Mkultra, Bourne movies kinda like a documentary. Trauma based mind control. "Splintering" ones personality. I'll try remember where I read it but a few with Mk subjects it did not go well at all for them. The Patient/Subject became more powerful than the Dr. more powerful than most here.

Kids born soulless? In Toronto 8 girls aged 13 to 16 who met online stabbed a homeless man to death. I guess they were bored and sports and school activities aint enough of a pass-time.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022Author

The trauma is used to create a split in the personality, the problem for the controller being it's still the same personality, and if I'm not about to shoot my friend as Bill I'm not going to shoot him as Phil either. We're talking full spectrum dominance here Maurice. Cameroons psychic driving just doesn't work for that unless the subject is highly suggestable, the type that walks around hypnotized, the type that is too stupid to do anything besides get on a crowded train and open up. Hell, I know illiterate gangsters that can get them to do the same thing...

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Various types of pitch, a black sticky substance usually derived from tree sap as the base, have been used throughout the centuries for multiple purposes, perhaps the most common being that of a barrier. For example, it is documented that pitch was regularly applied to ship hulls as a sealant and preservative.

Conversely, natural pitch ie; a log imbued with black sap, as for example, lightning struck trees, esp. Pines-upon proper seasoning support fire remarkably well, burning hot and bright.

I have never known either type to exhibit the degenerative and reductive effects we clearly observe in the black sickness, and related phenomena, such as the lethal injections.

Speaking of lethality, it appears that the country which isn't-Germany has been very buisy hiding the genocide from their populace and the world. Famous for their draconian forced injection policy, the occupation government, propped up by 120 or so US military bases, has been silent concerning the 1,000+% increase in deaths.

Not to single out that occupation zone, here in globalist controlled America, the government ostensibly for the people by the people, has been paying for information suppression regarding their lethal injections, and elevating narratives concocted by script writers to lead their dim witted masses. The latest being that somehow those who said no to lethal injection suffer more auto accidents.

Meanwhile, Wagner PMC is now involved in duels over the Bakhmut streets with Motiv. If you don't know what Motiv is, look it up.

The Donbas militia and Wagner PMC continue to perform their roles as the primary offensive forces in the war against NATO, with more than a little success.

On the personal front, Jack, I've decided to take your advice and concentrate on a piece concerning death. I don't have an ETA yet, but I am working.


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Great news Mike!

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I concur with Jack... great news MK, and I look forward to reading your next work.

I have started and scrapped a number of pieces over these past days.

I was going to launch the Sacred Sequencing substack I had set up today, with a first piece about the centaurs, but stopped myself.

It does not provide any worth with the realisation that all is unravelled, all has shifted and the old rules no longer apply, their energies no longer reach us trapped here...

Enjoy your twelves days of festivities MK, see you in the new solar cycle, if such still exists...

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Thank you Seraphim.

A writer with no audience is merely a child scribbling in a journal.

Yes indeed, life and this manifestation follows the cyclic rhythms, yet this particular place and time is branded by such an extreme cruelty that it obscures almost all else. I wish this was found only in the hearts of men, alas, it is the condition itself.

The problem is of course that such times produce poison fruit, and rather than finding joy in celebration, one simply finds a momentary relief before those in power clamp down harder, and the multitude descend ever farther into hopeless ridiculous assumptions based on someone else's narrative.

I am working on this next piece with the hope that it might provide room for consideration, and a relief from the unassailable assumptions of this primitive and stupid society.

We shall see.

Good Yule


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Your razor of truth cuts deep MK, thank you for the kindness.

It has given me the clarity I momentarily lacked...

‘Purpose’ is not something that we can find, it is something that is already ‘within’ us, purpose is something that we ‘are’. Therefore, purpose can be said to live both with and within us, it is not something ‘outside’ of us.

Although it is written in the stars...

The cycle is where I need to return, and bring my own narrative...

I owe you one MK.

I look forward to your tale of death, and will see you in the new year with my own of life...

Happy festivities my friend.

Be well, and all the very best.

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Yep loved it all Jack, still don’t know how you remember all the names of the actors in the play.

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Sometimes I get em mixed up Alec for instance I think I called Olson Blome once in this one

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

And the stuff you can't tell us? As if your not terrified your not paying attention.

The covid game I suspect is just the beginning, as worse is coming and you are spot on about them blaming the next wave of sickness on the unvaxxed.

I talk about cycling and it's community and I am banned from a cycling club I have belonged to for 40 years. My neighbor is a member and was going around our small town last year asking peoples vaxx status and he's on the board of directors of that club, all the neighbors told him to mind his business.

No one I know in town took the shots.

The level of vaxx hatred of these zealots will spill out when they decide to play the card.

Guns will come out where I live.

Maybe that's what they want? Time will tell but unvaxxed are a minority in America, I advise getting out of the cities like Chicago and its suburbs.

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All we can do is keep telling them the same thing nine

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I have a niece who is a pediatric nurse. She and I had a conversation about Covid when it hit, and she agreed there was something very suspicious about the timing (coming right after Event 201) and other aspects of it. I wouldn't say she was in danger of becoming 'awake', but she definitely seemed perturbed. I encouraged her to do more research and have an open mind. I couldn't really press it because she already thinks I am unbalanced because I don't trust the mainstream media.

Later, when the vaccines started flowing, she got jabbed, and had her family jabbed as well. Now, her son has some kind of permanent Bell's Palsy-type issue, and her daughter has had severe problems with her reproductive organs. After being jabbed. Both were fine before.

Now, when I see her, and I bring it up, I am routinely ignored, and often get a pitying look when I bring up the deception the medical industry is complicit in, as if I were Lenny from Of Mice and Men and I were showing her how much I like to pet my puppy.

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deletedDec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
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I was awake well before the pandemic and I knew what was coming down the pike. RMB, Gurdjieff stated those who are awake are misfits, in a sense. We are going against nature. Gurdjieff believed there were planetary reasons why the vast majority stayed asleep; they were providing 'food for the moon.'

I think he may be correct. I don't think anyone can 'wake up' anyone else. They have to have a predilection for awakening. It can't be handed over to someone, neatly packaged, with a bow on top. Often, you will be ridiculed and hated for even trying to wake others. What you can do is answer people who have intelligent questions about the nature of 'reality' and encourage them to continue on their path.

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Bloody well said Nemo.

Lead a horse to water, don't force it to drink...

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Well Nemo she got what she had coming didn't she, that's the thing about a reckoning...

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Yes, we all had to make that choice. And she really should have known better. Ignorance is not being unaware; it is purposefully not acknowledging the truth. She was in a position to find the truth and decided it was too scary. Never could understand that line of thinking. Truth always trumps bullshit in my world.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I share your frustrations Nemo.

If you don't mind, I'd like to share a story that I have been holding inside, but it's been burning to get out, and somehow now feels like the right time...

As I've said before I work in the NHS in the UK, have done so for over twenty years.

At the end of 2019 I was out of work, I do contract work, moving from hospital to hospital around the country, investigating medical malpractice, fraud, clinical negligence etc.

I was licenced with the GMC (general medical council) as an investigator bring rogue doctors to account...

Anyway, I'd been off contract since the November, then covid hit at the start of 2020.

I got a call from out of the blue from one knight of the realm, a certain Sir David...

He was concerned about the deaths in the care homes of his constituency (Southend on sea), and offered me a lucrative sum to investigate and produce a report for him to take to the house of commons.

I agreed, and spent the first eight months of that year in and out of care homes, hospitals, and GP practices uncovering a horror shit show of illegal and down right inhuman practice.

In those early days there was no PPE, but I never caught covid, everyone around me did, but not me.

I watch a lot of people die over those months, even aided an off the books autopsy with a hospital pathologist pal who, like me could see that something was off, something was very, very wrong...

Anyway, I wrote up my damning report, and delivered it to Sir David in the September of 2020.

I got paid, I moved on, and by the October was back on contract in a hospital, where I had purposefully maneuvered myself into a position as risk and governance director overseeing the covid recovery plans.

I started pulling together a dossier of evidence on the vaccines, and criminal government guidance and legislation, it became a major focus of my life.

I spoke to Sir David a couple of times before the end of that year, and he kept telling me he was postponing sharing my report until the new year, which I couldn't understand.

This was timely information, and the media were all over the handling of the care homes, it made no sense.

But I'd been paid and I was busy fighting daily with the hospital to stop asking me to mask up! And arguing with the family to not get vaccinated, an argument I lost, I am now the only one I know who isn't vaccinated (and the only one I know who has never caught covid).

Today, exactly two years ago on 23 December I was arrested at home, had my laptop and files seized, and spent Christmas 2020 in a cell.

I was never formally charged with anything, but was released on new years eve.

To find that I had been suspended from my post on the grounds of vaccine refusal and non compliance with PPE rules, and my GMC licence had been revoked.

I couldn't get work anywhere in the NHS for the next five months.

Then the government relaxed the covid vaccine requirement and mask rules and I was allowed back to my post the next day.

I then spent 2021 digging into everything I could about the vaccine. I had access to the labs, pharmacy, and the roll out programme, but I kept hitting dead ends, and dead eyed vaccine recepients.

I did however manage to compile another dossier of evidence about the missing information on the drug batches, the vials of water posing as vaccine, and the vials that harmed everyone who took them.

Then, again out of the blue, I get a call from Sir David, it was late September 2021, if memory serves and he was now inviting me to the house of commons to deliver my report, which was now over a year old and didn't cover the crimes that had occurred since, worse crimes!

We agreed I would travel to London on Monday, 18 October, that he would speak at prime ministers questions, and I would meet the ministers afterwards to discuss the report findings. At last I thought...

But the Friday before I was due to travel to London Sir David was stabbed to death in his constituency, and I was visited by the police, who handed me a gagging order and a threat... Shut up or go to jail.

That Monday I went to work to find out I'd been sacked for gross negligence.

Oh and the GP practices named in my report were suing me for slander, even though the report was never exposed.

I didn't work for the rest of 2021, and early 2022.

Im back in the hospitals again now, have been since April of this year, but everyone is now vaccinated, everyone still wears the muzzle, and I've been demoted.

I'm back doing the work I was doing nearly 20 years ago in order to make ends meat, knowing what I know but nobody listens...

It is terrifying to watch the zombies around us, and disgusting to see how reason and logic have dissipated.

But some of us are not blind, will not be muzzled, and will keep trying to fight this...

No matter the cost!

Ohh, one thing I have identified is those with Rhesus negative blood seem immune from the vaccine, they don't have a substance called the Rhesus antigen on their blood cells, which makes there immune system entirely different to other blood groups.

Thank you for listening, it feels good to get that off my chest, other than my family I've not been able to tell a soul, and it might come back to bite me, but I'm beyond caring now...

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deletedDec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
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Thank you for the kindness RMB...

As I am sure you are acutely aware, truth is always stranger than fiction...

And I'd say its more foolhardy stupidity on my part. I never could stay down when punched...

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deletedDec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
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Thank you RMB, the cat is out of the bag now...

The best is yet to come, its happening right now...

It's like a ritual, a mass sacrifice, a blood soaked offering we are living through.

Who will be left standing when the music stops, who knows?

But those of us here, keep playing our own jig, dancing together with our tune, singing the song to drown out the screams...

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Sir David seems a rare sort. Is this the same Sir David who was fooled into filming a warning against a fictional drug called 'Cake'?

I don't know quite what you mean by 'fighting' this. Fight what? There is no New World Order that we're in imminent danger of. There is only the Old World Order. It's already here. Like Philip K. Dick was fond of saying, 'The Empire never ended.'

Not trying to sound pessimistic. But I think a bifurcation of humankind is coming. And a whole lot of people are going to choose self-annihilation. Some willingly becoming technologically enhanced and controlled bio-robots, physically altered so no original or critical thought is even possible (damned close to that now, eh?) and some who chose to ignore the portents and omens will suddenly find themselves in a Brave New World that they can't handle. They will crack up like eggs thrown at a tank. The fentanyl deaths, the 100 mile per hour collisions with street poles, the 'accidental' self-inflicted gunshot wounds and mysterious hiking accidents . . .

The price of sleep is a bitch.

Especially when the sorcerers who put the sheep to sleep and fed on them for so long decide that a time has come when they can do with far less stock.

Seraphim, I understand what you are feeling. I have lost several loved ones in the last few years. Including, among others, my father (who was my best friend and mentor) and two longtime friends I considered brothers. All three deaths are suspicious to me. But like Sir David apparently found out, having 'noble' intentions can have negative consequences for your health.

It is amazing the man got into any position of relative power, considering the hidden network which runs the world demands complete obedience before allowing one to achieve notoriety.

Ah well. The people like us and Jack and those who understand what the hell he's talking about (and resonate with it) are a different breed, anyway. We couldn't be anything other than what we are if we tried. Like Jack said, 'Time has no effect on a certain few.'

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The exact same one Nemo.

I never understood how he rose so high and stayed there so long, he was a rebel without a clue...

As for still fighting, call me thick headed, call me overly Stubborn, or just plain stupid...

But currently, for the last months I've been working the maternity wards and having some success persuading, I'd say one in ten, women to not take the vaccine and not vaccinate the kids they already have, so if I can spare just a few, for a little while before the inevitable, then I can sleep with a clear conscience.

But your right, the bifurcation is already occurring.

I'm sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you Nemo, and thank you.

If nothing else during this seeping chaos, at least we here have each other, sane voices in the rain...

Be well, and best wishes

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You are doing good work. My misanthropic side gets the better of me sometimes, but, in essence, I agree with you. Fighters fight. That's all they know. And even one life saved from the jab is a significant accomplishment. Best wishes.

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Thank you Nemo.

What's a man to do, when there are no men around anymore worth the salt...

Present company excluded.

I look around my little island and fail to spy any men these days.

No men with any fighting spirit, no gumption, no morals, no honour...

Just pansies blowing in the wind.

And women, desperate in their loneliness, single parents, forlorn lovers who have forgotten what love is.

It's no world to be bringing kids into.

It's been enlightening these past months working with pregnant women and midwives.

You can keep your obstetric and gynaecology doctors, most are perverted Indians and Egyptians where I work, and none are worth the s**t on my shoe, sick twisted men who choose such a profession.

But the women, they're something else.

Dionysian incarnate.

Such strength and focus during those nine months and the horror of delivery.

We've been loosing far too many to complications due to the vaccines these past months.

And babies too, there little hearts giving up from exposure out of the chemically induced wombs they have inculcated within.

Someone's got to fight for them, as men are few and far between these days.

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Rheus monkey targets, makes sense, also explains why no one in my family has been vaccine injured

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I wonder some times whether those were the blood group they were looking for?

Although all the rhesus negative people (at lesst here in the UK), are on a register. There's a list of everyone of them born, so they wouldn't have to search very hard...

So maybe I'm wrong. But there is certainly something about those blood carries...

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Yea their more alien than human...

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That would explain a lot...

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Wherever, whatever, or whenever, we currently find ourselves... something is definately broken.

It's been gradually occurring, imperceptible at first, but getting more obvious... getting worse.

Not all of the stars are there anymore.

Sometimes it feels like the earth is moving... like when you get off a ship after a while at sea.

Two Moons in the sky, and colours saturated backwards.

It got me thinking... does any of it apply anymore? Did it ever?

The constellations are unravelling, and time is spluttering, like a worn out tape rewound one too many times.

And the strangest thing of all... I can't bring myself to worry, there really isn't a care.

It's not numbness, it's awareness... It's puzzled curiosity, like finding schrodingers lost cat...

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I wonder if the stars that are missing coincide with the simulation falling apart or short circuiting if you will....that statement caught my eye as when I look up at the sky it does feel off.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

It may well be Jana.

Either lazy design causing glitches in the system, or over extended ambition...

Either way, it's not smooth anymore.

The psychics are feeling it in their bones, those of us looking to the sky can tell its wrong... Everyone around is getting sick (at least here in the UK).

I work everyday in a hospital, I'm not vaccinated, and never wear a face nappy (two things which continue to get me occasionally suspended and constantly threatened with the sack), but I'm the only man standing right now... the rest are dropping like flies with severe flu and strep A.

It started a little over a week ago, you could feel the charge in the air, the little flicker in the corner of the eye, that tell tale sign that something is off...

It's a Capricorn New Moon today, and the three Centaurs are aligned, I started writing about it but have given up, those planetary rules/roles no longer apply it feels...

But someone, something, somehow is playing with magick today...

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In 2019 I watched the moon bouncing around the night sky like a pinball, nothing's changed since then except the tables been set. They like to read the stars so much their obituary has been written in them https://youtu.be/73QE3i8ZFiE?t=4

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I never promised anyone a rose garden, only a reckoning. This is going to be a wild ride, hang on, ride with me till the end of the day... https://youtu.be/36uJhwtHYYs

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Well said Jack, their obsession with the star is their downfall, and mine it feels.

I can no longer stare and feel like I'm being looked back at like I used too...

Everytime I try to formulate what I see into words it feels off, crass, pointless...

I keep asking myself, if we are out of time, time is off its tracks, then which planets am I talking to?

Which stars of shining back?

Do their laws still apply?

Has their influence gone?

One thing I do know is that the centaurs that serve Uranus, and work in the trans-neptunian sphere are active today...

Will be highly active over the coming 12 days, and all I can hope for is their healing energy to seep through the boundary of the simulation...

Great tune by the way!

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Somebody said he or she needs more videos like this one...sorry to put this one here, but I feel posting this anywhere else would be just a giant waste of digital ink...

To all: I wish you great days ahead, be with your families and do good things for others that is all we must do to fight against the current stream of Evil, they can't win. In the end, they already have lost and this is the truth, they just don't know it yet.

FYI This is a pretty good video, maybe even usable for Human.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Thank you for the video HP, it resonates at the perfect frequency.

And your right, it has always been down to us...

Up to us...

Our thoughts...

Our actions...

Opening ourselves with love like a daisy, not a gilded lily.

Reciprocal wishes HP

All the very best

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That's HP not MK, HP is part of the team...

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Thanks Jack, and duly amended... My bad, should have paid more attention...

They could use names though, to avoid confusion! So stupid s**t's like me don't get them mixed up...

Apologies to you both HP and MK.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Interesting talk, Jack.

Puharich is an interesting character. I think I first read about him in Peter Levenda's excellent Sinister Forces trilogy years ago. Highly recommended.

Here, Puharich talks about the 'Nine.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miuccNqLq4o&t=353s

Hmm. Either some very odd things that many believe exist only in bad Sci-Fi/Horror movies are, in fact, real or Puharich is pulling a Con to obfuscate the truth. Or he is highly gullible.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Conflict? I am all in for what those covid clowns did.

However, I have the fortune from being from a privileged family.

I am unpure however my evangelical queen is pureblooded and non vaxxed.

I am vaxxcine injured yet took pity upon me

A turquoise eyed Goddess.

We produced mixed blooded children even before covid.

My proposition is this what is more powerful Spirit or vaxxine?

An observation then a question.

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Jack, Thanks for the mental tonic.

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