So, the atomic bombs and the lay lines of Bruce Kathie? Is this only half the tale since the notion of atomic Bombs attached to bottle rockets seems ludicrous to me personaly. I think the zionists are incredibly stupid looking at the history here in the story you tell Jack.
And they got the contraption to explode yet someone had to tell them where and when to detonate the Jewish hell bomb.
Yes the Jewish hell bomb because only a jew would want to use such a device and yet in the zio mind Adolph Hitler is that demon of history since they cast blame on the national socialists when the jew himself is the God of this world unleashing the power of Yahweh the demiurge on this planet.
Atomic energy therefore is Jewish energy and the energy of national socialism is free energy based upon what is openly and readily available in the cosmos. It's free and only needs to be harvested but this worlds energy is Jewish in nature and metered and restricted with an enfor ed system of scarcity.
Well Jack, perhaps we leave this world to the jews and their servants and step through that portal into that new world free of jews and could you imagine such a world? First thing would be attaining power to heat our dwellings gathered from the aether like we would harvest a fruit tree. No poisons or pollution followed by powering our transportation devices and at the same time growing good healthy organic food and so that is what the National Socialists wanted and why the jew hates them with a passion and why we have that mockery of National Socialism run by jews in the Ukraine.
And so as the true parrisite the jew must feed off of the Nazi and so the jew props up its host to keep feeding, the jew? A cosmic joke.
Speaking of the unspeakable, those creatures that drink blood you write about? Since our dear jews unleashed the hell bomb they in a heartbeat would open a portal to unleash a real holocaust on this planet as they serve the beast. Notice how they worship the holocaust even though theirs is a fraud and none dare say the jew is a fraud therfore, it's their world and let them have it and yet we all live in an electronic pen created by German genius as a container for the jew. This world? A dimensional waveform prison of separation for the jews unfortunately, many non jews have been caught up in it.
So, even our dearest MM, who loves China, has articles on his site about their superior military weaponry. With videos of huge nuclear missiles on parade down the main street of Bejing, with the promise of having more nuclear bottle rockets than the Americans have. And so our Asian humans are in thrall to their Jewish masters but German genius trumps the day I believe since the jew controls the fake hell bomb and the Germans control the time line as its like this as the jew brings his best knives to a gun fight.
They I believe are that fucking stupid.
Just an observation.
I observe the jew at their bicycle shop that they own. I ride bicycles, they sell them hence I am the host and they are the parasites. Without me they can not survive. However, I have been replaced since I refuse to wear the Jewish costume.
At one time I could imagine that world and perhaps even was there, but something I feel compelled me back to hell to forget it like a nonexistent possibility. It was probably in that moment I realized even allowing its existence to continue was an abomination to my very soul and went from tears of trying to make it beautiful into flaming rivers wanting it to all burn. Perhaps its just the emotion and not my decision but like the 55 Club interview with Loki it's not an option to let it all burn until those still worthy are taken away to some place better kicking, screaming, and scratching in resistance.
The only thing that haunts me most is to harm someone undeserving of it and frankly I'm still blind. There's only one person I know of that has that strength and ability and you'll know that person to should he ever arrive. In the meantime I'm enjoying Kanye destroying that Alex Jones shill. Warms my heart to see the black folks rise up off their knees if only our people could do the same and trust in the higher force and toss aside our accumulated assets.
They're constantly trying to sell you something and the brand new 2024 model Merkava's are about to hit. No need to do any real meaningful work just slave away like a good boy and girl so you too can afford your brand new chariot to fly throughout this reality field. Then you can laugh at all the others who can't afford their own spiritual chariot down below where they serve as nothing more than Smog Free Towers soaking up your fumes, fuming with jealousy as they're too stupid and uncivilized to manipulate their way to success like yourself.
Meanwhile we sniff our own farts from wine glasses as we can all share a laugh at that stupid guy Addie who thought it was everyone's right to own a merkava themselves without interest and free themselves without having to suck the blood out of those below or the earth itself. Woe to those who can't afford the coins to go around the ride again and again, and pray I shall never run out of shekels myself.
In part two of Silent Hill right before Pyramid Head kills the god of the Judeo-Christians he breaks the chains that bind him to the merry go round. The ride is over for the Judeo-Christians, and it is time for them to face Pyramid Head...
And Jack, I laughed so hard when those German scientists were locked up in that microphone infested farm house mocking their captors and I bet the intel opps guys didn't even know they were being mocked. Trust me, the US Government is that stupid. It was like at US postal when they put blacks in charge and boy "whitey" got put in his place until they couldn't figure out how to deliver a letter without "whitey" telling them how to do it. Mocking that Government whilst being paid buy them was huge fun. Then "whitey" retired leaving them with that middle finger extended. LOL
Got me thinking again Jack (uh oh). Hitler was concerned about the development of nuclear technology and how you can put the genie back in the bottle once its out. Perhaps the hidden communication and tight control post-WW2 by the Germans themselves was not only about creating a dependence of them by the victors but also through patents and other methods controlling or limiting the final pieces. Meanwhile who better knew the enemies modus operandi than themselves to smile and amplify their shenanigans knowing it would be there undoing. Why not go along with them? In fact, why not double down with the apology tour. After all is there any better way to reset humanity than to dumb them down with stupid so they couldn't even fathom the ability to create nuclear weapons in the first place? Blank slate theory comes to life once more. I think the majority of the world could use a good collegial term my professors always said, of a "brain dump". Once the trash is cleared out the noggin it leaves you open to learning new ways that everyone's priors at this point are doing nothing but causing confusion and getting in the way.
Just thinking aloud, but looking around at the same time that I'm falling into the same category of any advanced civilization would look like magic to us. Right now nukes seem like magic even the ability to develop them here in these great states where we've lost our ability to make rockets! Can you believe that jack? We can't make rockets no mo'.
It's a truly despicable game being played that's for sure. So many fall into the trap of thinking they can outmaneuver themselves by going along with the lie themselves unaware that's how it works and ensnares everyone by making them accomplices to the evil at the very least tainting the heart and souls simultaneously. It's why there's no shame to walk away even if it appears to late and admitting you were wrong naive in thinking you could change the game if you just pretend to go along with this lie, then that lie, then this. It's why so many people still can't pull themselves out of Conservative Inc. They still believe it's possible to change the immutable trying to turn lead into gold. Meanwhile the dark force smiles and laughs at your follies as it claims yet another victim and it'll be you that is forced to look back and suffer with all the wasted time and events that transpired had you just stayed true to who you were.
Yes, but the Russians "with a little help from my friends" can make them at Mach 25 Greg. Otherwise, you're thinking very clearly now. Stay focused, I don't know for sure, but I feel it deep down inside this is the crescendo...
Well Jack, just like the days of old we now have clay tablets with information on them called Vinyl and CD and DVD along with film with is magnetic tape soaked with chemicals which can't be altered like digital files.
I have a 50 year old turn table that I used to pull a file off of a 50 year old LP using Audacity software and no one can tell me digital beats Vinyl in quality of capturing an artists music. Old school? Magnetic chemicals soaked tape converted to plastic a very permanent record of the remnant of this current civilization.
It's already reset Jack.
I am unable to function in the new one. It's a huge joke to me. No? Listen to old George Carlin records.
Exactly. If you follow the trail long enough you'll eventually have to come to grips there is another hidden force behind the nowadays not so hidden one otherwise nothing makes sense. They could have ridden the 90's out for the next 50-100 years and achieved their end plans but obviously someone else has another plan entirely in mind
Some subtle signs I've followed since the 90's were their blatant propaganda of the minority of whites, they're just numbers but they have meaning. They went from 2050 for a long period to then 2040, 2030 and now 2025 which lines up with the stupid UN numbers. The invisible clock is ticking and the meme in some circles I hang around with are the only two groups that know what the hell is going on are National Socialists and Jews which includes a lot more obviously. There's a lot of nervous anxiety going around these days and a hard reset can really snap things back into place. I know it did for me.
The French Aryansoufi, sorry if I misspelled his name, says heaven is on earth. For whom to enjoy, when we are ruining it, bombing it to pieces? Will new life forms enter the stage feeding upon our corpses then?
no thank you l'aryensoufi, between you and Seraphim the Human has two new stars
So, the atomic bombs and the lay lines of Bruce Kathie? Is this only half the tale since the notion of atomic Bombs attached to bottle rockets seems ludicrous to me personaly. I think the zionists are incredibly stupid looking at the history here in the story you tell Jack.
And they got the contraption to explode yet someone had to tell them where and when to detonate the Jewish hell bomb.
Yes the Jewish hell bomb because only a jew would want to use such a device and yet in the zio mind Adolph Hitler is that demon of history since they cast blame on the national socialists when the jew himself is the God of this world unleashing the power of Yahweh the demiurge on this planet.
Atomic energy therefore is Jewish energy and the energy of national socialism is free energy based upon what is openly and readily available in the cosmos. It's free and only needs to be harvested but this worlds energy is Jewish in nature and metered and restricted with an enfor ed system of scarcity.
Well Jack, perhaps we leave this world to the jews and their servants and step through that portal into that new world free of jews and could you imagine such a world? First thing would be attaining power to heat our dwellings gathered from the aether like we would harvest a fruit tree. No poisons or pollution followed by powering our transportation devices and at the same time growing good healthy organic food and so that is what the National Socialists wanted and why the jew hates them with a passion and why we have that mockery of National Socialism run by jews in the Ukraine.
And so as the true parrisite the jew must feed off of the Nazi and so the jew props up its host to keep feeding, the jew? A cosmic joke.
Speaking of the unspeakable, those creatures that drink blood you write about? Since our dear jews unleashed the hell bomb they in a heartbeat would open a portal to unleash a real holocaust on this planet as they serve the beast. Notice how they worship the holocaust even though theirs is a fraud and none dare say the jew is a fraud therfore, it's their world and let them have it and yet we all live in an electronic pen created by German genius as a container for the jew. This world? A dimensional waveform prison of separation for the jews unfortunately, many non jews have been caught up in it.
So, even our dearest MM, who loves China, has articles on his site about their superior military weaponry. With videos of huge nuclear missiles on parade down the main street of Bejing, with the promise of having more nuclear bottle rockets than the Americans have. And so our Asian humans are in thrall to their Jewish masters but German genius trumps the day I believe since the jew controls the fake hell bomb and the Germans control the time line as its like this as the jew brings his best knives to a gun fight.
They I believe are that fucking stupid.
Just an observation.
I observe the jew at their bicycle shop that they own. I ride bicycles, they sell them hence I am the host and they are the parasites. Without me they can not survive. However, I have been replaced since I refuse to wear the Jewish costume.
At one time I could imagine that world and perhaps even was there, but something I feel compelled me back to hell to forget it like a nonexistent possibility. It was probably in that moment I realized even allowing its existence to continue was an abomination to my very soul and went from tears of trying to make it beautiful into flaming rivers wanting it to all burn. Perhaps its just the emotion and not my decision but like the 55 Club interview with Loki it's not an option to let it all burn until those still worthy are taken away to some place better kicking, screaming, and scratching in resistance.
The only thing that haunts me most is to harm someone undeserving of it and frankly I'm still blind. There's only one person I know of that has that strength and ability and you'll know that person to should he ever arrive. In the meantime I'm enjoying Kanye destroying that Alex Jones shill. Warms my heart to see the black folks rise up off their knees if only our people could do the same and trust in the higher force and toss aside our accumulated assets.
The zionists and nuclear weaponry? A fucking cosmic three stooges flick.
They're constantly trying to sell you something and the brand new 2024 model Merkava's are about to hit. No need to do any real meaningful work just slave away like a good boy and girl so you too can afford your brand new chariot to fly throughout this reality field. Then you can laugh at all the others who can't afford their own spiritual chariot down below where they serve as nothing more than Smog Free Towers soaking up your fumes, fuming with jealousy as they're too stupid and uncivilized to manipulate their way to success like yourself.
Meanwhile we sniff our own farts from wine glasses as we can all share a laugh at that stupid guy Addie who thought it was everyone's right to own a merkava themselves without interest and free themselves without having to suck the blood out of those below or the earth itself. Woe to those who can't afford the coins to go around the ride again and again, and pray I shall never run out of shekels myself.
In part two of Silent Hill right before Pyramid Head kills the god of the Judeo-Christians he breaks the chains that bind him to the merry go round. The ride is over for the Judeo-Christians, and it is time for them to face Pyramid Head...
And Jack, I laughed so hard when those German scientists were locked up in that microphone infested farm house mocking their captors and I bet the intel opps guys didn't even know they were being mocked. Trust me, the US Government is that stupid. It was like at US postal when they put blacks in charge and boy "whitey" got put in his place until they couldn't figure out how to deliver a letter without "whitey" telling them how to do it. Mocking that Government whilst being paid buy them was huge fun. Then "whitey" retired leaving them with that middle finger extended. LOL
Got me thinking again Jack (uh oh). Hitler was concerned about the development of nuclear technology and how you can put the genie back in the bottle once its out. Perhaps the hidden communication and tight control post-WW2 by the Germans themselves was not only about creating a dependence of them by the victors but also through patents and other methods controlling or limiting the final pieces. Meanwhile who better knew the enemies modus operandi than themselves to smile and amplify their shenanigans knowing it would be there undoing. Why not go along with them? In fact, why not double down with the apology tour. After all is there any better way to reset humanity than to dumb them down with stupid so they couldn't even fathom the ability to create nuclear weapons in the first place? Blank slate theory comes to life once more. I think the majority of the world could use a good collegial term my professors always said, of a "brain dump". Once the trash is cleared out the noggin it leaves you open to learning new ways that everyone's priors at this point are doing nothing but causing confusion and getting in the way.
Just thinking aloud, but looking around at the same time that I'm falling into the same category of any advanced civilization would look like magic to us. Right now nukes seem like magic even the ability to develop them here in these great states where we've lost our ability to make rockets! Can you believe that jack? We can't make rockets no mo'.
It's a truly despicable game being played that's for sure. So many fall into the trap of thinking they can outmaneuver themselves by going along with the lie themselves unaware that's how it works and ensnares everyone by making them accomplices to the evil at the very least tainting the heart and souls simultaneously. It's why there's no shame to walk away even if it appears to late and admitting you were wrong naive in thinking you could change the game if you just pretend to go along with this lie, then that lie, then this. It's why so many people still can't pull themselves out of Conservative Inc. They still believe it's possible to change the immutable trying to turn lead into gold. Meanwhile the dark force smiles and laughs at your follies as it claims yet another victim and it'll be you that is forced to look back and suffer with all the wasted time and events that transpired had you just stayed true to who you were.
Yes, but the Russians "with a little help from my friends" can make them at Mach 25 Greg. Otherwise, you're thinking very clearly now. Stay focused, I don't know for sure, but I feel it deep down inside this is the crescendo...
Well Jack, just like the days of old we now have clay tablets with information on them called Vinyl and CD and DVD along with film with is magnetic tape soaked with chemicals which can't be altered like digital files.
I have a 50 year old turn table that I used to pull a file off of a 50 year old LP using Audacity software and no one can tell me digital beats Vinyl in quality of capturing an artists music. Old school? Magnetic chemicals soaked tape converted to plastic a very permanent record of the remnant of this current civilization.
It's already reset Jack.
I am unable to function in the new one. It's a huge joke to me. No? Listen to old George Carlin records.
Exactly. If you follow the trail long enough you'll eventually have to come to grips there is another hidden force behind the nowadays not so hidden one otherwise nothing makes sense. They could have ridden the 90's out for the next 50-100 years and achieved their end plans but obviously someone else has another plan entirely in mind
Some subtle signs I've followed since the 90's were their blatant propaganda of the minority of whites, they're just numbers but they have meaning. They went from 2050 for a long period to then 2040, 2030 and now 2025 which lines up with the stupid UN numbers. The invisible clock is ticking and the meme in some circles I hang around with are the only two groups that know what the hell is going on are National Socialists and Jews which includes a lot more obviously. There's a lot of nervous anxiety going around these days and a hard reset can really snap things back into place. I know it did for me.
As my sister always would tell me, Stay frosty.
The French Aryansoufi, sorry if I misspelled his name, says heaven is on earth. For whom to enjoy, when we are ruining it, bombing it to pieces? Will new life forms enter the stage feeding upon our corpses then?