How Can You Sleep When Beds are Burning? When the World is Forever Turning by Happy Parrot
Scott Ritter: If the US attacks Iran to stop Houthis, all our bases in the Middle East will be destroyed.
Limits and realities of AI-supplemented warfare, are we the bystanding witnesses of the great victory of the human spirit and human ingenuity?
Fantasy War and cruel realities of modern warfare, the rise of the Eastern world, and human conscience in general.
America is no longer the driving force in a military sense. It is time to face reality, fix your economy, and maybe it’s time for the West to enter into an era of international peace.
I fear if American leaders don’t stop living in a self-feeding dreamland, there will be a series of terrible and profoundly unpleasant consequences for the whole North American continent.
Some say, America has already been broken as a nation and capitulated internally, but civilians and Americans as people don’t have to suffer unnecessarily if there is no real need for the catastrophe, that is looming like a hawk above the proud heads, of a once great nation. If some controversial and painful steps are not taken into consideration tragedy of bigger proportions may not be avoided, as a fringe group of lunatics is leading the West, into the arms of self-prophetic demise.
If you don’t stop your “leaders” pictures from Uganda or Sri Lanka can come knocking at your home. You may think this is an unthinkable and laughable idea, maybe you should think again.
With weak military forces and almost nonexistent reserves of fresh recruits, Europe will be forced into negotiation. If the following situation arises and Europeans see no available military force is coming their way, nobody from another side of the Atlantic is coming to fight with them, I don’t see a future where Europeans have the burning need or will to spill blood, literally for nothing.
Waging War for the sake of war is not exactly the European mentality.
Governments are not people, people these days are given a meager choice to find their leader, in many cases a questionable power-hungry usurper is voted in, a docile puppet on the string then fights wars and wages battles against their, own people.
Again and again, one truth becomes, blatantly obvious: there is no respectable military force without a strong presence of human factor…Robots and dependence on AI systems are fantasies sold to gullible plebs and wannabe generals with small or zero combat experience, who all operate under a set of obscure and morally degraded beliefs. Just a few years ago these individuals were granted high positions in military institutions just because they have tits or can wear a flashy skirt, of course, if they are given a sainted status as a “minority”, then they are instantly accepted, as one of the fiercest casts of warriors, who ever had a chance to live on this “spinning plane” of our existence
The problem was created and,still persists to this day as the following occurrence… All these, highly questionable military figures can’t do anything wrong…
When absolutely Anything goes, nothing will work…especially on the battlefield something must be plausible and implementable in reality under enemy fire or in distress. There is no do-over on the battlefield, if you mess up people will die…fact.
Great way to repel all men of military age, who are fueled with healthy doses of testosterone, and tell them to do something else instead.
Because you know what? we are the gayest military on the planet, this is how we will fight and win future wars…hmmm….Maybe next time, if there is gonna be the next time for Americans and NATO forces.
When we take a closer look at the situation…
Maybe this is the best thing that could happen to American people, a little dose of humility, has not hurt anybody from time to time.
The West has greatly miscalculated the limits of virtual warfare and there is no time for another thunderous comeback followed by the applause of the approving masses. Soon the reality will have to settle in and somebody will have to take the pieces of this highly costly, misguided, and adventurous military misfortune.
Truth be told if there will be anyone of competence left to do such a thing, after the ingenious work of these skilled militaristic geniuses.
If it comes to fire exchange between Iran, the Houthi movement, and NATO, probably we will have a very short war with high numbers of casualties on the American side(NATO). Six-Day War done in reverse…
Israel will be obliterated, as a result of this failed military operation, and what better stage than a place called the RED Sea for the final and closing chapter of this, intriguing war play?
Who knows maybe this needs to happen, it is time to stop these bloody wars, many times created literally out of tin air.
One thing is for sure: The world has been changed forever, and nobody from the Western coalition can do a thing, about it.
The only thing, that can be done…start dealing with the new reality and find new, better horizons.
Maybe, just maybe the world will become a better place for all, white, black, red, brown, and yellow-skinned inhabitants of this Planet.
Dear Humans, maybe it is time for a different approach.
Stop hating each other, everybody has a claim to live their lives in peace and dignity…this should be not an exclusive fact or something that only, chosen and favorable parties in this world are privileged to consume.
Start seeing the difference between our races, nature will eventually show her way into a better future, but remember in the end we all here are just incidental travelers, and nothing here is forever.
Learn to love each other, and the world of the future will be just fine.
What you do to others, you are doing this to yourself.