We published Gonzalo Lira’s interview in Z Plan part 2, Z is for Zombie on April 7. Gonzalo had been catapulted to fame to those who are paying attention by a hit piece about him published on March 20 by well-known propaganda purveyor for MI 6 and the CIA the Daily Beast. According to lore the piece outed Gonzalo’s location in the Ukraine and he was kidnaped April 15 by elements of the neo–Nazi Azov battalion. After outcries from many famous journalists, most notable being Glen Greenwald, Gonzalo was returned safe and sound on April 22, minus of course his computers.
Now I’m telling you right now the Azov boys traded him for something they really wanted that the Russain’s no doubt captured at Mariupol, and if the Russians gave it to them, it leaves little doubt Gonzalo is very important to the Russians. I will leave it up to you to decide whether Gonzalo is a Russian operative or just a very good Jounalist who happens to be on the scene and doing what journalists are supposed to do reporting what they are seeing. Frankly it makes no difference to me. The western media is obviously so contrived as to be unreadable to anyone with half a brain. I find Gonzalo’s tweets to at least be coherent which is more than can be said of the Guardian or the New York Times. Below is a sampling of Gonzalo’s greatest hits from April 11 to the fifteenth in chronological order.
The measure of a life is the distance from troughs to peaks. Dartmouth '95, writer, film director, entrepreneur (renewables, real estate), blogging, YouTubing
Currently in Kharkov, Ukraine. Joined [Twitter] April 2022
For the truth about the Zelensky regime, Google these names: Vlodymyr Struk Denis Kireev Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich Nestor Shufrych Yan Taksyur Dmitri Djangirov Elena Berezhnaya Once again: If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.
Zaur, Kadyrov fighter, emotionally recounts the storming of an Azov-occupied building directly next to Azovstal. What made them decide to storm the building, against all logic, was watching AZOV shoot a mother and her child in the back as they were fleeing

Let me be the first to congratulate Alexander Mercouris on reaching 100,000 subscribers on YouTube! Please go check him out—his channel along with that of his colleague Alex Christoforou produce the best geopolitical content on the internet: Alexander Mercouris - YouTube
And in the end, this will be the map that will remain—a bitter image of Ukraine's future. Russia will pour billions into their newly acquired territory. It will prosper and flourish. But the rump-state of Ukraine will be left poor, destroyed, forgotten— A tragedy. 24/24
The great tragedy is that so many THOUSANDS of young men will die—and die NEEDLESSLY!!—in order to postpone the inevitable. These brave boys will have fought so valiantly—and died so young, so cruelly—because of the evil of the Zelensky regime. That's the hard truth. 23/
Why would the Russians now give up this hard-won prize? And they *have* won—make no mistake. Ask any military man who is not a system pig, he'll tell you: There is no way for the AFU to retake their country. They have no armor, no air defense, no fuel, no comms—it's over. 22/
And they have a lot to gain: The Donbas is mineral rich, the really productive farmlands of Ukraine are in the east and south, Kharkov is a major industrial city, the Sea of Azov has untold natural gas reserves. And besides—the people love them. 21/
The war in the first 30 days was speed—feints—nominally capturing vast swathes of Ukraine territory, with the aim of pressuring the Zelensky regime into a negotiated settlement. But the West's total financial and political break with Russia means they have nothing to lose.
The Russians intend to conquer and permanently annex all the south and east of Ukraine. This is why their strategy on the battlefield has dramatically shifted: Now they are carrying out a slow, methodical grinding down and destruction of the AFU.
This has sealed Ukraine's fate: The Russians now have no incentive to give up what they have conquered. It has cost them too much—in terms of men and treasure. And they know that they can't negotiate a ceasefire—the Zelensky regime will simply break it later. Which means
The Russians realized they were in a total war with the West—and since their foreign reserves were lost forever (likely to be pilfered by corrupt Western politicos), the Russians now have nothing left to lose. By stealing their reserves, the West lost all power over Russia.
Something else the Russians realized: Sanctions. They hurt—but Russia bounced back with remarkable speed. They didn't really hurt that bad. But the theft of Russia's $300 billion in foreign reserves by the West DID hurt—badly. 16/
That's when the Russians realized the Zelensky regime was agreement-incapable: Their Washington masters—Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken in particular—wouldn't allow a peace. They want this war to sap Russia dry. It is a classic proxy war—and Ukraine will pay the price.
Quick recap for those who haven't followed what's been going on in Ukraine but want to understand: 02/24: The Russians invaded from the south, south-east, east and north, in a lightning campaign. The Russians invaded with 190K troops—against 250K combat troops from Ukraine.
Starting in late March, the Russians pulled back and solidified their control over the area they had captured, ceding to the AFU areas that were either pointless to or potentially too costly to control. The Ukraine propaganda machine called all these pull-backs “victories”. 13/
There was still a glimmer that the war might end in a negotiated settlement—but that ended in early April. After the Istanbul talks of 3/30, the Ukraine side gingerly agreed to some compromises—but within a week publicly disavowed those concessions.
So World War 3 might start over a trivial sliver of land—Transnistria—between western Ukraine and eastern Moldova. It is an ethnic Russian enclave, and the rumors from Igor “Strelkov” Girkin is that Romanian and Ukrainian armed forces are planning on seizing it.

Gonzalo Lira @realGonzaloLira Apr 13 The #Russian military found an #Ukrainian UAV with liquid containers and sprayers on the territory of one of the military units abandoned by the Armed Forces of #Ukraine #UkraineRussia

What blatant incompetence on the part of Doctor Mike! Fixing an enemy army means holding them in position with minimal force—but Ukraine lost their entire Mariupol army, while the Russians had less than 10% casualties. This is what “Cope, seethe, dilate!” looks like.
Quote Tweet
Dr Mike Martin
@ThreshedThought · Apr 13
Increasingly Mariupol is looking like a Ukrainian sacrifice to keep the Russians fixed.
I agree. Losing the Moskva is a big deal for the Russians — so they will dial it up to at least 8 in Ukraine. The question is, what will make them dial it up to 11.
Can’t even express how *big* losing the Moskva is. A strategic asset for the Russian Navy. Would be like the US losing a carrier. Things are going to heat up: Show thread
Good thread.
Alright folks, quick thread before I hop off tonight because I've seen a brain-dead talking point making the rounds. Apparently people think without the Moskva the Russian Black Sea Fleet will be vulnerable to air attack. Yeah no, they have seven air defense frigates. Show Thread

If Putin bombed Chile, I’m pretty sure most of us would be happy to give up Santiago, if we’re being honest. If Putin bombed the US, I absolutely KNOW that most people would be in favor of giving up California Oregon Washington and New York. And Massachusetts too.

On a personal note, this really, REALLY pisses me off. There was absolutely no reason to do this — as far as I’m concerned this is the evil of the Zelensky regime in a nutshell: Destroy something beautiful—and blame the Russians. I want them to be held responsible. 2/2
They are about to lose the area in pink, lavender, yellow, and olive green.
Ukraine is about to lose the area in pink
-- GEROMAN --@GeromanAT - Apr 14
Situation assessment by the Austrian military: Battle or the Donbas:

Extremely interesting thread, on the American biolabs in Ukraine.
A biolab in Ukraine has conducted unethical human experiments. #BiolabsinUkraine
The allegations concern a lab located in Merefa, a city in Ukraine’s #Kharkov region. The Russian military claimed that “American scientists from the lab” conducted a series of human experiments… Show this thread
I’m hearing persistent rumors that Ukrainian commanders are giving soldiers up to 3 tablets a day of Captagon. It’s the brand name of fenetylline, a combination of amphetamine and theophylline. This “invincibility drug” became popular among soldiers in the Syria.
Captaron can keep you awake and alert for extended periods. It also gives a sense of euphoria and enthusiasm. It’s highly addictive, and prolonged use has serious consequences. Many captured Ukraine POWs have the hollow-eyed look of people on amphetamines for an extended period.

The voices of #Mariupol which won’t appear in the Western MSMs. Devastating truth. Including attacks on healthcare to be known to @WHO Great job by https://t.me/PatrickLancaterNewsToday/1811… Full video:
The way I see it is Gonzalo's polished, well informed, seamless presentation betrays the fact that he is just a face-man for some entity or other. He's building 'street-cred' so that his messages will be taken as gospel in the future. He's not wrong in anything that he's presenting, but he's playing some sort of role, likely one of a) convincing the people of the western world that they're screwed and that the situation is hopeless, thereby reducing resistance when the great-reset comes along and b) to convince people that the terrible, civilizationally-suicidal policies being put into effect now are being implemented thorough incompetence rather than malice.
What is upsetting is that yesterday's lies about the German national socialists are reinforced by today's reality.
It is also fascinating that these Jewkronazis are fighting yesterday's war.
They are ideologically 80 years late behind and claim to be fighting the Slavs as if it were 1941, without seeing that today they are the bolsheviks in the service of the same empire who are killing their own neighbours and using them as human shields because they are too cowardly to die as warriors worthy of their Valhalla.
The Bolsheviks were not even Russian and Stalin was a Georgian.
They fantasize about the last war and try to reproduce it as if they wanted to change past history.
What is also ironic is that their "hero", Stepan Bandera, was arrested by Hitler in 1941 and transferred in 1942 to the Sachsenhausen camp after drafting a declaration of Ukrainian independence. He was only a tool for murdering Polish, Russian and Ukrainian civilians but his arrogance exceeded his usefulness.