The Problem of Inbreeding in Islam by Nicolai Sennels (September 19, 2010) contributed by anwn with Introduction by Jack Heart
A serious discussion about IQ’s needs to be opened between White people and their unelected globalist rulers. Since the last twenty-five years has more than proved that the globalists don’t hear very well the talking points of this discussion will have to be written in their blood. Nothing gets a man’s attention like burning down his house and killing his whole family. Ask the Israelis, they have found this to be the most effective method of communicating with cretons. Although I will be the first to tell you, largely due to the mentally debilitating effects of the injections, they have now taken it a bit too far in Palestine. Since the Globohomos own the media, mainstream and now alternative too, they can censor intelligent White people and replace them in their forums with sexual deviants, women who have never done an honest day’s work in their lives, and their own bought and paid for White sycophants like Piers Morgan who very well may be all of the above. What they cannot censor is a fusillade of bullets and accelerants poured and ignited in the doorways of their homes and businesses.
European country’s that once sported average IQ’s of about 110 to 115 now average between 96 and 100 due to the massive infusion of legally retarded sub-Saharans and they’re not much brighter Islamic counterparts in accordance with the hundred-year-old masonic dream of Pan Europa. A 1924 plan to replace Whites with more governable Brown people. Asians, who do not flood their country’s with inbreed Islamic imbeciles and obviously genetically inferior sub-Saharans have maintained a 107 IQ. They are now the smartest people in the world, smart enough as in the case of China to not allow themselves to be governed by those that want to kill them.
In England the very dubiously elected Keir Starmer has just called for a ‘standing army’ to deal with the ‘far right’ protestors who would dare to complain that their wives and daughters are being habitually raped and murdered by said sub-Shahraan retards and genetically defected Muslims. Any cop that is sociopathic enough to serve this Globohomo must be viewed as an enemy combatant and dealt with accordingly. Below is an article from fifteen years ago that gives you the actual scientific facts about Islamicists, purged from the internet but dug up by the ever-prying Jack Heart team:
The Problem of Inbreeding in Islam by Nicolai Sennels September 19, 2010
[Editor’s note: Several days ago, an interview with Nicolai Sennels by Jamie Glazov on Muslim inbreeding was published but taken down soon after at the request of the author, as it was decided that several themes needed to be buffered by more evidence and research. The final product ended up working best as an article by Nicolai Sennels himself, which is presented below].
There is a dire phenomenon rising in Europe that is crippling entire societies and yet the continent sleeps, refusing not only to confront the destructive elephant in the room, but also to admit its very existence. The troubling reality being referred to is the widespread practice of Muslim inbreeding and the birth defects and social ills that it spawns.
The tragic effect of the left’s control of the boundaries of debate is that any discussion about vital issues such as these marks an individual as an “Islamophobe�? and a “racist.�? A person who dares to point at the pathology of inbreeding in the Muslim community is accused of whipping up hatred against Muslim people. But all of this could not be further from the truth. To fight against inbreeding anywhere is to defend humanity and to defend innocent babies from birth defects. Fighting against this Islamic practice stems from a pro-Muslim calling, since identifying destructive ideologies and practices in Islam enables the protection of the Muslim people from harm.
Massive inbreeding among Muslims has been going on since their prophet allowed first-cousin marriages more than 50 generations (1,400 years) ago. For many Muslims, therefore, intermarriage is regarded as being part of their religion. In many Muslim communities, it is a source of social status to marry one’s daughter or son to his or her cousin. Intermarriage also ensures that wealth is kept within the family. Islam’s strict authoritarianism plays a large role as well: keeping daughters and sons close gives families more power to control and decide their choices and lifestyles.
Westerners have a historical tradition of being ready to fight and die for their country. Muslims, on the other hand, are bound together less by patriotism, but mainly by family relations and religion. Intermarrying to protect the family and community from outside non-Islamic influence is much more important to Muslims living in a Western nation than integrating into that nation and supporting it.
Today, 70 percent of all Pakistanis are inbred and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 “More stillbirths among immigrants“). A rough estimate reveals that close to half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. A large percentage of the parents that are blood related come from families where intermarriage has been a tradition for generations.
A BBC investigation in Britain several years ago revealed that at least 55% of the Pakistani community in Britain was married to a first cousin. The Times of India affirmed that “this is thought to be linked to the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.�?
The BBC’s research also discovered that while British Pakistanis accounted for just 3.4% of all births in Britain, they accounted for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality. It is not a surprise, therefore, that, in response to this evidence, a Labour Party MP has called for a ban on first-cousin marriage.
Medical evidence shows that one of the negative consequences of inbreeding is a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths. One study comparing Norwegians and Pakistanis shows the risk that the child dies during labor increases by 50 percent. The risk of death due to autosomal recessive disorders — e.g., cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy — is 18 times higher. Risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Mental health is also at risk: the probability of depression is higher in communities where consanguine marriages are also high. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of mental and physical retardation and schizophrenic illness.
And then there are the findings on intelligence. Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being “retarded”) increases 400 percent among children from cousin marriages. An academic paper published in the Indian National Science Academy found that “the onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.” Another study found that Indian Muslim school boys whose parents were first cousins tested significantly lower than boys whose parents were unrelated in a non-verbal test on intelligence.
Source: The Problem of Inbreeding in Islam | PJ Media (