deletedApr 30, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage
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I am there now E, we will work it all out, trust me

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What will happen when using HUC we saturate the air, already filled with all sorts of polluants: nano dust, chemtrails, 5,6,7 etc. G tech, & the evil thought patterns of our multitudinous congénères with a bacteria which will most likely mutate, eventually worsening the state of affairs for the complicated humans who want their clean energy cake and eat it too? If you need to cook something, a simple camp fire will do. In Tibet they use Yak dung as a combustible. Abnormal living makes for abnormal usage of our Earth's properties.

I remember when the best tobaccos on Earth were smoked with cow dung! ;)

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deletedMay 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023
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Thanks for these cyberneticized linguistic articulations. The Soul cannot be sacrificed! For me that's an ontological impossibility. Nevertheless, I can sacrifice the corpse I'm carrying. As it is, that's what I do each and every day! Ponder on this "E". The Soul is insurmountable, imperishable. It's our souls which devour matter, or more precisely the vital air animating things and what not. Taking back what belongs to it, our crucial & vital awareness, the which the dementia of this world would consume & defecate into the gutter. Are you more worried about your mortal life, more so than to be preoccupied by the personal quality of your immortal being? Do you have a GOD in your eyes? Or are the world's shadows playing tricks on your angst?

The Hyperborian, is just that, he/she transcends war or peace, comes from beyond the Horizon of the North. POLARIS. In a time of trouble be an internal & clever warrior. In peace, don't look a gift-horse in the mouth! HOMME, soit comme DIEU, d'après son IMAGE, la PREUVE de son Éternité Immaculée..

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deletedMay 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023
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I don't think you understand, what picture I am painting. Lot's of respect for Jack! An smart & intelligent man.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Energy and electricity what is it? A biological enzyme that creates electricity by eating the life out of the air we breath? Electricity is perhaps a life form we don't understand and when was electricity first widely used perhaps 125 years ago and yet now that very electricity is set to enslave us all using minerals mined from the earth. Is electricity itself the invasion force controlled by our unseen cosmic parasite?

Tesla? His visions came from outside himself yet we all live in a Tesla electric world attached to electrical devices with electrical neuro networks coursing through the majority of humanities veins.

I used to think that free energy would solve all of man's problems and end all wars but electricity even keeps all of the cells, trillions of them, connected and alive connected by a natural neuro network and that great Spirit in everything as our controllers want control and can't have free spirits roaming the earth.

Science? Controlled like the borg now with their vaxx as what terrors will be unleashed next?

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May 1, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Why don't we put electric eels in tanks and harvest the energy? Same thing. Where do the eels get their electricity? Perhaps a chemical reaction of some form? Reminds me of that great German scientist that studied trout on how it's body processed and moved energy.

Adolph Hitler the great naturalist was mesmerized by that man's vision.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

The problem Nine is the savage monkeys that rule this realm won't see your humor as thought-provoking, but rather unleash their full mental retardation thought patterns into horrors that are beyond comprehension giving credence to their spiritual overlords that thus prove their puppets are bestial monkey animals that they are using them for a better cause than the savage is capable on their own.

The horseshoe crab is what flashed through my brain.


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May 2, 2023Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

A few weeks ago I came across an Archaix interview where a movie regarding psychotronic warfare was mentioned along with how its been practically scrubbed from everywhere online except this one place:


It even had Adam Baldwin scifi superhero and yet I have never heard of it. Released in 2003 and is the only movie I've ran into that is literally unpirateable as if it was never released. I've been a pirate for over 25 years since Windows 95 when I was in my teens and this completely leaves me flabbergasted that a movie not that old isn't pirateable yet films from the 1920's and 30's are popping up left and right as if blockbusters were made at the same frequency then as they are now in fact more so since it seems modern movies are being backdated as to be copies of earlier films. Hollywood appears to be on its 3rd re-make cycle of every movie from the 1920's - 1940's or possibly the 4th going on 5th as everything now appears to be copies of copies.

I'm guessing the only copy that's linked is possibly because of its intentional low quality which is a well known method for throwing off AI due to the heavy pixelation and macroblocking from the encoders algorithm. Maybe others have heard of this film but I never have and its worth a watch if you want to understand whats really going on and how our reality is truly being managed. Ever wonder why people run from the truth? They can't handle it and neither could you, but every now and then some of us try going back to playing house as barbie and ken only to realize we can't and become stuck in limbo. Sooner or later we are forced to drop our balls and venture through the darkness to whatever is waiting on the other-side beyond our vision leaving our minds to conjure up a million million horrors that we should expect to find.

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You never cease to amaze me Greg, you've found the third movie briefing of my emancipation from them, they will probably be studying this for weeks, much good as it will do them, we've went from Lance here to David in Legion and they really don't know what hit them, and they never will...

Seeing as you are so talented maybe you can find the other two. Backwards from here in chronological order a movie about the founding fathers of this country all being cannibalistic human devils, then we have the SS machine gunning Herod and his court. Happy hunting Greg.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

I've think I found the Star film you're referring to with a not so dissimilar name to the state I dwell in. I look forward to it thanks for the hint! I do love hide and seek even though it can often lead to frustration. Would explain a lot of childhood memories I never placed of my dinner table turning into a cannibal feast almost turning me off from ever eating again until I flashed back to reality. No wonder Hitler went vegan you just never know especially with myths filled with dead gods regenerating while the living dead feasted on his prized flesh day after day.

Had memories of that guy when I went through my two weeks of insanity and damn near kicked in my neighbors door to kill them all thinking their child was sacrificed and served to me in a random early morning saturday bbq offering where she was wearing a little hat with NOEL on it.

It's a matter of not going too far and not going far enough.

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Government can only function when it understands those it governs. Do its citizen, when so violently deprived of their freedom, possess the will to retain it, or has their apathy become so great they are ambivalent to those who control them? from IMDb blurb

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The Heart of the matter Orage.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Yes Orage, that statement is the heart of Government, since our founders never ever trusted democracy and they hated Monarchy as much as democracy so they set up a Republic based upon the rule of law. The question still remains as to whose law is enforced.

What happened to the Monarchy's of the day? They became dysfunctional due to inbreeding and corruption from the usual suspects so they set about creating a more decentralized system of rule with checks and balances however, that required a civil, moral, and ethical people to set the rules that would become law through representative government.

What do we have now in the west? A morally failed, corrupt, unethical majority incapable of having decent representatives to set laws to be enforced. Our system is perhaps more corrupt than the worst Monarchy of the days bygone.

What's the NSA to do? Let the rabble rule the roost? Nope. We turn on the frequency machine and let her rip and arm a standing army to keep the thing going until the people perhaps return to their senses.

In a sense they are fulfilling that oath to that constitution. Only a moral people can be governed by such a document.

The best thing to happen? Let that fine Russian military take care of our perverts for us and then sue for peace. And it's gonna cost us. We deserve everything comming our way.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

We shall blame Greg for showing me that film.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

In the film control factor the woman, the ultimate Karen turned on them when she found out she was carrying his son.

Do we bring him up in their world or ours? That is the ultimate question I will leave you with but I have the Spirit as it guides as it teaches as its like a fire burning in a fireplace raging under control but is it really?

Questions banned, gotta love our NSA employees.

Just saying

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The NSA if not Spirit led, but they are of course as we pledged an oath to defend that constitution from our enemies, is this not the case? Then if not why are you employed there?

Are these types of speach prohibited? Or is that transgender pervert the perfect applicant to defend the republic from all enemies both foreign and domestic?

I am both old and fat and slow on the uptake

The trinity of age as Each day passes I fear you less.

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