Discover more from Jack Heart Esoteric Evolution
Matilda, the Devils Mommy (Devils and Gods Among Us II) by Jack Heart & Orage
First Published Monday, March 22, 2021, The Human
Special thanks to Joe Wentrup
At the “School of Arts and Archeology at Zhejiang University – one of the oldest, most selective, and prestigious universities in China,” students are taught that the West has fabricated their entire history. Professor Huang Heqing is teaching his elite students that the “Pyramids of Khufu, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, were made of concrete, and constructed in the 19th century.” Dr Huang alleges “that from the 19th to 20th centuries, the West was rampantly forging historical and cultural relics, and spending huge sums of money everywhere from the Mediterranean to India, fabricating fake ancient artefacts...” (12)
In Russia they’ve been questioning the authenticity of the Primary Chronicles, just about the sole source of their history, since Nikolay Karamzin wrote the History of the Russian State in the early nineteenth century. Dmitry Likhachov, who died in 1999 at age ninety-two and is still considered the world’s foremost scholar of the Old Russian language and its literature called the Primary Chronicles unintelligible due to the all pervading presence of “fillers” added post factum by the Eastern Orthodox Church. He said they "destroyed the narrative’s logical progression."
The prominent Ukrainian historian A. P. Tolochko states the chronicles are more or less fictional in nature and written to justify Viking domination of Russia through Kiev. He concludes that “there is absolutely no reason to continue basing our knowledge of the past on its content.” His conclusions are backed up by hard science. Both the Primary Chronicle and the Novgorod Chronicle, a fourteenth century Kievan addendum, date Kiev back to the middle ninth century. But modern archeological dating methods, the most important and most accurate being the tree ring dating method since Kievan houses were made out of wood, show it only dates back to the late tenth century.
Nikolai Morozov and Anatoly Fomenko are not aberrations but the culmination of two hundred years of dogged and honest Russian scholarship. But here in the West plodding and willfully stupid academics still fanatically cling to the narrative of a religion that floats on an ocean of blood. The Royal Frankish Annals, Annales Bertiniani, Annales Fuldenses, Annales Xantenses, and to a lesser extent the Annals of Quedlinburg, have obviously all been pasted together long after the facts by Christian monks whitewashing the churches past.
Anything written in Latin must be arbitrarily dismissed as church propaganda. The Norwegians and Swedes that fled to Iceland did not go there to catch codfish. They were political dissidents, writers and poets, fleeing the New World Order of their time; Bruno’s Catholic Church. The cadre of literature they preserved in the prose Edda, recorded in Old Norse, is what they could save of a past where men asserted their freedom with a sword and a battle axe and no king or even god would dare tell them what to think.
In The Hervarar Saga King Heithrek calls Odin an evil wretched creature and draws the magick sword Tyrfing to kill him. Odin turns himself into a falcon as Heithrek slashes at him with the sword and he ends up cutting off Odin’s tail feathers as he flies out the window. Odin, safely away, then causes Heithrek to be murdered by his servants soon after. It should be noted here that the founder of the Ottonian dynasty, said to be Bruno’s father, was called Henry the Fowler and he would die abruptly from a hunting accident right before he could be crowned Holy Roman emperor.
The Swedes and Norwegians have a raw account of their past in the Eddas and Sagas but the Danes who had no representation in Iceland have had their past scrubbed. Through the sagas Norwegians trace their dynastic lineage to the Jötunn and the Swedish to the Vanis but somehow the lone Danish saga; called the Skjöldunga saga, focusing on Danish dynastic lineage and integral to the storyline of the Old English poem Beowulf, has been lost to posterity. All that can be known about the Danes has been Latinized, a euphemism for sanitized.
The pre-Christian history of the Danes is recorded not in Old Norse like that of their close cousins in Sweden and Norway but only in Latin in the Gesta Danorum by “Saxo Grammaticus...”
Although scholars are dazzled by Saxo’s (Saxo the Saxon?) knowledge of Latin, particularly for someone writing in the thirteenth century, there is little to no record of Saxo Grammaticus ever even existing until Christiern Pedersen's Latin edition of his complete work was printed and published in 1514 by Jodocus Badius under the title of Danorum Regum heroumque Historiae ("History of the Kings and heroes of the Danes"). Pedersen supposedly obtained the original manuscript from Archbishop Birger Gunnersen, but magically that manuscript just disappeared before anyone else could see it. There are only four fragments attesting to the early authenticity of the Gesta Danorum and those absurdly have been dated only through paleography.
Using carbon dating methods on the organic material comprising a manuscript should be a scientific layup. However, that is not how it’s done. It’s done through paleography, defined as the study of ancient writing systems and the deciphering and dating of historical manuscripts. This academic pseudoscience was scandalously invented by a Benedictine monk; Bernardde Montfaucon who lived from 1655 to 1741. In 1708 he published the bible of paleography; Palæographia græca, sive de ortu et progressu litterarum græcarum (“Greek palaeography, or the origin and progress of Greek literature”)...
Scandalously not only because it provided standardized directions on how to forge an ancient manuscript but because de Montfaucon had to have been well aware that his contemporary and the most brilliant scholar of his day; Jesuit librarian Jean Hardouin had just accused the Benedictine Order, which he called the black monks, of fabricating the entire history of Greek and Roman civilization. Hardouin also the premier numismatics expert of the times said, just like the Chinese are saying now, they had faked it all; coins, inscriptions and manuscripts. He said the only authentic classical works were Homer, Herodotus, Cicero, the Natural History of Pliny, the Georgics of Virgil, the Satires and Epistles of Horace and the New Testament which was originally written in Latin. (13)
Sourced in Old English, the Anglo Saxon Chronicles, although much tampered with, have greater credibility than anything sourced in Latin. In the very first lines it’s stated that England was originally settled by Armenians who became the Britons. Then later the Picts came from Scythia and were given land to settle. This is inconvenient to their narrative and academics squeal in unison that the Saxon author copied it wrong from Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, or An Ecclesiastical History of the English People, pointing out that Bede said Armorica. (14)
There are three problems with this explanation. Bede, supposedly writing a couple of centuries before the Anglo Saxon Chronicles were begun, was a Benedictine monk. The Saxons were well aware of who the Armenians were. They had settlements with them on the Black Sea, as the language Crimean Gothic attests too. The author knew just what he was saying. And, finally, no one has accounted for the Armenians fellow Russians, the Scythians, being treated like comrades and not invaders.
There is an account in Old English by a man named Wulfstan who took a ship from England sailing up the coast of Northern Europe to a place called Truso now in Poland. Back then Truso was in Estland, the land beyond Denmark. Wulfstan describes Estland as being “very large, and there are very many walled towns, and each walled town has a king.” (15)
He gives a vivid description of Estland funerary rites where the dead are left uncremated, sometimes for months depending on their stature in the community, while their friends gambled and drank away their possessions in the company of the corpse. He explains that they are able to do this because they are able to freeze the body, even in the summer. He writes “If one puts down two vessels full of ale or water, it happens there that both become frozen over, whether it be summer or winter.” (16)*
So much for the “Dark Ages.” Back at Malmesbury Abbey in England, from high atop their dark citadel the black monks were teaching themselves to fly. Writing in Latin in the Gesta regum Anglorum William of Malmesbury commemorates mans first actual attempt at flight made by a monk named Æthelmær (Elmer) a thousand years before the Wright Brothers were born:
“He had by some means, I scarcely know what, fastened wings to his hands and feet so that, mistaking fable for truth, he might fly like Daedalus, and, collecting the breeze upon the summit of a tower, flew for more than a furlong [201 metres]. But agitated by the violence of the wind and the swirling of air, as well as by the awareness of his rash attempt, he fell, broke both his legs and was lame ever after. He used to relate as the cause of his failure, his forgetting to provide himself a tail.” (17)
That Europeans were in the Americas long before Columbus slaughtered his first Taíno Indians has been well documented. (18) There are huge pieces of history missing in the centuries following the Ottonian dynasty and what we have before it is mostly the concoction of the church. The Royal Frankish Annals, the Annales Bertiniani, the Annales Fuldenses and the Annales Xantenses are what western historian’s call their Primary Source; it’s not coincidental that they correspond to the four synoptic gospels.
Three can be traced directly back to the Benedictines as can the Gesta Regum Anglorum and the Gesta Pontificum Anglorum. Nobody knows where the Royal Frankish Annals came from, but the Annales Bertiniani simply turning up at the Abbey of St. Bertin, a Benedictine monastic abbey renowned for its Latin cartulary, upon the abbey’s final completion in the sixteenth century is a dead giveaway. You can date them all from there because that’s about when they were manufactured. Attempts to trace any of them into the all too convenient quagmire of the dark ages are a tautological proposition. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that they are, to a Latin letter, a product of the black monks and they must be read with the utmost of skepticism.
The Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum covers the relations between the Saxons, Vikings and Wends. It turned up around the late sixteenth century like all the other Latin manuscripts but shows far more integrity, recording that by the eleventh century the Vikings were already on the coast of North America. It was supposedly written by Adam of Bremen in the late eleventh century and purports to chronicle the church’s deeds in Hamburg-Bremen. At the time the bishops of Hamburg-Bremen had jurisdiction over all missions in Scandinavia, and the entire scope of Viking expansion in Russia, Iceland and Greenland, in all likelihood making the Gesta Hammaburgensis a less sanitized source of Russian history than the Primary Chronicles of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Res gestae saxonicae sive annalium libri tres or Deeds of the Saxons, recounts the history of tenth century Germany. It’s said to have been written by a monk named Widukind in the monastery of Corvey. Duke Widukind is, and has been for over a thousand years Germany’s greatest folk hero. He is said to have led the Pagan Saxons against the rabidly evangelizing Charlemagne and the Carolingian Dynasty and fought them to a draw for decades, exacting a heavy toll.
Widukind the monk, apparently just as proud of his people and their history, begins not with Rome but with a short synopsis taken from the orally-transmitted history of the Saxons. Widukind’s work is marked by its failure to ever mention Italy or a pope, even in its detailed account of Henry the Fowlers rise to absolute power in Europe...
Widukind dedicated his three volume work to Abbess Matilda of Quedlinburg, one of the three true architects of western civilization. Traditionally three is the occultic number of royalty in Northern European lore. There were three Bruno’s; three Otto’s and three Matilda’s. In the Hervarar Saga western civilization is founded by the shape shifting Valkyrie Hervör, her demigod son King Heithrek, and his son Angantyr.
Quedlinburg, the womb that gestated the last thousand years of darkness, according to the official narrative is where the Carolingians first offered to cede Germany to Henry the Fowler. It has been called, and for good reason, the "cradle of the German Reich." (19)
The Quedlinburg Abby is where Saxonicae Annales Quedlinburgenses or the Annals of Quedlinburg would be written. The Annals of Quedlinburg are the official history of the Holy Roman Empire, written by what scholar Hannah Burrows calls supernatural woman: the “women on the mighty mountain,” the “maids, who fight weaponless around their lord,” the “white-hooded ones, and those women do not have husbands,” the woman of Odin’s riddles in the Hervarar Saga. (20)
According to the Deeds of the Saxons and her two hagiographical biographies, Matilda of Ringelheim or Saint Matilda was the wife of Henry the Fowler in a marriage arranged by her grandmother. The most desirable woman in Europe by birth and said to be descended from Duke Widukind himself, Matilda would be raised by her grandmother abbess Matilda I at the Herford Abbey. The powerful abbess would negotiate her granddaughter’s marriage to Henry Duke of Saxony, soon to be known as Henry the Fowler. Their union would be parlayed into the Holy Roman Empire and it would bear five children. The oldest and the heir to the throne would become known as Otto the Great and his younger brother Bruno the Great.
Upon Henrys early demise, Otto would assume the throne and Matilda would retire to the Quedlinburg Abby. It’s said she favored his brother Henrys claim to the throne because Henry was born after his father was king and truly born to the purple. After half a dozen or so years of bitter internecine warfare the family reconciled and recognized Otto as the rightful king.
Matilda would live out her life as a saintly matron with a reputation for charity. She is the patron of the St. Matilda church in Laatzen and the St. Matilda church in Quedlinburg. Perhaps tellingly she is also the patron of the Melkite church in Aleppo, Syria. In ancient times, Aleppo was called Nephîlā′, the biblical city of the Watchers...
Henry the Fowler captured a Hungarian prince early on in the hostilities with the Magyar and parlayed him into a ten-year truce in which he agreed to pay them annual tribute. With his dukes he used that peacetime to build fortified towns and to train an elite cavalry force. When he was ready Henry cut off their tribute and the Magyars resumed their raiding. Henry met them in the Battle of Riade and crushed them so badly that they would never again return to his northern lands.
In the Hervarar Saga; Heithrek captures Sifka, the daughter of King Humli, and the princess of the Hun. She has a son with him named Hlöth and he sends her and the boy home to the Hun.
The reign of Otto the Great is marked by war upon war. There was war with his brothers, war with his dukes, war with the Slavs, war in Italy, and civil war with his first born son. Finally there would be his great victory against the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld then more war in Italy. He would be the first of three Otto’s to be crowned Holy Roman emperor. His second wife Adelaide of Italy, in an unprecedented papal gesture, was crowned empress right alongside him.
Of Burgundian nobility and married at fifteen, Adelaide’s first husband Lothair II, the nominal king of Italy was poisoned by his usurper Berengar who then tried to force her to marry his son while holding her prisoner. She escaped hiding out in the marsh grass and making her way to a fortified city where she sent an emissary to Otto asking for protection.
Otto could do better than that. He married her and sacked Italy no less than three times killing both father and son Berengar’s and installing his own pope. When Otto wasn’t killing Slavs and Magyars on the eastern frontier for empire he was in Italy killing Italians for Adelaide. The two spent almost the entire first decade of their marriage in Italy and while they were away Bruno the Great, Otto the Greats younger brother, acted as regent.
Adelaide would have four children with Otto, among them Otto II the next Holy Roman emperor but even more importantly would be Matilda, the third Matilda, the first Princess-Abbess of Quedlinburg to whom Widukind dedicated Deeds of the Saxons.
At eleven years old, her Grandmother Saint Matilda gave her the Quedlinburg Abby and her father Otto arranged for an extravagant ceremony electing her “suae metropolitanae sibi haereditariae, a title that suggests episcopal powers, which she certainly wielded in nonsacramental matters. As an adult acting as regent when her brother Otto II went to Italy she governed, as the approving chronicler said, “without female levity using the skills of her talented ancestors and parents to restore the stubborn officials of the barbarian kings to peace and obedience.” (21)
The narrator then praises her for being able to use prayer to get what she wants even though the swords of the empire were at her disposal. As regent, Matilda held a reforming synod at Dornberg concerning the church in Germany. But the true extent of her power over the empire is revealed when she would later call for an Imperial Diet at her Abby.
With his idiot son Otto II safely out of the way in Italy and young Matilda running the empire with his brother Bruno, Otto married Otto II off to Theophanu, a Byzantine princess and not Otto’s first choice. Otto’s first choice was Anna Porphyrogenita, as was everyone else’s. Anna was a “Porphyrogenita,” a legitimate child of the Byzantine emperor born in the special purple chamber of the palace where his children must be birthed while he is in power. It was constructed solely of porphyry, and is where the term born to the purple comes from. It was the highest pedigree royalty could have and Anna Porphyrogenita was going to Vladimir. She would become queen of the Kievan Rus, some say it was for her that Vladimir sold out the old gods...
As Adelaide was before her, Theophanu was crowned Holy Roman Empress Theophanu on the same day she married Otto II because he had already been crowned emperor. With that they all went back to Germany and Otto the Great promptly died, leaving Theophanu after she pushed Adelaide out of the way, effectively running the empire.
Like a salmon but with less personality, Otto II spawned Otto III with Theophanu and then himself promptly died at twenty-eight. There was another family scrum for power when Henry the Wrangler, not to be confused with his father Henry, Otto the Greats brother, claimed to be the rightful heir of the Holy Roman Empire. An Imperial Diet was held by Matilda in the Quedlinburg Abby (22) where Matilda successfully defeated his claims and secured the election of her nephew Otto III as Holy Roman Emperor, therefore "holding the empire together" (23)
Theophanu would now rule openly as regent for the toddler emperor but she too would die young at thirty-one, much to Adelaide’s approval who as the boy’s grandmother took over as regent. By the dawn of the eleventh century Otto III came of age and carried on with the family tradition of invading Italy and installing a pope. This time the pope they would install was German; Pope Gregory V born Bruno of Carinthia...
Otto III would then conveniently die at age twenty-one and the Ottonian dynasty would fade into the very history it would for now on write. Köln would become Rome and a thousand years of darkness would take care of the rest.
In the twenty-third riddle of the Hervarar Saga Odin asks King Heithrek: “Who are those women, who go all together to the curiosity of their father? They are seldom gentle with the host of men, and have to wake in the wind.” And Heithrek correctly answers him: “That’s Ægir’s daughters; they go three together when the wind wakes them.”
Adelaide and Matilda would both supposedly die in 999 but the Quedlinburg Abby would continue as the true womb of Christianity. There the Annals of Quedlinburg would be written by what scholars concur was a woman. It’s a safe bet to conclude that woman was Matilda, whom cloistered amongst the white frocked daughters of Ægir atop the castle hill of the Abby would also write the synoptic gospels. She would write them in the Latin that would so impress Jean Hardouin centuries later. It was a language that should have been long dead but then again so should have Matilda.
In the eighteenth riddle Odin asks King Heithrek “Who are those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son, and those women do not have husbands.” And he asks him again in the twenty-first: “Who are those ladies, who go sorrowing, to the curiosity of their father? They have pale hair, the white-hooded ones, and those women do not have husbands...”
According to Tacitus, a fraud by the revelations of Hardouin, the Germanic people whom he called Suebi worshiped Loki whom he called Mercury. Tacitus was adhering to his scripted role of being an ancient Roman historian when he invented names for the German people and their gods. According to the testimony of Hardouin, who as the Jesuit Librarian would know better than anyone, Tacitus was a Benedictine monk writing a century or two before he did.
Tacitus further attempts to obfuscate the past by pedantically adding Suebi tribes. With a theatrical flourish he names them: “the Langobard, Ruedigni, Aviones, Anglii, Varini, Eudoses, Suarines, and Huitones...” He said they worshiped Nerthus a goddess indigenous to their lakes and rivers.
Of course there is no archeological evidence for Nerthus and because The Old Norse name of the god Njord is what the Proto-Germanic name Nerthus would look like if it were rendered in Old Norse, academics connect her to Njord. But there are problems with this. Njord is a god, a Vanir or nature god. He is the father of Freyr and Freyrs female counterpart Freyja.
After the Æsir–Vanir war Njord, Freyr and Freyja came to live amongst the Æsir as royal hostages and co-rulers to ensure lasting peace between the Vanir and the Æsir. The Norse celebrated Freyr in much the same way as Tacitus claims the Suebi celebrated Nerthus but again the problem is Freyr is a god and Nerthus a goddess.
In the Hervarar Saga Hervör is able become Hervarth, a man. She uses this ability to shape shift into a man to persuade the Vikings to take her to Samsø to acquire the magic sword Tyrfing and then to insinuate herself into the enchanted kingdom of Guðmund of Glæsisvellir. Hervör, who in the Pagan Hervarar Saga founds western civilization, is metaphorical to Freyja, who in the Christian Orea Linda is credited with the same. Freyja and Freyr are synonymous with Hervör and Hervarth. Tacitus, a monk from Köln not Rome, confused by the Norse custom of kenning or name substitution was talking about Freyja.
There is a Nordic tradition of worshiping the goddess and her sylphs and nymphs by flowing water. Balkh the capital of Bactra in ancient Afghanistan, one of the oldest of human civilizations, is known to have been a sanctuary dedicated to Anahita the Zarathustrian Goddess of water and fertility. Some scholars believe Zarathustrianism is over eight thousand years old.
In Arcadia, a region in the central Peloponnese of Greece, long geographically isolated and consequently able to retain the Eleusinian mysteries in their purest form, Poseidon is the river spirit of the underworld and he appears as a horse. In northern European folklore it was typical for gods to be horses. Poseidon mates with the mare, Demeter and from their union she bears the horse god, Arion, and an enigmatic daughter who originally also had the shape of a mare.
This nameless, shape shifting, horse goddess “is perhaps the first Celtic deity, which has a long history with several gods and goddesses of the Celtic people. Particularly, there seems to be a measured provocative intent in the strategic development of religious iconography of the equine goddess. In Gallo-Roman religion, the fertility goddess Epona worshiped as ‘The Divine Horse’ and ‘The Great Mare’ is protector of horses, riders and travelers.
An altarpiece from continental Europe depicts the goddess seated side saddle on a mare in the usual pose. Nevertheless her nimbus veil is an attribute of Venus Celeste, while a rudder in her right hand is an aspect of Isis-Nemesis (0.1). In fact, the drapery swirling around her head adorned with the stars covers the cosmos. By elevating Epona to the sky, the horse deity becomes one with Punic Tanit, Roman Venus and Egyptian goddess Isis worshiped as the ‘Star of the Sea’.” (24)
Along with Mercury Tacitus said the Suebi worshiped Jupiter and Hercules, dutifully assigning “Roman” names to “ancient” Odin and Thor respectively. But Tacitus may have been slipping out of character when he mentioned the Suebi also venerated "Isis."
As a learned monk Tacitus no doubt would have known the great dome of St. Gereon's Basilica in Köln had been built to cover over a temple of Isis that once overlooked the Rhine. Constr›uction for St. Gereon's had begun a half century after pope Urban II under the sublime guidance of Bruno of Köln finished slaughtering the indigenous inhabitants of Jerusalem, clearing the way to fabricate the new “Holy Land...”
St. Gereon is one of the twelve great churches that grace Köln; it was finally finished in the early thirteenth century, inexplicably taking over seventy-five years to complete. It now stands a few blocks from the Rhine but before it was a Christian church it likely commanded the view of the river.
Like every other important archeological site in Germany it was damaged by American and British bombs in WW II. Armin von Gerkan, a seminal figure in ancient architectural history who’s "Griechische Stadtanlagen" (1924) is still consulted today as the basic text for ancient city planning, was given the job to go in and fix it. After excavating in forty-nine and fifty in 1951 he reported finding “an Isis altar, probably of the 2nd century, with” an inscription... (25)
Isis oh Isis you're a mystical child
What drives me to you is what drives me insane
I still can remember the way that you smiled
On the fifth day of May in the drizzling rain - Bob Dylan, Isis
In the Hervarar Saga Höfund and Hervör have two sons. Heithrek, who takes after his mother Hervör, kills Angantyr who takes after his father Höfund. Count Liudolf, the progenitor of the Ottonian dynasty had two sons with the hundred and seven year old Oda whose dowry included much of what is present day northern France. Bruno was killed in battle and Otto the Illustrious went on to marry his son Henry off to Saint Matilda.
Young King Heithrek is not a natural child. His mother is a Valkyrie, a Swan Maiden; “those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son...” After killing his son, Heithrek rejects Höfund outright as his father resolving always to do exactly the opposite of what Höfund would do. Heithrek has no real father his mother is one of “those women do not have husbands.” It is mentioned in the saga that Heithrek’s “foster-father was called Gizur.” In fact it would be Gizur who at the council many many years later would tell the Hun prince Hlöth, Heithrek’s son, that his mother Sifka was naught but a bondswoman, provoking war between the Goth and the Hun. (26)
Something ugly was born back there in the tenth century; something that still walks the earth today as the lies believed by every Christian, Muslim and Jew. It starts with religion, the evil spell of amnesia, and the books they have written. We have no memories but the ones the church has given us. The Crusades would be fought to purge the human race of its past and now Isis is just a song and a name that is given to men who chop off heads.
It’s the same old story. The goddess attempts to procreate without her male consort and she gives birth to an abomination who thinks he’s the one true god. He makes her his whore and the whole world his slave. Sages told it before the empire and they will tell it long after the empire is gone. It is the Implicate order manifesting in the explicate, the sacred in the profane, and it’s as certain as death to happen in the dream.
Matilda knew what she had done almost from the day she did it. All her praying, the very praying that had bent Barbarian kings to Ottonian rule, could not stop him, nor could her nun eyed Jesus mitigate his evil. There is an old story of how Mary Magdalene brought Christianity to the South of France. If she did it was at the beginning of this millennium and it was not his brand of Christianity. His brand had been transplanted to Rome by the time Bruno of Carinthia had been installed there as pope.
Back then the South of France was called the Midi and it was radically different from the rest of the world. They were Cathars, enlightened beings. Women were treated as equals and nobody cared whether you were a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. It was as close to utopia as Europe ever got but he came. He came with his pointed hat and his mercenary hordes and by the time the Albigensian Crusades were over there was no one left to remember what they had ever believed...
As legend has it she appeared to a group of Knights Templar as Isais near the ancient city of Nineveh during the crusades. After the fall of the Cathar stronghold at Montsegur she would appear to them again and again back in Germany on the Untersberg Mountain. Besides The Revelation of Isais (27) she gave them some artifacts, among them a black stone said to have escaped the pope at Montsegur.
They were told the stone would play a crucial role in the final battle between darkness and light. It was back there somewhere in the thirteenth century when she consecrated an elite order from the Knights Templar to guard it till then. This order, shrouded in shadows even to other Knights Templar, was to be known asDie Herren vom Schwarzen Stein or the Lords of the Black Stone, SS being the abbreviation for the German acronym.
She would surface in sixteenth century Venice as Julietta Montefeltro the high priestess of the Ordo Bucintoro, an order that traced its pedigree back to Geoffroy de Saint-Omer one of the nine founding members of the Knights Templar. The Ordo Bucintoro was named after a bejeweled boat used by the fabulously wealthy Venetians in an annual celebration of the marriage of the goddess, Venus or Venice, to Poseidon, god of the sea from where their riches came.
Montefeltro’s beauty was legendary in the courts of kings and queens throughout Europe and it was said she did not age. She could be in Rome and Madrid on the same day she was seen being carried on a litter, escorted by two armed men, through the Piazza San Marco.
The order possessed secrets that allowed them to ‘walk through the times’ to the past, present or future. They were dedicated to the fruition of a “Roman-German Empire” that would sweep away the unbalanced patriarchy and insane avarice of the pope and replace it with a utopian world based on spiritualism and equality between the sexes.
After Fatima she resurfaced again as Sigrun a medium for the Vril Society, an occult group that would end up collaborating with the Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein or the SS in an attempt to travel to Aldebaran; a giant red star in the Taurus constellation. Sigrún is a Valkyrie immortalized in the Poetic Eddas.
The Vril Society was comprised entirely of stunningly beautiful women. Most wore their hair as long as possible, believing a woman’s hair acted as a psychic antenna, but the one who served as a priestess of Isais wore her hair short like a boy. The tradition stems from the story of how Isais managed to steal the black stone from the god of this world who is the devil by cutting her hair short like a boy so she could gain access to it.
The Vril girls were able to make contact with a praetor human intelligence that relayed plans for a vehicle that could transverse the ether. The plans were recorded through the girl’s automatic writing of Sumerian cuneiform. Thule Society scholars were able to translate the writing and by as early as 1924 Winfried Otto Schumann used them to build a Jenseitsflugmachine or "Afterlife Flying Machine." When the war ended Schumann would spend two years at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in America as the guest of Operation Paperclip. In 1952 he would be credited with discovering the Schumann Resonance, the resonant frequencies of the earth’s ionosphere, a discovery for which he is still known today.
The dazzling women of the Vril Society all disappeared without a trace after the war, said to have went to Aldebaran with elements of the SS. In March of 1945, right before their disappearance they predicted that they would return in 1992/93 or 2004/05. Their agenda upon their return would be to promote the impeding final battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness.
Part 1- Devils and Gods Among Us:
The Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won:
An audio primer on the work of Anatoly Fomenko and the New Timeline:
* This may not be the proper translation. The original sentences were cut and pasted from a Yale site that was taken down immediately after we published Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I. They read: “there is a tribe among the Este that knows how to cause cold, and this is why the dead men there lie so long and do not rot, because they keep them cold. If two containers are put out full of beer or water, they can cause one of the two to be frozen over whether it is summer or winter...”
Defunct site: ( )
12 – Charlier, Phillip. "Chinese professor: There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China." Taiwan English News [Taiwan] 11 Feb. 2021 Web.
13 - Heart, Jack and Orage. 2019. The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray...”. [online] Esoteric Evolution. 3 Jan 2019. Web:
14 - "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle : First Century." The Avalon Project. Yale Law School, Web.
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Outside Plato's Cave time has no power over the spirit and will of man.
Looks like you have discovered an undiscovered and unguarded tunnel into the bowels of the Vatican loaded with books that were forbidden to see the light of day for a millennium! Wow! Just Wow! Fantastic works that you continue to release to the world George is amazing!