Brilliant, Jack. Funny how Christians, particularly the Roman Catholic church when it was brutally consolidating its nefarious power (in conjunction with its dancing partners, the Jews and their goyim cultists, Freemasons) railed against the Pagans for alleged crimes of blood sacrifice while their synarchic, Abrahamic "faith" is based on the blood sacrifice of a man. Islam, like its lover/enemy Christianity is a spin-off of the Chozen Pipple's cauldron of conundrum. "Man will never be free until the last king (politician) is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Denis Diderot. Fuck Jew-hovah Satan, Yahweh, Allah, Brahma or whatever handle you want to give the asura- cosmic cocksucker who lords it over this loosh farm/material hell. Bring it on, Last Battalion! 88! Forever!
I mean what the hell? As the film points out Christian imagery is filled with profoundly sexual images of murder and torture. Its European adherents used to publicly flagellate themselves into bloody pulps. In Asia, they still crucify themselves in some backwaters. What don't they get Heretic? "Eat his body drink his blood." That's fucking cannibalism, anathema to native Americans (outside the Aztecs, "the lost tribe of Israel" according to Diego Durán who authored the Durán Codex) and any Asiatic religion I know of. The film as hard as it is to watch, and it should be because it nails it, is a gift from the Gods, or maybe just the SS. LOL, hard to say anymore. You got mail.
I hear you, Jack, & you're right on it. Master Serrano made references to the Solar Aryan Christ who I discern to be Khristos Lucifer, the Light Bearer and Liberator for Aryans. Also, I detect in the crucifixion metaphor depicting the agony of Aryan spirit beings descending into animal bodies in the realm of base matter to do battle with the hordes of the Demiurge on their home turf. Kind of like cosmic, Foreign Legion paratroopers. Apparently the Christ was in long times past the focus of an Aryan faith or spirituality but predictably it was hijacked by the Chozen Pipple and transmuted into the abomination it is for the purpose of emasculating and deracinating White people. It worked like a charm. The Jews have stolen everything, including kosher pickles from the Poles.
In the Jelling monument, the oldest known Norse ruins the Mushhushshu-dragon sacred to Marduke/Lucifer is depicted on one side and on the other a man crucified in space, entwined in knots that no doubt had occultic meaning to the Norse long since forgotten, hell they can't even or won't decipher the ruins on the monument.
Never raised with religion and only walked into churches for weddings--my knowledge of religion has been from your writings here and what others have posted. I couldn't get past the first few minutes of the video I just don't have the heart to watch it. On a different note I've met some very good christians that have been very giving and good you've written about the types that are charity driven versus the other kind which is all kinds of horrific. I think about this dichotomy and the actual good people that got bamboozled into the structure of religion/indoctrination of the world. They never had a chance and most do need someone/something that is bigger than theirselves to cling on to. Maybe their weak and therefore collateral damage here in this time but damn what a complete inversion of good/bad that was orchestrated...thanks Jack for this post.
I was raised strict Roman Catholic and accepted it all as the word of God until my libido started kicking in around the fifth grade, and I realized sex was more than just procreation. It was all pretty plain to me after that Pearry, even though the Jesuit education continued to the end of ninth grade when we were all expelled from St Johns for the Amityville Horror thing. The Christian religion is a death cult, but you astutely make the same claim Éliphas Lévi made in its defense about it being the only major religion based on charity. I cannot argue with that and like you I have seen it with my own eyes. But how quickly they all revert back into a death cult whenever their priests and preachers say the word like in Palestine right now.
It’s the truth Jack, during a dinner party with my evangelical family they all believe in the rapture, as the Middle East explodes in violence and savagery, they reveled how it will bring their savior as they got angry with me for daring to mention that genocide in Palestine brought by American Christian’s bombs calling justified because they are gods chosen people.
I hope Kamala wins, bringing a Marxist revolution, persecution of evangelical morons is so well deserved.
My family’s men? Fat effeminate and weak, nothing said back to me as I shut them up.
I told them I won’t set foot in any evangelical church.
I love when Christian nationalists blame the jew for everything when it is their very own Jesus that gives the Jew authority to do what he does. Without Americas backing Iran would have wiped Israel off the map long long ago...
From Hillman, right from the Greek as demon possessed Hillman asks the question who is Jesus? And gives the answer based upon his translations of the texts the New Testament is based on.
My hitler pal had an absolute meltdown over that Hillman video, went to an online bitechute “Greek scholar” for his answer as I rebutted his argument because Hillman just told us what the text actually said in an honest reading.
If the foundation is fraudulent then so are all of your conclusions to date about an ancient text.
Evangelical Christian people will take up arms over this idea because it is that foundational to their belief system.
The rapture? They benefit by the suffering of others and in the end gleefully embrace the destruction of their object of worship the Jew with the concept of a ruled over and controlled remnant.
American evangelicals are the same in truth as that visceral monster in your video above.
As the bombs drop they become overjoyed as their rapture approaches.
And with the neo cons we let them run policy in America?
And the family is staunchly anti vaccine yet sit under pastors that are vacxed and who pushed the jabs on their congregations waiting for the rapture as they chant god is in control.
Like pastor Chuck tells them what will you do when reality strikes down you’re fantasies?
"Evangelical Christian people will take up arms over this idea because it is that foundational to their belief system." Exactly what gives Schlomo those bulging biceps no Muslim leader has dared yet challenge.
Nine, what do you expect when Scofield's and hagee set the tone, not Kierkegaard or Kircher. The roots are rotten. Leave you with this fine movie
In this current climate, this is an avalanche of likes... but this tells us we are making progress, and hell has finally frozen over. His foul guts are ready to be properly dismantled.
I'm trying to beat Mikes record: 543 views. 3 new subscribers, and 6 likes. So far I got 329 views, 2 new paid subscribers, 1 unpaid, 1 new follower (whatever the fuck a follower is) and 6 likes. I am waiting to hear from the Jesuits on VT but so far nothing but a couple of befuddled old men.
I saw a situation on VT, it looks like brains have been spilled in vain trying to contemplate what is put in front of their weary eyes. Honestly, I don't know what a follower is... a mystery that should be examined or left to the unbiased triviality of demented monologues, sidelined in this highly volatile age. Sulphur, lead, and copper replaced gold, silver, and platinum, becoming something noble in a corrupted, satirical, and godless inversion.
Exactly Seraphim, the bills come due for their evil ways.
Brilliant, Jack. Funny how Christians, particularly the Roman Catholic church when it was brutally consolidating its nefarious power (in conjunction with its dancing partners, the Jews and their goyim cultists, Freemasons) railed against the Pagans for alleged crimes of blood sacrifice while their synarchic, Abrahamic "faith" is based on the blood sacrifice of a man. Islam, like its lover/enemy Christianity is a spin-off of the Chozen Pipple's cauldron of conundrum. "Man will never be free until the last king (politician) is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Denis Diderot. Fuck Jew-hovah Satan, Yahweh, Allah, Brahma or whatever handle you want to give the asura- cosmic cocksucker who lords it over this loosh farm/material hell. Bring it on, Last Battalion! 88! Forever!
I mean what the hell? As the film points out Christian imagery is filled with profoundly sexual images of murder and torture. Its European adherents used to publicly flagellate themselves into bloody pulps. In Asia, they still crucify themselves in some backwaters. What don't they get Heretic? "Eat his body drink his blood." That's fucking cannibalism, anathema to native Americans (outside the Aztecs, "the lost tribe of Israel" according to Diego Durán who authored the Durán Codex) and any Asiatic religion I know of. The film as hard as it is to watch, and it should be because it nails it, is a gift from the Gods, or maybe just the SS. LOL, hard to say anymore. You got mail.
I hear you, Jack, & you're right on it. Master Serrano made references to the Solar Aryan Christ who I discern to be Khristos Lucifer, the Light Bearer and Liberator for Aryans. Also, I detect in the crucifixion metaphor depicting the agony of Aryan spirit beings descending into animal bodies in the realm of base matter to do battle with the hordes of the Demiurge on their home turf. Kind of like cosmic, Foreign Legion paratroopers. Apparently the Christ was in long times past the focus of an Aryan faith or spirituality but predictably it was hijacked by the Chozen Pipple and transmuted into the abomination it is for the purpose of emasculating and deracinating White people. It worked like a charm. The Jews have stolen everything, including kosher pickles from the Poles.
In the Jelling monument, the oldest known Norse ruins the Mushhushshu-dragon sacred to Marduke/Lucifer is depicted on one side and on the other a man crucified in space, entwined in knots that no doubt had occultic meaning to the Norse long since forgotten, hell they can't even or won't decipher the ruins on the monument.
Outstanding. Thanks for that germane gem of information, Jack.
However, Christianity is Spirit led, evidence of it gone, left Spirit.
Where is his body?
Not about the body but Spirit
Never raised with religion and only walked into churches for weddings--my knowledge of religion has been from your writings here and what others have posted. I couldn't get past the first few minutes of the video I just don't have the heart to watch it. On a different note I've met some very good christians that have been very giving and good you've written about the types that are charity driven versus the other kind which is all kinds of horrific. I think about this dichotomy and the actual good people that got bamboozled into the structure of religion/indoctrination of the world. They never had a chance and most do need someone/something that is bigger than theirselves to cling on to. Maybe their weak and therefore collateral damage here in this time but damn what a complete inversion of good/bad that was orchestrated...thanks Jack for this post.
I was raised strict Roman Catholic and accepted it all as the word of God until my libido started kicking in around the fifth grade, and I realized sex was more than just procreation. It was all pretty plain to me after that Pearry, even though the Jesuit education continued to the end of ninth grade when we were all expelled from St Johns for the Amityville Horror thing. The Christian religion is a death cult, but you astutely make the same claim Éliphas Lévi made in its defense about it being the only major religion based on charity. I cannot argue with that and like you I have seen it with my own eyes. But how quickly they all revert back into a death cult whenever their priests and preachers say the word like in Palestine right now.
You are absolutely right regarding the reversion back to the death cult....thank you Jack.
It’s the truth Jack, during a dinner party with my evangelical family they all believe in the rapture, as the Middle East explodes in violence and savagery, they reveled how it will bring their savior as they got angry with me for daring to mention that genocide in Palestine brought by American Christian’s bombs calling justified because they are gods chosen people.
I hope Kamala wins, bringing a Marxist revolution, persecution of evangelical morons is so well deserved.
My family’s men? Fat effeminate and weak, nothing said back to me as I shut them up.
I told them I won’t set foot in any evangelical church.
It went over big.
I love when Christian nationalists blame the jew for everything when it is their very own Jesus that gives the Jew authority to do what he does. Without Americas backing Iran would have wiped Israel off the map long long ago...
Perhaps why the Persians chant America the great satin?
No American policy should be based upon any abrahamic book, faith or religion.
They will have to be purged, those evangelical morons. A vote for trump? Just identifies the enemies of the republic if it even exists anymore.
But there is good news, they’re all vaxxed up along with their leaders Jack.
We took the jab to open our churches, to bring back normal. In Israel, more vaxxed up than the evangelical morons.
As both call openly for the blood of Muslims.
Amazing to watch!
From Hillman, right from the Greek as demon possessed Hillman asks the question who is Jesus? And gives the answer based upon his translations of the texts the New Testament is based on.
My hitler pal had an absolute meltdown over that Hillman video, went to an online bitechute “Greek scholar” for his answer as I rebutted his argument because Hillman just told us what the text actually said in an honest reading.
If the foundation is fraudulent then so are all of your conclusions to date about an ancient text.
Evangelical Christian people will take up arms over this idea because it is that foundational to their belief system.
The rapture? They benefit by the suffering of others and in the end gleefully embrace the destruction of their object of worship the Jew with the concept of a ruled over and controlled remnant.
American evangelicals are the same in truth as that visceral monster in your video above.
As the bombs drop they become overjoyed as their rapture approaches.
And with the neo cons we let them run policy in America?
And the family is staunchly anti vaccine yet sit under pastors that are vacxed and who pushed the jabs on their congregations waiting for the rapture as they chant god is in control.
Like pastor Chuck tells them what will you do when reality strikes down you’re fantasies?
Pop corn and beer, good show is coming!
"Evangelical Christian people will take up arms over this idea because it is that foundational to their belief system." Exactly what gives Schlomo those bulging biceps no Muslim leader has dared yet challenge.
when the root is rotten, what is a gardener to do?
Nine, what do you expect when Scofield's and hagee set the tone, not Kierkegaard or Kircher. The roots are rotten. Leave you with this fine movie
Like Science Fiction nine
Only 6 likes? An opinion only, what if Spirit runs the show? Then said follow me. As the show came to an end said will send Spirit?
Most abrahamic religions have a Spirit led sect, perhaps we enlist their help.
Just an observation, based on opinion that Spirit leads. Of course believe as you please.
In this current climate, this is an avalanche of likes... but this tells us we are making progress, and hell has finally frozen over. His foul guts are ready to be properly dismantled.
I'm trying to beat Mikes record: 543 views. 3 new subscribers, and 6 likes. So far I got 329 views, 2 new paid subscribers, 1 unpaid, 1 new follower (whatever the fuck a follower is) and 6 likes. I am waiting to hear from the Jesuits on VT but so far nothing but a couple of befuddled old men.
I saw a situation on VT, it looks like brains have been spilled in vain trying to contemplate what is put in front of their weary eyes. Honestly, I don't know what a follower is... a mystery that should be examined or left to the unbiased triviality of demented monologues, sidelined in this highly volatile age. Sulphur, lead, and copper replaced gold, silver, and platinum, becoming something noble in a corrupted, satirical, and godless inversion.
So nature of humanity is Spirit led
Could a vaxxine come between Spirit
And Human?
I spell it vaxxine
Spell checker says vaccine
Change the definition
Change the spelling
Realty is what Spirit says
Believe as you please
Sea gospel
Courtesy of Seraphim:
"Stained glass windows keep the cold outside
While the hypocrites hide inside
With the lies of statues in their minds
Where the Christian religion made them blind
Where they hide
And prey to the God of a bitch spelled backwards is dog
Not for one race, one creed, one world
But for money
Do you pray to the Holy Ghost when you suck your host
Do you read who's dead in the Irish Post
Do you give away the cash you can't afford
On bended knees and pray to lord
Fat pig priest
Sanctimonious smiles
He takes the money
You take the lies
This is religion and Jesus Christ
This is religion cheaply priced
This is bibles full of libel
This is sin in eternal hymn
This is what they've done
This is your religion
The apostles were eleven
Now there's a sod in Heaven
This is religion
There's a liar on the altar
The sermon never falter
This is religion
Your religion"
Jesus in America? Adolph Hitler
If I might speak without being killed
A kitted clown on the bike trail
Attacked me
Would have struck him with a blow to the head
Pussy pedaled on let it go
In the field
Longest ride of the year tomorrow
Have to prepare
All this here is bullshit
Love you’re cousin Jack
However gotta ride