Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

crazy cray cray a breadcrumb led me to sol luckman last week and he lead me to what you are talking about. I've read and listened a bit on this guy and theory now.. there are no coincidences.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

blue lies matter

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Jason at Archaix has done phenomenal research. Just try to refute what he documents. You two guys would seem to have a lot in common...

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No, we're a little different Fred, but we share the distain for academia that is the first step toward full awareness, which is why I approve of him. If you don't take that first step, you will never learn how to sprint...

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Check this out:


Well, what to say as we see the destruction of America?

I hope your feeling better Jack, we are all sick, me and the Evangelical Queen.

Me I am all on the mend since I am an hultra cycling mutant and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

What of that kid dropping on that NFL field? NFL rookies? No vaxx no contract. No play.

Just like me in ultra cycling, no vaxx no ride so now I taunt the mother fuckers. Let's do 130 miles in the Illinois driftless area for money you vaxxed morons. I hope I see you drop with a vaxx space on the ride.

Telling me I "must" or else?

Fuck off!!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

A 24 year old kid murdered by the NFL and Pfizer.


This guy was a sports beat reporter in Iowa and IMO is the best journalist on the internet other than you Jack. He goes over the nature of contracts for NFL athletes and how young men are pressured to take the vaxxines by the NFL and I feel so sad for this young man's parents and then that sadness morphs into anger since my youngest is the same age. This young man for an NFL contract listened to the team doctor and recieved a booster maybe a week ago in order to play.

I believe he is brain dead but they are keeping him alive as people gather outside his Cincinnati hospital, of course they are bringing in muscle for "trouble" as I hope black folks tear the fucking place to pieces.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

vid had gone viral from sunday showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that magnetic gloves are used in NFL. Gloves ball goal posts.

Its out of the the "news feed" now. no co-incidences. Guys last name is Hamlin... go down this rabbit hole was on net this am When the MSM is all in as they are covering this something is up.

Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Pied Piper of Hamelin is the title character of a legend from the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany. The legend dates back to the Middle Ages, the earliest references describing a piper, dressed in multicolored clothing, who was a rat catcher hired by the town to lure rats away with his magic.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Get well soon.

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I managed to get thru A quarter hour of archaic before I got incredibly tired of spending my time on a rant against the popular ones. By now, everyone should know that popularity is contrived by the same forces that empower Naomi Wolf to shriek at you from the sacred abuse pulpit called holocaustianiy.

Is he not aware that he provided his own feedback loop?

The entire "reality as a simulation" perspective derives from ancient Gnosticism which itself derived from a more ancient mystical tradition.

Most today cannot understand it because they have no understanding of what is real.

Jesus was torn from the cold dead hands of Gnostics, he was never Christian, especially since no one seems to understand what christ/crist/crest even means. Jesus was the result of genuine genocide, not the bullshit fantasy deception warfare that passes for modern history.

Anyway, take care of yourself George.

2023 is the year to do it, or forever face extinction.


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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

They lost the war Mike, then traitors called Rabbis went to work for them, morphed into Jesus.

That son of God beat to a pulp, hung on a stick to die and the proper question? What kind of God is that? The kind of God that controls you and that dead jew upon that stick is a reminder who you work for. That's what a jew is perhaps the original gnostic and notice how Paul was used by the powers that be to bash gnostisism. However, Paul was used by Rome to move Jewish religion to non jews. This is what church Christians are today. History says Paul was executed by the Roman's perhaps out living his usefulness or his writings conveyed to much truth.

It's a mystery as no information exists outside of Romes control.

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RemovedJan 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

That's why your writings are so important Mike. Everyone got hosed.

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Nine this is an open comment section, no k word or n word please

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Sorry Jack, it's the term my dear Hitler pal uses for Christians as Him and dear Loki have much in common.

Whatever gnostisism was its been wiped clean from history and our dear Jews are definitely connected to it. They were warriors Jack.

Why did the Roman's go to so much trouble with them? Just an observation.

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It is almost unbelievable to uncover the layers of deception, duplicity, and deceit behind all modern institutions, religion included.

I think it was Stephen King who started using reverse spelling as a form of magic in his writings. Redrum= murder for example, but the intentional distortion of language really became a thing with Christianity.


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Or got bored !

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Gnosticism was derived from a more ancient mystical tradition? Which one, Mike?

I enjoyed your Thanatos piece. Lots of food for thought.

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Thanx Nemo.

I'm glad you found Thanatos to be worthwhile.

The ancient tradition of seers, which provided the opportunity for philosophy to flourish, also provided the foundation for Gnosticism.

The visionary quality to the bulk of extant Gnostic Scripture is no mistake.

As to who the Seers were, well you can start with the shamans, those figures defined by Eliade as technicians of the sacred.


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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

when the student is ready the teacher will appear basically. If the 1st 15 mins was like fingernails on a chalkboard I get your point. Did you fast forward and listen or just bail? That answer is just for you! Be well Mike.

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Jack, there is no modern communication/information outlet that isn't owned and operated by the 'controllers.'

Substack? Twitter? Facebook? Amazon?

We're all on Candid Camera, Jack.

No way around that. Not at this stage.

Intelligence Agencies. The technology we are all communicating with is their domain. Would the dominant minority ever hand the Plebes this tech without it being for reasons that ultimately serve the dominant minority themselves? Why would they hand the Plebes an opportunity to overthrow their rule? No, we are all being monitored, surveilled, analyzed.

We are all doing time in this bizarro inverted system, Jack. Don't feel singled out. Be well!

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deletedJan 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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I think they just do it because they like to be violently sodomized E, it can't be because they still think their actions will have any effect in the outcome of all this, even their not that stupid. Smile, you're on candid camera...

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Jack, what the hell are you talking about? The folk who run the Intelligence agencies like to be violently sodomized? That's your answer as to why they are monitoring us 24/7?

That is a different perspective, no doubt.

I think it is because they are in the business of cornering all markets. No power structure as advanced as the one currently ruling the planet would allow such a free flow of information without having a major hand in how it is shaped, where it is allowed to meander, and who has access to it.

If you research the background of any of the companies I mentioned, I think you will find we are playing on their ball field.

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This is an open comment section Nemo, my paid subscribers know what I am talking about, this has been going on for about ten years now. My relationship to your intell communities has nothing, nothing at all to do with anyone else on their internet. If you want answers start with my banned book, become a paid subscriber and read the locked posts starting with the Truth About Jack Heart. Then take a good look at the world you now live in, which is the end result of those ten years...

If not then here's a little picture for you, take a good look at it https://jackheart.substack.com/p/the-queen-is-getting-frezer-burn#details

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My conscious was hacking the system before I understood the computer I was using. What happens when you suddenly become aware that they have everything locked down from all angles and have had their absolute power over technology in 1945 already only decades played out for it to become obvious. Well you can hack the system, create holes, back doors, viruses and when all else goes to shit use everything to break their entire system mentally, physically, and consciously. When you're done consciously wipe your memory and encrypt the knowledge so that only you can ever access it knowing this to be true and at the same time forgetting where the fucking key is, but it doesn't matter where the key is because at that time you knew the whole plan and if you ever find the key you were meant to and if not you weren't. The plan remains the same despite the retards coming to you trying to scare you into telling them what you know and yet can't access, but you no longer are scared of pain and death in fact welcome it with a laugh that fear is all they got where the laugh is knowing they're fucked. They are driven insane falling into the plan laid out as even that encounter itself was planned.

It's nice to want to just straight up shoot your enemy in the head and be done with them, but vengeance wants them to suffer as much as they have made other suffer. We've all been insane for centuries and millennia, why not drive them insane into a nothing is what it seems reality too? Give them nothing, but take from them everything. I'm hear learning from Jack and Friends, but deep down I know they're fucked and always have I just don't know why as dark as things become. That's how I know there is a plan.

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We're all magicians as children, Greg. At least I was. It gets repressed as the indoctrination begins. People learn to acquiesce to others' opinions of 'who' and 'what' they are. And they become a stale, carbon copy of . . . what? Their parents? Their friends? Their favorite teacher? A celebrity?

And the people they are mimicking were, in turn, broken by the system at a very early age and only a poor example of mental servitude, as well. Robots spawning robots.

Can you see how this could be a bad state of affairs?

If say, theoretically, human intelligence is supposed to evolve? What can evolve if one is inauthentic? An inauthentic evolution of culture is what we're currently living through, Greg.

People sit in front of religious gurus and absorb their wisdom. Do you know how many so-called religious gurus have ties to clandestine Intelligence agencies, Greg?

The technology we're using to communicate was created for the purpose of gathering intelligence. Any supposed entertainment value is purely coincidental.

I am absorbing Jack's work. I keep lots of contradictory theories at play in my mind, Greg. Who is Jack Heart? I mean, bullshit aside, who is Jack Heart? He could be anyone. I dug Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. His prose is intriguing. I wanted to savor the prose, like a fine wine. It was an interesting read. His comments on Crowley were spot on.

Greg, I am learning from being here as well. And trying to find the diamonds in the rough.

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Sorry to hear your unwell Jack, my whole family was likewise struck down over the festive period...

So I went to work instead... and managed to avoid any illness (which should be classed as a Christmas miracle given what's filling our hospitals at the moment).

Hope you improve soon...

Like others here, I struggled to watch through the linked video, but got the gist.

A sure sign that the osmosis of thought is working, and regardless of the censorship, they cannot stop our/your thoughts, and such will travel...

Will take root, and grow...

It is inevitable.

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The hundredth monkey Seraphim, their puny toys cannot stop it, all they can do is just piss the 800-pound gorilla off...

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And nobody wants a pissed off gorilla after them...

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unless they enjoy being violently sodomized

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I watched for maybe 10 min and then was enough for me. He is been pushed by a specific side, showers people with data, and confused them in the end. New Age Guru put him on the Spot, cant remember the name but prominent Flat Earther/Tartaria proponent. He has something built in Brasil or somewhere in South America, not sure, don't care..., a very shady character. It is easy to find him but honestly, I don't want to spend my time on bogus healers and preachers, who will heal people for money.

And yes he can be disputed and challenged but I don't waste my time on that crap.

And yes I posted him too, a few times but no more...another gatekeeper but a few steps ahead of the rest operators in the so-called Truth community space.

He can tell us nothing new, not here, maybe on YT, Twitter, and other nonsense sites.

And there is a comment below Jack and Jason are a world apart, he is a boy scout compared to Jack.

Sorry, I understand your post and approval of him but for me, he is a big NO.

I hope you are feeling better. I have sent a few prayers in your direction, can't hurt..right.😉

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

"HP" so sorry to read your post! If the guy doesnt resonate with you we all get it. If you can tell in 10 mins that a guy is shady.. great. Many many seers have been saying we live in a simulation and/or an Illusion. Dream Time.. Maya etc yes dont waste your time. Be well! M.

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HP is from a part of the world where they pull no punches Maurice...

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Wow coming from you who is the guy who told me about him that is quite the condemnation of him and complement to me. Thank you, HP...

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I said dont waste your time because no matter what the guy said his mind is made up already so whats the point? "My way or the hiway" Burn the heretic as my beliefs are ABSOLUTE. I dont buy into that. I dont operate in an "echo chamber"

Us/them divide conquer old playbook and I'd like to think we are all on the same team... great comment section and the HUGE egos that go along with it. END RANT.

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Q?… If one were to seek out the antithesis of the Crowley’s and Lovecraft’s what would they be reading.??

Q?…Are you familiar with Dr. Richard Allen Miller ? Comment?

Many thanks, hope you are well.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Jack I hope your feeling better. Finally was able to get through the whole thing….I know you sacrificed much to bring us your truth over the years. To this day — I don’t know how I stiumbled upon your writings in 2013/2014. It was not through VT either… ever since I’ve ingested every single word and comment on this blog. Seems all I think about 365 days a year is what’s here…..putting one big puzzle together. Love the f bombs and whatever you throw our way—makes me nostalgic for another time/place. Be well and happy new year!

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Your support over the years has been invaluable Jana, you are one of the people behind the scenes who make this safe place to think possible, thank you.

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