Yeah, that heavens gate stuff is the metaphysical pyramid I am always running up against. The mind forms explanations, and in this society they become rules instead of shields, which is what an explanation truly is.

People don't remember ancient warfare, but the shield was there to break or blunt the attack. That's how an explanation is supposed to work, on the mental octave.

Instead we get hosts of maniacs foisting their insanity upon an increasingly insane society.

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Funny enough Michael Tsarion recently did a podcast with Black Earth Productions on how the shield is a metaphor of essentially hiding behind women's skirts in regards to the cults and brotherhoods behind the curtain. Everything has dual meanings and all are true depending on ones state of mind. The shield can blunt an attack or be used as a tool to cower depending on the individual much like a bunker provides shelter to regroup or even surprise the enemy. In the case of our ignoble pretenders a bunker is nothing more than a place to hide from the problems they created.

A man who fights even if dishonorable and ruthless I can respect, but with a coward nothing is gained. The weasels and traitors are born from the taint of cowardliness buried deep within them that not even they are cognizant of why they do what they do.

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Greg, consider the Othalla and what it represents, not just in battle. Shield Maidens in unison with spear or ax wielding males. Some battle fields in the Baltic had equal amount of remains from both sexes.

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I'm not familiar with Tsarion, or his work, but I will attempt to clarify my point.

If we travel enough in the mystical, we discover that what most take for granted as solid, predictable reality is anything but. There are few guideposts, and the scope is quite vast. There are times when events are so incredibly stunning, that they leave one extremely vulnerable.

It is especially during such times that an explanation dulls the overpowering nature of the events enough to allow oneself to rally. Thus the explanation is both a shield and a tool.

Heavens Gate was certainly a case where the terror of the unknown was magnified, in order to empower their own explanation. This type of manipulation is so completely overused that I'm amazed no one sees it. This attempt to enshrine an explanation prevents it from ever being an effective shield. Instead, it's more like a heavy stone, carried around and never set down.

One can, and even should take great care in choosing their shields, for once they become a burden, one can easily become their slave.

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Jack, wonderful post!

Look at America`s vaunted military as they sit out of missile range of the Chinese mainland like cowards that they all are. All China has to do is wait for The American bio weapon to finish its work and at the same time restrict consumer goods. Many Americans without that hot iPhone upgrade will commit suicide from the smallest inconvenience.

Wait till the roving power outages hit this winter followed by 10 dollar gas and super inflation on odds people need.

China is in the driver's seat and America is in a car barreling down the road with no brakes.

It's going to be ugly.

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And I was over where Duff posts and still plugging the vaxx. Out of respect for his work I will leave it at that and even our MM is sympathetic towards the Chinese version of said vaxx.

All vaxxes like all governments are bad and the best one can do is ignore them and co exist. However, like in a stage play America is the bad guy now. Time will tell how this will play out and as MK says we are at a crossroads.

Thank you for all the thoughtful posts Jack and the hard work.

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Jack, MM is right on the money. Take the cycling industry. I used stimulas money to buy a Salsa warbird last year for 2000 dollars and that bike is high end and was heavily discounted because of covid. Today that bike is 4600 dollars and one can not even get a frame for what I got a complete bike for! If you can locate one that is!

Multiply this throughout the entire economy as America will learn the meaning of 5th generational warfare.

China is in the driver's seat and soon we will be farmers selling food to China. Why would they wast resources invading at this point which would destroy the land?

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