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I am familiar with much of the lore regarding Faerie, having studied such when I was very young, and yes I have read that post. Ireland is unique amongst English speaking countries, in that they find value in this tradition and so they seek to preserve it. Unfortunately, most English speaking countries have long ago abandoned their connexion to this phenomenal world, and thus their identity.

Perhaps the real secret is that Faerie isn't a figment of history.



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Apologies RMB, my internet skills are not.

The video was from a number of years ago, Black Sabbath the English rock band and their "Fairies wear Boots" song. Pretty sure the song was released in the early 1970s, so its noticeable due to the theme of Faerie in modern times.


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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

RMB, my home spun daughter has taken an interest in politics I her father have advised her to consider a career with the NSA.

Our Jack sometimes talks up the .org.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

When I say home spun that's her term for describing home school on a UW Campus.

Frank Olson's Alma matter?

Well ask our dear Jack about that.

Duff? He's of course Jewish against the human race

Pontificates incessantly about taking the vaxxine

Says that there are camps for the 7nvaxxed

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deletedMar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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Agreed, I think this is Mikes best work to date. And that's sayin some.

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deletedMar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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I've grown weary of the endless efforts to destroy and manipulate everything. I travel through immense dark places, and I wonder at the contrast between the vast silence and this tiny enclosed space.

I'm saddened deeply by those I care about who have fallen for the Covidianity insanity. It covers them, puts them to sleep, makes them insensate in the fire.

This piece arose from that weariness.



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deletedMar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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No, I did not R, I said the Sage of Quay would do a show with us, you have enough out of towners to talk too right around here...

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I've written consistently on off planet origins. This is not to say that all or even most of mankind shares this heritage, some estimates are that less than 10% of the current population can claim any significant alien ancestry.

In terms of myself, I leave it to you to decide.


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Artificial intelligence comes from humans' imaginations so there is no artificial intelligence it is a paradox created by people who are trying to escape their fate because they know what they have done here in this "place".

And the consequences will be severe as their actions against the sacred are right now.

Their fate has been sealed they just don't know it yet, maybe I can see further down the horizon, but doom and gloom will not manifest in this place.

I know how the situation looks but this will go away, but we all must be active and participate in let's say for lack of better or more accurate words in "project freedom"

Human minds right now are on fire but from fire comes awakening, self-realization, and a path to inner knowing which will result in ultimate freedom in one way or another.

It really doesn't matter in which way, freedom will be granted to worthy ones and safe passage to another shore secured.

Darkness never last, it is not meant to shine, you cant steal the winter or summer without consequences but this is what these idiots are doing.

Maybe I have a better view because I am on the outskirts of what people nowadays call the West and I can see more clearly without exposure to the decadence that has been looming through the Western hemisphere.

I like it but let's say I see things differently, but that is a very good thing. Observers should see manifestations of good or evil to simplify my thoughts from different angles.

it doesn't matter how we observe the "situation" our goal is the same and that's what will make or break this game of chess.

Nonetheless, great read,shared.

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I am not predicting the future in this piece, only illustrating a condition. There is no attempt herein to look down the road to soften the current condition. The future never arrives, it is always the now, and we must first admit that we are standing in the mud if we wish to leave it.

Thanks for reading.


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Great to see you back, Mike. You've topped yourself with an absolutely brilliant piece. There is a group of people, headed by a pastor, who have a standing 1.2 million dollar reward for anyone who can definitively prove the existence of Covid-19. Thus far there have been no takers nor will there be, as it only exists in the febrile imaginations of the fools who believe in it and in the lies of the whore media mouthpieces and sock puppet, scumbag politicians who promulgate it for nefarious purposes. The entire field of virology is based on fraud. What the medical and scientific charlatans call viruses are actually the detritus of dead and dying cells from toxemia. And that is what gets people sick. Nothing will get you expunged faster from the mainstream social media, podcast, and video platforms than if you expose the global trillion dollar, murderous scam of viruses with concomitant alleged necessity for lethal vaccines effectuated and pushed by monsters in human form and their sleazy sycophants who would sell their mothers, daughters, and sisters into sexual slavery for five bucks. (some of them might hold out for ten). As I've said before, the only way to deal with these defective creatures is the way the Aryan Spartans would have dealt with them, swiftly and laconically. I think the Yids epitomize AI in flesh form as their daddy the Demiurge is cosmic AI.

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A debate that has been going on for centuries now, HD.

Archontic school mystics dedicated their lives to unraveling the mystery behind the abrahamics, their groupthink, their absolute lack of any spiritual principles.

Is it any wonder they were wiped out?

This world can be a very strange place.


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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Yes, in all circuitry of any kind, electrical organic, electrical mineral...there is a sentience! That's just plane Pythagoras. All things of whatever nature are sentient. Spirits of all nature inhabit your computer; the CLOUD! Even us, are we sentient? All those besties living inside our ephemeral fluids!

...toutes les formes de réalité perçues de par l'Homme, primaire ou autre, sont dans l'ensemble de ses expériences sociétales des jeux d’artifices! C'est-à-dire, des inventions de l'esprit créateur appliquées.

L'Humain est une entité artificielle. Tous les hommes et femmes sont des "irréalités", qui ont pris l'habitude de croire dans le magnifique mirage d'eux-mêmes comme des créatures à tout jamais absolument là, et intemporelles; ceci grâce sans doute à la désinformation paulinienne inculquée par les cultures monothéistes-égalitaires depuis le Moyen-Orient, cela fait grosso-modo 2000 ans.

Species is only a temporary vessel of manifestation. So-called reality an elastic temporal situation. It's Architectural engineering that has created every single kind of Human perception up to date. This is why so many "scared" pre-fabricated humans hate the so-called Illuminati! This is what I imagine René Guénon called "l'Origine Divine et non HUMAINE des révélations faites à l'Homme, comme par example dans les Vedas, les Shastras, les Puranas, les Upanishads, les Tantras, etc." L'Homme ici sur cette Terre et dans ce Monde, est une création, une fabrication, qui grâce à l'Art Royal des Dieux, a pris l'existence.

Reality isn't what you make of it, but what the gods or if you wish the archons have made of you.

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...la meilleure des bestioles. Ces petites créatures, elles aussi, ont droit à un incessant retour de manivelle, dans le mouvement microcosmique des mini-corps divers qui habitent l'ensemble de l'étendu immense, circulaire. Chacun & chacune son Atman (at the Man)!

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Thanks for reading.


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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Superior articulation. Particularly relevant is “ one upmanship “, a most effective tool of pushing any relevant exchange into the backwaters of tedious minutiae .

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There are all kinds of manipulations in this society, VH, as you well know. Most are trained to play along, and they happily devour that bread. The point is to stay hungry.


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Living on air. Regarding Sentient, I believe I see more of that in the Gastropoda and Mycelium on the forest floor than in the bipedals that traverse the concrete.


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Yet it is true that even for the direct descendants of the Aryans, the vast majority have abandoned themselves to the activity of apes. We were warned about this, and I went into some detail in my previous piece, The Healer.

In terms of what this means, that would require another piece to detail this condition.


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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

I agree with Jack. This is Mike's best work to date!

Well done!

I am observing locally the absence of reality with local jews pushing transgenderism to children in our local schools in Dousman WI along with the local bicycle shop pushing trans for youth mountain biking and their is a school board election coming with trans being front and center.

Can you say unreal?

So, men with dicks pretending to be chick's will be faster than chick's in bicycle races. Hard reality? Wrong, see we give Dick a drug lowering his testosterone blood level and then put a dress on him and call Dick a chick! There like Jewish lightning bringing down buildings Dick is now a chick's.

Jewish magic I see! LOL

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

See Mike, in cycling it used to be a crime to artificially adjust testosterone blood levels using drugs. Now? No worries as its so godlike to control gender. "We are the destroyer of worlds" Oppenheimer once quipped as he was correct? Remember "leave it to beaver" the TV show from the 60's? Now the " beev" can have her Dick hacked off with a cleaver and replaced with a beaver. So, "Beaver Cleaver" takes on new meaning.

And the 60`s Cleaver's were such a fine traditional American family!

If we can cleaver the beaver we can do anything God her/his self can do! We are the destroyers of worlds!

Sure are....

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Wait, So testosterone "science" tells us defines what a man is? Not a Dick. And women have small amounts of testosterone as to much makes a woman with a vigina a man? See how "science" has long ago redefined gender?

We are so godlike we control gender as its only a chemical coursing through your body? And for the hard core we can cleave the "beev" using radical reconstruction surgeries.

Remember back in the 80`s when chemically altered women from Russian sports teams dominated Olympic female sports? That is where the idea of testosterone came from boosting female performances astronomically. Remember that? Now you will get canceled mentioning that fact. The woke? Facts don't count.

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Jack Heart


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If I had to offer commentary on a Jewish led woke crusade in cycling, I would say it is because they smell profit. I've known a number of Jews, but I've never known one that truly believes in any ultimate principles. They change loyalties easily, because they play everything for advantage.

I also agree that standards in many areas have been weakened in order to welcome the "woke". I think it was Cicero who said that the enemy within was monumentally worse than the enemy without, and it's pretty clear that woke seeks to destroy the USA.

However, I personally find that this effort has actually reminded those who oppose this attack, of their strength and fortitude in the face of almost unbelievable levels of pressure.


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My opine exactly

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I competed against a few russian and german athletes/swimmers that were 'doped' up in the 80's....have a video or two. To be canceled for the fact that this happened and I've never mentioned the cheating before...well that's just not right.

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Did you win? Just asking me as A cyclist near 70 I have quit racing

Well, racing to me is an endurance test

Call it the kaminski test

From a movie called white noise

About a train wreck

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Once again MK, you knock it out the park, and leave the rest of us in awe...

You succinctly enunciated our predicament with these words:

"We are actually observing a direct attempt to subvert normal human behavior with the purpose of altering the experience of reality".

It is so crystal clear that this is the desired outcome, and yet to what purpose?

Reality is fluid at the best of times, and each of us experience what we ourselves create, and so altering one's perception and experience of reality produces what exactly?

Chaos, confusion, and fear?

Hardly, as the manipulation is all that is observed and understood. With no reference point to the alternative reality that was manipulated.

People will see and believe that which they are told, and observe (even though we know most of what passes into people's minds is lies anyway).

So what's the long game here?

Humanity is already confused and lost from centuries of manipulated realities.

Once everyone is seeing and believing that which is not, or everyone has jacked into the same corrupted version of reality, then what?

What really changes, as this reality is all illusion anyway?

I just don't get the end point here, I can't wrap my head around the thought processes as they seem fundamentally flawed, lacking in logic and entirely emotive driven, to the point of producing a self defeating conclusion...

No matter how hard they try to warp, wrap, and re-write reality, they are doomed to failure, because we humans can't help ourselves, we bend reality merely by being here...

Once again, thank you for this piece MK, your writing just keeps getting better and better.

All the very best


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You ask an extremely important question: What is the point behind this manipulation? You then follow it with a correct observation that few of us ever consider, that all of us participate to some extent in shaping reality.

We must take these two together, if we are going to address your question. Again, the answer deserves a deep and thorough explanation which requires a different format than the comments, but I will begin with the notion of wanting to be a god, yet having zero capacity for this. The wannabe must find a path towards their understanding of power, and in this world the fastest path to affecting this reality is the destructive. The power to interfere, to redirect, to force a response, to instigate abuse and death is always the easy way, the cowards way to dominance.

Now in terms of co-creation, the bending of this innate ability to shape reality isn't really possible. This society has long destroyed Nordics to attempt to harness this power, which is strong in them. This current transformation into apes has caused the Nordics to forget this power, made them vulnerable, and today Nordics are universally hated.

Since the power cannot be made to serve the destroyers, they work to hide this power from the rightful inheritors. The mongrel global elite has decided that the key to their dominance lives in their hidden agendas, their deception, and the suppression of the people by force.

Thank you, Seraphim, for reading my piece.


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I ride a fucking bicycle the wheels spin round and round

The back wheel follows the front wheel

Me parked upon a most uncomfortable part

Called a saddle

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Mike, if I might comment on the insanity around me, what if all the banks fail? Who owns what? Here's what I think. Jack ran a strip club. Well, he didn't actually run it but ran security. Security? It's me, my big mouth and a fucking glock.

Jack runs the place. Like Spirit that rules his Heart.

Men like our Jack raise armies.

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The NSA? Guaranteed the checks cash....

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Her UW campus career

All call her brilliant

Taught by a retard

Imagine that

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Of course RMB America is a Jewish owned restaurant run on tips.

The Evangelical princess went to school for a degree upon how to take care of a woman's hair

Why RMB did she get out of that business?

Why of course fuck bitches who think that a tip means your their slave

See, like Voxx and my Hitler pal pontificate

It's the fucking joos

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I am preparing her to take the ultimate test

On my home spun way

John kaminski said it b3st


Hitler was a test

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I know this might not make any sense to you, but I will state it anyway. Just about everything in this challenging time can be seen as aspects of a process through which greater individual potential is realized. A good analogy here is the forging of steel in the furnace.

Is this some evolutionary process?

No, because unlike evolution, which is conceived as a mechanical, indifferent development this process is intensely conscious, requiring the application of subtle levels of functioning.

In terms of what this demands, it is nothing less than the all of us.

Therefore it can be understood that this time which we traverse has to be for all the marbles, playing for keeps. In the end, these are the only stakes that make the game meaningful.


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Billy Joel talks a little about AI at the end of this interview:

Billy Joel: Extraordinary With Fareed Zakaria (CNN+ 2022 Interview


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