Visions End. An answer and a challenge… by Mike Kay
Challenges occur when the society can no longer progress through the common way, either because that society has experienced significant failure, degenerated due to incompetence...
In matters of life, as well as matters of the spirit, there is always the irrepressible need for the next step. There are two primary methods available for divining what that next step need be. When both fail, as they have today, mankind behaves as if he were afflicted.
The primary method available is the common way, whereby one bases their life choices according to society, however it should be noted that there is another path, one largely unknown today, which we will refer to as the uncommon way.
The common way needs little introduction, for it is foundational to the very world view of society. One is so immersed within it, that one rarely even becomes aware of its existence. The uncommon way, in contrast, is that which relies on a higher power to direct the course of action. The common way involves the choice of recognizing skills and abilities, whilst training them into salable commodities. It is the realm of assessing options, and choosing one that best fits the criteria. In contrast, the uncommon way could be understood as something fleeting that is powerful yet unavailable to standard measurement. In direct terms, it can be equated to a hunch, intuition, a condition of letting go to allow oneself to be steered. The common way is the path of businessmen and politicians. The uncommon way is the path of the tracker, the artist, and the mystic.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, western society is preponderantly represented by those who have chosen the common way. What might be surprising is the degree to which this path is informed, enriched, and validated by the uncommon path. The two ways of progressing are quite different, yet strangely complementary.
We find these paths illustrated pragmatically in fiction, with a well known example being the first Star Wars movie. Here Han Solo represents the common way, proclaiming that there is no great power in the galaxy running his life, whilst Luke clearly represents the uncommon path, hearing voices of wisdom, sensing things before they happen, and surrendering to the force. In Star Wars both paths are presented as part of the whole that work together to explain the universe.
The common way requires no connection to higher power. It firmly participates in the visible, knowable manifestations of the society; thus it is both tangible and real to the degree that it carries a sense of solidity, practicality, and self evident existence. It is clearly understood by the people what the demands are, to continue to step forward. The issue with the common way arises when this evident reality is intensely challenged, as it is today.
Challenges occur when the society can no longer progress through the common way, either because that society has experienced significant failure, degenerated due to incompetence, or because it is under attack. In the current case, all three are occurring simultaneously. Failure can be something as simple as technological change, where the sensible plan one year becomes the poster child for obsolescence the next. For example, the development of Artificial Intelligence is expected to eliminate 300,000 jobs in America in the very near future. Incompetence is logically equated with advancing interests that put themselves before the health of society. Attack encompasses a wide variety of possible actions. Today it is largely launched from within, whereby the descendents of those who gave nations such as America and Canada their unique character are actively targeted via policies intended to neutralize them.