I just commented

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Site looks great.

The great work? Getting locals like my Hitler pal and the assorted "Q" tards to maybe read a proper paper with citations? Well my pal when I told him Hitler's greatest blunder was attacking Russia which like I told you was met with howls of rage as his cognitive dissonance was confronted. "Q" tards and white nationalists and Brittish Israelists are all part of the same psyop put up on the internet by the usual suspects.

What's an intelligence operative to do when the target audience has been so dumbed down? The nature of our little war.

No, no,no, if it isn't on bitchute it can't be true....LOL

Don't listen to guys like Orage and Jack Heart or some of the most brilliant commentary on the internet which is right here.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

You know, when the Hitler pal gets going on a dissertation on Adolph Hitler one is transported back in time for just a moment like an Evangelical preacher sets the stage to tell a convert about jebus. Everyone rolls their eyes in amazement as he is the finest product to date that I have witnessed of the power of our dear internet. His first love being Evangelicalism and now American Israelism being a tweek of that fine Brittish opp then add in the Bible and America becomes that shining light upon a hill. We, being white America, the chosen of God.

The above subtly is at the heart of tRumpism and "Q" and white nationalism and israelism in its varying forms. Then add in Christian zionism to round out the opp.

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Brilliant, Nine

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Salient point there Nine, let them have their digital echo chamber...

Let them play with their electronic toys.

The real world bruises, doesn't take prisoners, and to be cancelled is final...

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deletedApr 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage
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Then we would all be in for a telling off...

And it wouldn't just be:

"So long, and thanks for all the fish"...

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Imagine the cities built by dolphins...

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Here is what I see

We put the rabal in their place

Put the "jew" in charge

Call them gangsters

Put them at the top of the heep

Tell the sheep we are protectors

As the harvest continues

What exactly is a harvast

Questions must be willing

To have them answered

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