Great podcast Jack.

Have to say that I am greatly amused with "Natalie and Clayton" exposing the spy agencies degenerates as I suppose it takes one to know one.

In Europe their sex workers get free health care and pensions. Does "clayton" or "Natalie" collect the NSA pension from OPM or are there two pensions?

Inquiring minds.

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I wouldn't say I'm amused nine but I Understand you gotta work with what you got.

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Actually the reporting on that site is well done with an extensive budget.

From the sets to the sound equipment it’s a first class operation that our stew peters could take some pointers from.

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It's an NSA site nine that's why I use it

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Agree still use uspostal

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I see how this plays out

Therapist a genius

Said I AM

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Ok Jack, put “Natalie” in a bike costume, on an all road bike, with “Clayton “ next to her, on a bike.

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The NSA? To be mocked like Uspostal, except usPostal does useful work for the people.

Now, Natalie and Clayton being their spokesfaggots?

Me thinks David Lynch got it right mockingly portraying FBI management as a bunch of transvestites in Twin Peaks and with the star of the show, a field agent saying "I am the FBI" as Lynch was a prophet. As we laughed about it watching Twin Peaks, Lynch told us what is going on at all the federal agencies.

USPostal management? The worst scum of the earth ever created. And NSA? Seeing them in action even worse scumbag assholes.

Ever hear the term going postal? In 97 our office got shot up, shot the female boss first, then killed the snitch, then went after the other snitches, shooting them down as they scattered like the rats they were, as he waved away his friends, as he had a shit list. Then he put a bullet in his head.

When the police arrived during the rampage, they took over 20 minutes to come on to the work floor, taking their good natured time putting their swat costumes on, fucking joke.

Like the NSA.

Seen it all jack

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Postal management's response? They put up a bronze statute of the dead snitch outside the post office for all to see.

The employee response? The statute was vandalized numerous times until it was removed.

Nice guys, same .gov with NSA.

They can go fuck themselves as it looks to me like they do.

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That man was a hero. Gave his life to expose the absolute horrible management at that office.

It was so bad even the news reporters couldn't belive how bad the workforce was treated at that post office. The work place got way better however, the bosses involved simply were moved like how the church moved its priests around.

But, Karma came up as every one of those bosses are dead all dying horrible deaths.

For example, the hero's first bullet hit the female boss right through her glasses into her eye as the blood spurted all over like a hose. Then our hero killed the snitch and he blead out on the floor and as the people ran, bloody foot prints all over the floor like a twin Peaks scean.

Our lady boss? Survived the shooting but the bullet destroyed her optical nerve so she went blind. Then she got cancer and lived in misery for 15 years, a better fate than prison.

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Well so far, he has promised to overhaul the post office, and you know with these guys the first thing going is the diversity hires.

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They took away the counter culture parties and made it woke mi6. It hurts my hedonistic soul of yesteryear

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They took money out of both our pockets; I can forgive them for their politics, but their actions toward us are criminal. That I can't and will never forgive. I want them dead.

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Jack, you have never lived properly until you've had a forced at gun point "talk" from a 300 lb black big mouthed lesbian on the evils of the "patriarchy" and how white men are the ultimate evil in America.

A USpostal forced lecture about racism and this started back in the 90's as we were first and now it's all over America.

Every weird social experiment was done on the Postal work force. I figured this out in the 90's Jack especially after our PO had its mass shooting in 97. We made the NY Times with that particularly brutal affair.

I moved to the loading docs in the early 2000`s. No women and faggots kept their mouths fucking shut. Women bosses? Were absolutely terrified in our environment. As it should be.

Faggots whining about the work? Shut up and unload that truck or write the fuck off the dock.

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Uspostal? A fine training ground on how to deal with the government we have now in America.

First you ignore them. Never talk to them unless you have to. Next, get out of any American city.

The absolute retards live in American cities. As they collaspe the real economy? Things in cities are going to get ugly.

Avoid church and church people, all vaxxed up and worshippers of Trump. Stay out of taverns, full of rural Trump worshipers and heavily vaxxed.

Americans? In society? The ones visible? All vaxxed up and to be avoided at all costs.

The best thing that could happen to America? For all vaxxed Americans to die enmass of VAIDS.

The only chance the place has.

Glad I'm old as I watch the place reset, for the young? A backwards world where retarded females are put in charge of institutions alongside homosexuals and beat down effeminate men who take institution jobs with pensions, like cops.

I see these things in the cycling world, wealthy females with corprate jobs and men cast out.

The only people who can afford high end.

So, high end bikes are not selling at all, and the same is upon many sectors in the economy, all by design and tRump is the closer..

Worship away....

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And the "truthers" on the internet telling us about the vaxx and how all the people will die from it? Their already dead, from the day they took the first jabs.

I have noticed the society at large has already reset, with the vaxx nonsense not talked about, vaxx mandates over in the workplace as people simply have moved on from the pandemic nonsense. However, the absolute narrative control of the population post vaxx is absolute, with critical thinking about a thing of the past. Never to return, as we live in a zombie apocholypse of epic proportions.

As I increasingly ignore the zombie masses it appears as I move amongst them that I am invisible to them. The zombies are mostly harmless but like a hornets nest best avoided.

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