Jack Heart Esoteric Evolution
Jack Heart Conversations From The Porch
Jack Heart's Conversations from the porch - Episode 56
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:02:25

Contributed by anwn source: https://x.com/Palsvig/status/1824722707566498067


This COMMENT is my take 

on the much acclaimed 

bogey man all encompassing 

“market crash” 

that we all “know” is 

“just around the corner”.

The experts have been talking about a market-crash for 20 years, well since the dotcom bust in 2001. 

Before reading on, do yourself a favor and look at the Dow Jones from 2001 till today. 

Now, I am a trader, I might be allowed to be wrong one year, and keep my job, if I had a very good explanation. Maybe one huge trade, that I could persuade my management would come to fruition within the following 12 months. But no trader in an American Investment Bank to my knowledge were ever allowed to be wrong two years in a row, no matter how many excuses you had.

You got fired. 100% for sure.

Now with economists and researchers, the socalled experts, it is very different. For some reason they may be wrong year in and year out, and they never lose their job for being wrong, as long as they express the consensus view, meet clients and write in the investment banks market research publications. 

Just like the famous sentence, “noone ever got fired for buying IBM”. 

We traders used to call the economists “reverse indicators”, because as a rule you would make money if you did the opposite of what they said. I noticed all the places I worked, that when the market had been going up for a while, they would all come out with a bullish report, and when the market had tanked/gone down, they would come out as the usual Johnny come lately with a report for why the market would go down even more. Always explaining what already had happened like a history teacher. Absolutely devoid of any clue about what was about to take place in the near and much less about the more distant future. 

They were/are precisely as clueless as the “experts” during the covid genocide.

Their timing was often impeccable and we traders often all looked at each other, nodded and did the opposite. 

Our job was/is to make money. Not look good. Not be part of the consensus crowd.

Our job was to be right, more often than wrong. 

No matter how often we were right and the economists were wrong, they still wouldn’t change, they still wouldn’t learn. 

Just as the “experts” involved in promoting the covid genocide, very few of them have gone public and admitted their mistakes that have been fatal and extremely harmful. 

Millions have suffered due to the “experts” ignorance and arrogance. 

With economists it is only money. With the covid it is of course much worse. I get that… of course.


And there is a “however” and this will follow now:

– money is also about politics, and the people engineering the false narratives about the soon to be upcoming all encompassing market crash have very very ulterior motives for you believing what they say. 

These are the people behind the 

“You will own nothing” – agenda. 

And when they say that YOU will OWN NOTHING, they don’t mean that your government pension fund will own everything and you will get a nice pension on retirement.

No they mean, that THEY WILL OWN EVERYTHING!

There are many ways to Rome for these unhumans (read Jack Posobiec “Unhumans”).

There are David Webb’s The Great Taking. 

David explains  how the financial authorites, (that would be the bad boys I call the Talmudic World Order), have over the course of 20 – 30 years changed the legislation, so they can engineer another “banking crisis” and then use that as an excuse to take all your deposits and ALL your securities. ALL OF IT!!!

To do this, they would need to get all Americans guns first. So I doubt that would happen in the near future. 

Then there is war, and this is one of the reasons the “authorities” (read: Talmud following masons/jesuits/sabbatei zevi followers) foment so many wars. In a war they can kill the rich people who are not belonging to a satanic lodge and steal their wealth. 

Lastly there is what they do now, and here it comes, what you have been waiting for, if you have read this far:

They hire/employ “experts” (read: collaborators/shabbo goyim/lodge members) who will find all sorts of reason why “the dollar is over”, “the debt crisis is unsustainable” and all the other nonsense. 

(Just do the five steps in the Palsvig-plan below, and all is better than fine, the world is abundant, we are just being deliberately mismanaged by devil worshippers). 

These traitors make sure the market collapse narrative is the consensus and then a lot of good people, even real freedom fighters, who fought against the covid genocide, will repeat the “market is collapsing” – narrative. Of course believing it for a lot of good reasons. 

Best example to learn from is the market reaction in 2020, when the entire world economy closed down. Normally ALL equity markets would have collapsed. They didn’t. WHY? Because someone printed more money, lend it out to their masonic bankster buddies and BOUGHT UP everything. 

The good people believing the “market is collapsing”-narrative have never been traders and thus never learned the hard way, that you can’t be wrong for 20 years, let alone two years without being stopped out. You need to stop up occationally…at least after 20 years…..and ask yourself….

“Hmmmm…I have been saying this for 20 years, and been wrong for 20 years, what if I am wrong for…..another 20 years…then something else must be happening!!!!!”

But very few people do that…instead they rinse and repeat and say “now the market is collapsing”.

Once everybody is talking about the “market collapse” then people will believe it and act upon it and SELL all their securities and even maybe go short.

Guess who is buying?

Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street and all the other Talmudic World Order controlled institutions. 


They but the Dow Jones, in fact all equity markets, they buy the real estate globally and resources like agricultural land and mines extracting raw materials. 

They buy everything!


Now if THEY want to OWN EVERYTHING and they don’t want to do “The Great Taking” outright theft, they have set the Talmudic legal system up for, 

or a global world war, 

then the smartest thing to do is convince people the market is going down, so they volunteer to sell everything to them. 

What is going to happen near term, you may ask:

Of course the market will oscillate. Now the market may go down again to 39000 ….maybe even 38000…. but it won’t collapse, because IT IS NOT IN THE TALMUD FOLLOWING DEVIL WORSHIPPERS INTEREST. It will go straight back up again. 

Let me explain why it won’t collapse and why it is not in the “We Will Own Everything”-mafias interest that the market collapses:


Therefore that won’t happen. 

When the masses are selling now, 

Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street are buying everything.

Have you seen Bill Gates sell any of his agricultural land?

No, I didn’t think so.

Yes, I know Warren Buffett very publicly sold some shares. Come on….pleeeeeeasssssssseee!!! It is a charade. 

He is a 33rd degree freemason, possibly (after what I have heard) the Grand Master and leader of all freemasons in the US. Remember in the Talmud it says that it is okay to lie to gentiles. Freemason is “Talmud light”. That’s why their symbol is missing two horrisontal lines from the David Star. This symbolises that masons are a part of the Talmudic World Order. It is an organisation for shabbo goyim traitors. 

By the way totally irrelevant information, but I met Warren Buffett at a wedding in Bermuda in 1995. He was just sitting there speaking with the grooms father, who was the owner of American Express. He did not seem like a nice man at all, very cold and let’s just say stern. I don’t want to be too rude (for a change). 

So to sum up!


If the market can go up in 2020, when the world economy is closed down, it can go up today.

And it will…..because…. THEY WANT TO OWN EVERYTHING. 





Get it already?

Mads Palsvig, Msc Law, Bac Finance, investmentbanker specialising in government debt financing from Credit Suisse First Boston and Morgan Stanley, advisor to the Federal Reserve and ECB in conferences, private meetings and numerous drinks and dinners over 15 years. 

PS. If any one think I am arrogant, then just remember, I am not half as arrogant as any one else would be in my shoes.  

Sorry, couldn’t help it. Joking aside. 

As you probably gather, I really don’t care about what people think of me, I don’t care about offending someone. If I offended someone, they probbaly deserved it, I even think I am doing them a favor. We need to offend more people to wake more people up. 

What do I care about?

I care about the truth, I care about ending the suffering of innocent people. 

Thanks for hearing me out and reading this far.

Lets end the Talmudic World Order 


create a world of abundance for all.

God Bless

The world is abundant. 

It is possible to totally remove poverty and everybody can live a middle class life and up with a chance to reach his/her (only two gender) full potential. In every country in the world. 

There are 5 steps in the Palsvig plan: 

1.  Remove the privilege of creating money from the Talmud following tribe. 

And instead of spending the entire money creation on fomenting wars against Israel’s enemies, lock downs, forced vaccinations, illegal immigration and overall corruption spend it on infrastructure and a monthly citizen dividend just like any shareholder would get a dividend. We ALL own a share of the money creation. It does NOT belong to Rothschild et al. This money will be spend buying goods and services from each other in perpetuity creating wealth beyond imagination, because no economist (I wonder why) has studied the multiplication effect of the economy aka what happens if the government instead of robbing people actually pay them every months. 

2 REPLACE income tax and corporate tax with a 1% levy/tax/fee on all digital transfers of money. 

I repeat: totally remove income tax and corporate tax. 

Instead charge 1% every time a corporation or human being digitally transfers money. 

I mean EVERY time. Including all bank transfers. Of course also credit/debit cards and mobile pay. 

This will lead to taxation of the multinational corporations for the first time in human history. 

When people don’t pay tax, many more people would be inclined to start their own business, this will create wealth beyond belief, once people instead of sitting on their hands in the public sector trying to figure out ways to administer, tax and make new atrocious bureaucratic time wasting laws and regulations that does nothing but stifle the will to set up a business and create wealth and abundance. The system is designed to destroy wealth creation. 

3 prohibit usury for human beings. Create mortgage institutions that lend out interest free mortgages to human beings but not to corporations. 

4 remove real estate tax on every human beings primary residence. And introduce a progressive real estate tax that increases the more properties a person or corporation owns. This will help transfer the wealth back to the middle class from the globalist mafia. 

5 make a currency conversion like the one the deeply corrupt Russian government did in 1991 on behalf of CIA, Harward University and banksters from Wall Street. Just reverse. The globalists stole the entire savings of the Russian people overnight by making a new ruble and calling the old one worthless by decree. We can do the same. Make a new USD, new EURO, new CHF etc etc. And this time normal civilian human beings will be allowed to convert their old money for new money one to one. HOWEVER those who have made their money from trafficking children, dealing drugs, laundering money, poisoning the wells, opening the gates, profiting from wars and the like will not be allowed to convert their ill gotten old money for new money.

This is my 5 step plan that with 100% certainty will create abundance beyond belief. 

The world is truly abundant and once we remove the devil worshipping parasites from any position of power, and that includes most importantly the ability to create money, then we will all be able to have a fair chance of reaching our full potential in peaceful cooperation with all other people in the world. 

Mads Palsvig, MSc Law, Bac Finance, former investment banker specialising in government bond trading, advisor to the privately owned Federal Reserve and ECB in conferences, private meetings and numerous drinks and dinners over 15 years. 

“Liberals” (= read green globalist Bolsheviks) want the working class to take out the middle class preferably as violent as possible as in USSR, China, Cambodia, Cuba and everywhere else. 

“Conservatives” ( = read everyone who wants to remove poverty, keep traditions, peace, justice and human decency).

This girl is one of the few that’s not a quack and she says different Sage of Quay® Dispatch: Property Foreclosures Soar (sageofquaydispatch.blogspot.com)


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