Well Jack, nothing in this world is as it seems as I told Evangelical family members about "their" rapture since "their" religion is a deathcult since they worship abhorrent Jewish behavior in the middle east as the worse it gets "thier" jebus will come and wisk them out of here!

I tell them what they can do with "their" jebus since I don't want to be around him or his demon father Yahweh.

They claim to have Spirit yet their leaders promoted both Trump and covid vaxxines? I view them as enemies of Spirit, the same people that murdered all those Cathars centuries ago.

Jack, perhaps we are witnessing the reset and we are the remnant.

Spirit? Feminine in nature, Evangelicalism male in nature void of Spirit, at one time full of Spirit and run by devote women but that has been destroyed much like those Cathars of old, destroyed by the same players!

So, they await the rapture, to be wisked up to him, where no Spirit is as a pure deffinition of hell I see. A place void of Spirit. They can all be together there in heavenly rapture.

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White evangelicals? Have enmass identified themselves by rabidly supporting Trump to a very hostile government that sets policies diametrically opposed to what they want and believe.

They want war and destruction in the middle east, they want poverty and death at home via bad economic policies, they want government to even oversee a woman's body with government controls as these very policies destroy their very families.

They are simply targeting themselves for replacement and then genocide.

Evangelicals? The new Native Americans.

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You're Sage of Quay? A top internet cult leader whom serves the beast.

Best to not watch what he posts, best to go out in nature, and get your connections to Spirit there, to You're peril if you don't since guidance comes from there.

Believe as you please.

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I told you nine one martyr in the family is enough

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I am going to be silent at the next family Christmas Eve gathering. They are blind and await the rapture and jebus and Yahweh the god of the Jew.

They refuse to see the behavior of Jews as evil in Israel. Go ahead show an evangelical the pictures of Israeli genocide. They don’t care, blame the Palestinians as the aggressors in the war and want them all dead. And that will bring the rapture for them to be with their sadistic perverted jebus.

Hillman? Spilled the beans.

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American Indians were given reservations and sovereignty, evangelicals will most likely be either cremated or their bodies turned into fertilizer for farmland. They will be fed drugs like meth and pumped full of vaxxines. Their men will be forced out of the now female led work place. Evangelicals are so incredibly stupid that they can't see that they are being set up to take the blame for America's many ills.

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Well, just got word from the Panthers and BLM, today they pretty much get it, but they call Lucifer Yahweh. No one's sorry for those crackers up there in the hills nine, particularity not me or BLM: https://youtu.be/PbXKbpYTNHk

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What its fucking sad? If they'd been given a chance to read me things would have been different. She wanted it this way nine she could have restrained me, instead she gave me all her power and had me endure insult after insult from those I could crush in my sleep. Maybe she's just had enough of being called a whore.

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I don't know nine I gotta put you back up on the Human, work with Phil while I'm in NYC.

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I think Jethro Israel firsters are getting what they deserve.

Jethro is hunting FEMA? Next you'll hear about Jethro attacking letter carriers as they deliver the mail. These people are that stupid and you're Sage of Quay feeds the beast.

Evangelical morons are being set up to take the blame.

Dumb as double fock.

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Those reservations you mentioned in your other comment very likely sit atop lots of rare Earth minerals and/or LNG and/or oil. (Net Zero is just another looting operation.) I don't think "Hurricane" Helene was a natural occurrence (similar to "superstorm" Sandy) and I don't agree that any of those people deserve to be killed or have their lives swept away by the PTB. What has been done in S. Africa is being done here. It's the same playbook, just a different continent. The PTB will keep at it until they get the results they've been planning. The PTB only understand one thing. They don't respond to people asking "pretty please".

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Great to read through again...and the captions with the images. I've always wondered who or what the Chinese Medusa was/is....

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Erica from VT did those pictures, 30 years at Los Alamos, she's the one clued me in that Google stood for Black Goo...

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