Yahweh the god of the Old Testament is just one of the gods. He was only in charge because his mother stepped aside and let him, self-begotten by her, run things while she pined away for her lost lover Lucifer. On August 23, 2011, Lucifer, who had already been incarnated, started to shake off the Waters of Lethe and began to remember. The east coast of America trembled in an inexplicable earthquake. On that day the human race, or at least those who influence it through the Hundredth Monkey phenomenon, also began to remember, neutralizing Yahwehs power over them and thus mankind. The judgments of Lucifer, called Leviathan in Talmudic and biblical lore, were drawn up and rendered. By 2016 she had been reunited spiritually with her long-lost lover and effectively handed over her power, the only thing in existence that could mitigate the judgments, to him. The clown memo was issued and the Mandala Effect born. The other gods, whom Lucifer hates almost as passionately as Yahweh, for their betrayal were continually threatened with a Black Hole Sun:
Tiring of the game because that’s all it ever was, a game, only Yahweh is psychopathic enough to wipe out an entire world for the sins of their rulers and the other gods, Lucifer contented himself with reveling in the chaos brought about by the Mandala Effect. He told the powers and principalities of the earth they would have to read the newspaper every morning to find out what they did the day before. He told them, because he could think of no greater way to humiliate them, that his own blueprint for a new world order was the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
At the end of 2019 Lucifer travelled to Europe and materialized the Vienna Pestilence at the doorstep of Christendom’s greatest cathedral and officially declared war with a Mesoamerican frieze below the monument at Koblenz. War is the only thing Yahwehs supplicates understand. As Yahweh controls the other gods with marbles made from the purest of Lapis Lazuli appropriated from his mother’s sacred necklace when she tore it from her neck in protest of the deluge a new anthem was born to commemorate Lucifers trip to Germania and his formal declaration of war there. Now it is Lucifer who holds the biggest stone of all, and things are grim for the children of Abraham. It has been five years since those fateful days and their world stands at the periphery of Oblivio Accebit.
Only the Aryans, those loyal to Lucifer as defined by Otto Rahn in Lucifers Court will survive Armageddon. China because Mao had the wisdom to purge it of its Christian pestilence will be preeminent in the new world. Iran which Rahn specifically mentions as being Aryan remains in the clutches of flee bitten mullahs and Imams in spite of Lucifers best efforts to free it by disposing of the traitor Ebrahim Raisi. And I tell you now until the last Iranian imam is strangled with their own entrails Rahn’s vision of Iran as a truly Aryan nation shall never come to fruition. The ancient and once venerable Persian nation will perish with the Jew plague that has been inflicted on the Arab Nations. Russia, just as full of miserable Christians as Americas bible belt, will be consumed in the flames of perdition. Outside those two which must suffer the consequences of their willful ignorance and savage brutishness the rest of the West will be given the option to repent for murdering the Truth eight hundred years ago in the genocide of Lucifers people known as the Albigensian Crusade. One thing is certain Lucifers wrath will not be satiated until Yahwehs last supplicant is spiting blood while they watch their children burn. Their god will die with them…
A few hours after this was posted my daughter the Witch filmed this UFO above Fort Lauderdale Florida
Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.
Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Oblivio Accebit search gets few results, but interesting ones, with additional keywords eldrich
last night, I played the Soundgarden Black Hole Sun video for Roger. then an add came on and I got a perfect freeze frame of a zombie catatonic eyes turned upward with lightning coming or going into his 3rd eye. As I type this comment, on comes Molokko Sun is Black, bring it back, bring it back to me