Trump’s administration managing by shotgun approach!
It seems to me that the Executive is firing all barrels at once since inauguration and dealing with legal, judicial, and congressional return fire as it comes thus identifying barrier to their plans. - Phil
If you use the internet to look up news and commentary about the Supreme Court rejecting the case about Trump freezing funds you’ll find an interesting variety of headlines, depending on the media outlet. Here is further reading re: Trump freezing noted during show:
AP Article re: Supreme Court:
Supreme Court docket 24a831 page:
Decision and Dissent:
The DC Court of Appeals for DC Circuit Court decision which sent this to Supreme Court:
Here are links to the Autopen Story. The more I think about it the more I seem to remember that there were “rumors” of this occurring some time ago., Matt Margolis, March 6 2025: The article I read
Could a Bombshell Discovery Render All Biden's Presidential Actions Null and Void?
There are links in this article to the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project’s verification of autopen use and to the Missouri AG’s letter to DOJ.
Heritage Foundation Oversight Project investigation found that all but one of the documents Biden signed as president were signed with an autopen. The only one he signed was his letter pulling out of the 2024 race for president. Everything else was NOT signed by him.
Did unelected officials make unconstitutional decisions without President Biden’s knowledge or approval?
Who was running the autopen?
Did he know what others were being signed?
Was the government being run without presidential oversight?
Why wasn't the 25th amendment used to remove Biden from office?
Were orders issued without an accountable presidential approval?
This is a big one! Share to get people watching and asking the right questions.
This book is the reason I am the most censored writer on the internet. If I was you, if I could get it, I’d read it and find out why lest you have to do this all over again. Publication will be discontinued after we publish my next one, so you better try to get it now.
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