I have read the Anacalypsis by Godfry Higgins. Stonehedge is never mentioned, nor is it ever mentioned by such druidic luminaries as WB Yeats, Aleister Crowley or AE Waite. That’s because Stonehedge didn’t exist before the early part of the twentieth century when it was built by a construction crew that was never even paid for its labor. I know these things not because I am an archeologist, a researcher or another “brilliant writer” but because I am Jack Heart and privileged to inside information that none of the aforementioned professions could ever even dream of.
Recently, as I am wont too, I shared with my paid subscribers some of that inside information about the so said pyramids in Bosnia and how I came about it. The “pyramid,” (in fact a hill) is of course a fake, just like so many others and my sources, to say the least, unimpeachable. Happy Parrot who has become an integral part of the Jack Heart team dug this video out of YouTube which will tell you, as an unpaid subscriber, all you need to know about the pyramid in Bosnia. Fake sites like this are not only lucrative to the tourist industry of the perpetrating nation, think Stonehedge, but useful in advancing the dissembling narratives that conceal their overlords.
At the “School of Arts and Archeology at Zhejiang University – one of the oldest, most selective, and prestigious universities in China,” students are taught that the West has fabricated their entire history. Professor Huang Heqing is teaching his elite students that the “Pyramids of Khufu, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, were made of concrete, and constructed in the 19th century.” Dr Huang alleges “that from the 19th to 20th centuries, the West was rampantly forging historical and cultural relics, and spending huge sums of money everywhere from the Mediterranean to India, fabricating fake ancient artefacts...” (1)
1 - Charlier, Phillip. "Chinese professor: There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China." Taiwan English News [Taiwan] 11 Feb. 2021 Web. https://taiwanenglishnews.com/chinese-professor-there-were-no-ancient-western-civilizations-just-modern-fakes-made-to-demean-china/?fbclid=IwAR2ihNIG_j_88brNuhejZL56_DynlEmL3KKECzNrvCDjKOSK4p5foM86IR4
Fake men on TV, the movies, entertainment, politics and business who are really women. Fake women in all of those fields who are really men. Fake weather, fake shootings, fake chow, fake terrorists, fake elections, fake humans, etc. etc. ad nauseum. Real fear, sufferings, and death. A totally fabricated, fake Judaic "reality." Pathetic, disgusting, and laughable. Try and enjoy the show while you're here.
"Everything worth knowing is a lie." -- Sage of Quay
All the once-held, perhaps even cherished, beliefs have to come under a new critical scrutiny for the asleep who are in the awakening process. It can be brutal to have your cherished believes utterly discredited. Tears the ground out from under you. But the false must be destroyed so the real can shine through. And this is more possible now than it has been before because it does seem like we're in an age where the very few, but very dominant, controllers of 'reality' are being more upfront and honest about their intention than they have in the past.
I was listening to Alan Watt describe their agenda years ago, concerning the 'jab' and its true origin and intended goals. Streams of genuinely useful information are allowed into the public realm, in dribs and drabs, through unlikely outlets that many would consider 'crackpot conspiracy theorists.' Thereby rendering them useless to the brainwashed sleepwalkers who never question authority in any meaningful way.
I think this may be some karmic, or perhaps legal, contractual stipulation on the part of the shadow rulers. But they never make the truth known on their highly promoted news broadcasts or in their university textbooks, giving them a convenient loophole.
It's not a concept many can fathom. Many have cultural 'buffers', 'blinders', which prevent them from appreciating the ubiquity of real knowledge that has been confiscated, obfuscated, erased, hidden from all but the very few, and the fake 'knowledge' that has been invented out of whole cloth and presented as 'historical fact' to supplant it.