France XIII, In the Footsteps of Otto Rahn (part 1)
Those that give their love to a god will find themselves in a very one-sided relationship.
"The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived." - Revelation 18:23 New King James Version
No sooner do I write, she was a witch, a real one, there are many of them in the Midi, but the Sabarthez is crawling with them than my associate, a Croation poet who goes by the name Happy Parrot, sends me “Matriarchy, Mary Magdalene and the Cathar Traditions – a view from Montsegur by Richard Stanley.” I wasn’t aware of its existence until then, and neither was Jon who knows what’s in Stanleys underwear draw. It’s an insert, compliments of the simulation. It’s what I call a walk-in and it’s been happening regularly since the outset of the Mandala Effect in 2016. Oh, Stanley will remember making it but that was on a different timeline. As first noted by Schrödinger and cemented into reality by Everetts paper Wave Mechanics Without Probability there are infinite timelines. It wasn’t there and I am all of times premier expert on the union of the He and the She. The marriage between the sun and the moon it was the theme of Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan.
At the end of the video Stanley gives away the reason for the simulation, the theme of my book and the theme of Miguel Serrano’s writings. In his eight-hundred-page magnum opus Serrano writes, “When the Egg of HE-SHE divided, the She separated from the He, she left first. And He will be the agonic pilgrim in search of She, through the worlds, galaxies, where both must fight the Enemy. But here another Egg-In-Itself, SHE HE, who had contemplated the explosion of HE-SHE in an uncreated space, also divided her Egg, like the suicide of a New star, by solidarity, by A-Mor (Love without love) because she felt comradeship with HE-SHE, so to speak. And thus we have a She in search of her He through glorious wars and bloody sacrifices.
And Someone, an unknown Being, will be left to await the return, like on the edge of a Fountain. Someone [ Rahn and the SS] who in the adventures of those two (four), played the Destiny of a divine impossible existence, unimagined even by the greatest pilgrims of nostalgia. Who was this Being, who seemed to have dreamed all this, who risked so much in the Mystery of HE-SHE and SHE-HE? Is it someone who is beyond the Archetypes of the Demiurge and even of the Archetypes used by Hyperborean Siddhas as instruments of their combats? Someone who wanted to destroy the universe of the Demiurge, to break the Cycle of Cycles, to break free the prisoners of Eternal Return? Someone who permitted HE-SHE and SHE-HE to part as pairs of opposites in order to enter into the nightmare, into the corrupt world of the Demiurge, to search for each other, to find each other again, fighting to transmute this evil creation?” (215)
Serrano is adamant that the point of grail lore, the chivalric quest, the message of Wolfram von Eschenbach, and all the Minnesinger’s before and after him is the love between a man and a woman. He writes, “Rahn is mistaken [Rahn has changed his mind same as he did when he wrote Lucifers Court, lionizing Lucifer, after he wrote Crusade Against the Grail, vilifying him. With age comes Wisdom, perhaps he has discovered Leviathan, the deepest darkest secret of the Qabalah. Since the Yggdrasil has been purged from memory by the Roman Catholic Church the only way to truly penetrate its secrets is to study Qabalah where the crafty Jew has concealed its secrets away from the prying eyes of the Jesuits and their ilk. The most important mystery being that Lǽvateinn, is the only weapon that can slay Víðófnir (Yahweh). This is why the Qabalah is pivotal in Understanding occidental mysticism just like bacteriology, which Rahn has also made a post “world of the living” study of, is critical in Understanding biology] when he claims the Gral is Cathar, or is mastered by the ascetic discipline of Catharism. Trevrezent illustrates this for us. He has not succeeded in curing King Amfortas with his asceticism. Only Parzival achieves this, without God (without the One and its Trilogy), with Sword in hand and the thought of his Beloved in his mind and heart.” (216)
Serrano illustrates his point with the work of von Eschenbach the progenitor of Grail lore:
“Then the Knights of the Round table disperse and go towards different horizons in quest of the Gral.
Here are the words of Parzival to his intimate friend Gawain:
“Pain! Where is God? Where is the almighty? Where does he use his power? He did not have to cast me into disgrace. Since I have known Grace I have been his most humble servant. But, I now leave his service. If that enrages him, I will resist his fury. Comrade, when the hour of combat arrives for you, only allow a woman to be at your side. Let she alone guide your hand. Let the love of she you know accompany you and let her feminine virtues protect you…I do not know when we shall meet again. May your best wishes be fulfilled.”
Thus we find ourselves in the most important moment of “Parzival.” Only his “Teutonic Fury” (of the Wildes Herr) now guides the hero in his Gral quest. He goes forth on his warrior path without God, but with the thought of his beloved wife Condwiramurs, in his mind and heart. With his Two Swords.” (217)
When Serrano writes there are a HE-SHE and SHE-HE, two couples four entities he is not just endorsing the work of his friend CG Jung as it would appear to the specious reader. Jung said there was the animus which is the subconscious masculine aspect of a woman’s psyche and the anima, the subconscious feminine aspect of the male psyche. Jung devotes a whole book to it titled The Psychology of the Transference. Serrano is also endorsing the two domains in a Fourier Transform. There must be a He-She and She-He in the Time Domain and the Frequency Domain respectively.
Serrano does not believe the love between the He and the She can be permanent here on earth. With some of his last words here on earth he writes, “He finds and loses her here on Earth..” (218) This was the theme of Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan.
“The love (A-Mor) of Lucifer and Lilith (A = without; Mor = death; Without Death) allows for the willful recovery of the Totality of Opposites, Opposite Poles, become possible inside each of them; Lilith united to her masculine animus, and Lucifer to his feminine anima, to use Jung’s terminology. Each is wed to his and her own Selbst, thus allowing the real Son of Man and Woman to be born (“delivered” by the Man), the Astral Body, subtle body, androgynous, Shiva Ardhanasisvara. For this Lucifer had to become the Widower of Lilith here on Earth, and “pregnant” from her, thus giving birth to the Son of the Widower, the Astral Body (with the face of the Beloved), which by being clad in a terrestrial body (for a short while) will the forthcoming of a host of Warrior-Heroes in this world fighting to redeem the remnant of Vîras, Hyperboreans and Aryans, made prisoners under the hypnosis of the Demiurge with help from Satan-Saturn-Jehovah and its genetic robots, the Jews, as has already been said.” (219)
Like Rahn Serrano is a strict Luciferian but unlike him Serrano pays homage to Christ in his original form as an Aryan deity, calling him Christos. Rahn calls Christ the Nazarene and the usurper of Lucifers rightful place in heaven but you live and you learn. Using Serrano as a barometer the SS and perhaps Rahn himself have learned the Qabalah. According to the standard Ben-Yehuda’s pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary Qabalah is spelled QBLH, Qoph, Beth, Lamed and Heh, and means “receipt; receiving, reception; tradition; cabals, mysticism.” Where there is a reception there must be a transmission, a source of the holographic simulation…
Gershom Scholem was perhaps the most brilliant Hebrew scholar of the twentieth century. He wrote that the greatest mystery of the Qabalah was concealed in the true name of Lucifer. He gives it in Hebrew as AYLTh HShCR NGH CVCB. which in translation means instrument that brings the light of the brilliant star, but many scriptural words in Hebrew are ambiguous if not paradoxical. H is the Hebrew equivalent of the word the in English. It’s part of the title for ShCR, which has a plurality of meanings. It can mean daybreak, but it can also mean nightfall or darkness. It is Sīrius the morning and the evening star in the firmament over Australia in the Temple of the Dog where Lucifer was worshiped by the old ones as the Dog Star. Australia whose Aborigines maintain memories of the transmissions source which they call the Alcheringa. Within the Qabalistic name of Lucifer is contained the Alpha and the Omega of light, the same Alpha and Omega Jesus lays claim to in Revelations. (220)
HYLL Hebrew for the Morning Star or Lucifer, appears in the New Testament only twice. In fact, it only appears once in the synoptic gospels. In Peter 1:19 it is said “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts.” In Revelation 22:16 it is said “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.” Revelation makes other more cryptic references that Jesus is Lucifer when Jesus says in 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” This theme is repeated again in 1:8, 1:17, 2:8 and 21:6. It is an incantation woven into the symbolic tapestry that is Revelations. That is why it is repeated five times to conform to the five points on the pentagram. Revelations is far older than the bible… (221)
In the sixteenth century Loew ben Bezalel, the Maharal of Prague, wrote, “if the Leviathan were to mate the world would be destroyed.” (222) In his canonical commentary on the Tanakh Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi) writing in eleventh century France said, that if the male and the female Leviathan had “been permitted to be fruitful and to multiply the world could not have endured because of them.” (223) Even before in the Talmud’s Tractate Bava Batra (“The Last Gate”) it is written, “Everything that the Holy One, Blessed be He, created in His world, He created male and female. Even leviathan the slant serpent and leviathan the tortuous serpent He created male and female. And if they would have coupled and produced offspring, they would have destroyed the entire world.” (224) Yet the Jews foolishly persist in believing Leviathan is some kind of sea creature of which the female will be eaten like Gefilte fish at the end of days.
In the oldest of semitic writings known as the Ugaritic texts the young upstart Baal, which is the original name for Yahweh, overcomes Yam who rules the ocean, to usurp him as the King of the Elohim. Elohim means Gods, plural, call them Anunnaki if you must it means the same thing. The title of the king of the Gods is Moloch. Because Yam commands the fiercest of sea monsters Baal cannot beat him and he knows it. So he enlists the help of the disgruntled Kothar-wa-Khasis the God of craftsman who fashions a Magick club which he uses to surreptitiously knock Yam out. Only then does the cowardly God of the Jews swoop in and cut Yam into pieces as instructed by the great Goddess Astarte, in all likelihood Baals mother. Baal becomes Moloch but he lives in fear that Yam will return from the dead and avenge himself. Consequently his celestial palace has no windows… (225)
The Jew is at loath to teach the Goyim Qabalah, not even how to spell it but in the late fifteenth century Christian Knorr von Rosenroth did manage to do a respectable translation of the Zohar into Latin, leaving his commentary, steeped in Christian dogma, in parenthesis. “There are swellings in his scales (that is, like as in a crocodile; because great in him is the heaping together of judgments). His crest keepeth its own place (that is, there is in him no further power of hastening to things beyond in the Outer).” The tail of the male Leviathan “is in his head (that is, he holdeth his tail in his mouth, in order that he may form a circle, since he is said to encompass holiness). He transferreth his head to behind the shoulders (that is, he raiseth his head at the back of the bride of Microprosopus, where is the place of most severe judgments), and he is despised (since in him is the extremity of judgments and severities, whence wrath is the attribute of his forms). He watcheth (that is, he accurately searcheth out and seeketh in what place he may gain an entry into holiness.) And he is concealed (as if laying traps; since he insinuateth himself into the inferiors, by whose sins he hath access to the holy grades, where the carrying out of judgments is committed to him.) He is manifested in one of the thousand shorter days.” (226)

In the early twentieth century McGregor Mathers translated von Rosenroth’s work into English for the Golden Dawn, publishing Kabbala Denudata The Kabbalah Unveiled in 1912.Mathers added his own vitriolic British-Israeli commentary to von Rosenroth’s in defining Leviathan as the ultimate evil, which was adapted by his disciples, among them W. B. Yeats and A. E. Waite. But Aleister Crowley begged to differ, causing a schism in the Golden Dawn which ended with Crowley slaying Mathers with his evil eye…
Crowley, who had forgotten more about the Qabalah than any Human will ever live to know, said, “In Daath [Da’at or Knowledge is the theoretical eleventh sephira said to be on Gimel, the path connecting Tiphareth or the Sun to Kether or the Crown of God] is said to be the Head of the great Serpent Nechesh or Leviathan, called Evil to conceal its Holiness.” Nechesh in Hebrew is spelled Nun (50) + Chet (8) + Shin (300) = 358 the same Gematria value as the Redeemer or Messiah which is spelled Mem (40) + Shin (300) + Yod (10) + Chet (8) = 358. Leviathan is spelled Lamed (30) + Vav (6) + Yod (10) + Tav (400) + Nun (50) = 496 the same Gematria value as the Bride Malkuth which is spelled Mem (40) + Lamed (30) + Cheth (20) + Vav (6) + Tav (400) = 496… (227)
Gematria is the most important key to Qabalah. When two words have the same sum they are interchangeable.
“It is identical with the Kundalini of Hindu Philosophy, the Kwan-se-on of the Mongolian Peoples, and means the magical Force in Man, which is the sexual Force applied to the Brain, Heart, and other Organs, and redeemeth him.” (228)
Abhorrence of sex is the very cornerstone of Judeo-Christianity. What better way to domesticate an animal than neuter it? The Goddess is a whore and all women are unclean says the Rabbi who copulates with his wife through a hole in the bedsheets. The Catholic Church, whose shamans must remain celibate, has even gone so far as replace the temple prostitutes of Paganism with prepubescent Altar Boys. One need only read a newspaper or turn on a TV to see what that has led too.
The Montauk Project / Experiments In Time begins with “Wilhelm Reich and the Phoenix Project” (229) Reich was a world famous scientist who worked closely with Sigmund Freud until Freud realized Reichs work was overshadowing his own and viciously turned on him. Reich discovered a strange new type of energy that is released by human orgasm that permeated the entire physical world which he dubbed Orgone Energy. He invented technology to both collect and harness it which he sold on the open market. For his troubles when he came to America he would be arrested as a Nazi by the FBI. All of his inventions were then hunted down and confiscated, his books sanitized for imbeciles and he would die like a dog in prison just as he had predicted he would years earlier.
Recent experiments on prolonged Orgasm in the human female done at Istanbul University in Turkey have shown that it can produce all kinds of strange and wonderful altered states of consciousness; “out of body experience; flying; dying feeling (petit mort); ecstasy; rapture; explosion feeling; quivering, earthquake feeling; flooding; absorbing; spurting; blessed; shuddering; intense love; unreal; surreal; voyage to nature; seeing light flashes, color flashes, geometric shapes, figures; peacefulness; physical and spiritual warmth; loss of control; spreading; flowing; mystical experience…” (230)
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili or Poliphilo’s Strife of Love in a Dream was first published in 1499 in Venice by Aldus Manutius a lifelong close friend of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola the famed Renaissance apostle of Hermeticism and Qabalism. The text has been attributed to an obscure renegade monk named Francesco Colonna, but no one knows who really wrote it and scholars have expended their careers postulating its authors identity. Although now considered one of the most exquisite examples of early printing the text is almost unintelligible, being a mixture of Latin, Italian, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew with a smattering of Egyptian Hieroglyphics thrown in for good measure. It’s one hundred and seventy two woodcuttings relay the quintessential quest for love, amore, the union of the He and the She, through a fantastic dreamscape. Within twenty years of its first publication, Poliphilo’s Strife of Love in a Dream, outside of the bible itself, would become the preeminent book in Europe. It would not only turn out to be the “most celebrated book design of the Renaissance, but one of the most important and yet inscrutable books ever published…” (231)
In his sleep, the protagonist of the book Poliphio pursues the love of recalcitrant Polia through a surreal dreamscape. Naked nymphs and satyrs abound, ruled over by a stern Venus and her emissary Cupid who is portrayed as a devilish toddler who delights in putting women in chains to pull his chariot till, he hacks them to pieces and feeds them to the beasts of the forest. In what is said to be “perhaps the most censored woodcut of the Renaissance” (232) a bull is sacrificed to Priapus, the god of fertility who presides over the festival displaying his trademark oversized permanent erection.
There are no less than five triumphal processions celebrating the love between Poliphio and Polia. Poliphio and Polia are taken to the island of Cythera, the Mediterranean island sacred to Aphrodite or Venus, in a barge piloted by Cupid. Polia still spurns Poliphilo’s love and he faints dead away in front of the altar as she reads to him from some awful book, no doubt the bible. She is shown a vision of two naked maidens who have defied Cupid and are now forced to draw his chariot through the forest as he whips them. He slays them both in a clearing and hacks them in pieces which he feeds to a lion, a dragon, a griffin and a wolf.
She must reconsider and revives Poliphilo with a kiss and they are forced through a door by Venus and her nymphs who threaten them with clubs. On the other side they kneel before Venus now wearing a crown in her court filled with nymphs and she sanctions their union as they share a kiss. They both awake alone in their rooms accompanied only by their dogs. But in the end they are reunited in the celestial realm where they are already married before the Queen of Heaven…
“Over the years the book has been the subject of thousands of analyses, commentaries, interpretations and appreciations, as well as hundreds of reprints, facsimiles and critical editions. It remains one of the most influential, yet enigmatic books ever written.” (233)
As mentioned in the beginning of this book books were not the only thing happening in Venice at the turn of the sixteenth century. Antonia Contenta, a Roman noble woman, founded the Ordo Bucintoro in 1510 with the secret backing of the Venetian Doge, along with leading Venetian and German merchants. The Ordo Bucintoro was an aristocratic trans-generational conspiracy dedicated to bringing about a new aeon and a unified German-Roman Empire. The Novus Ordo Seclorum would be free from the lying self-serving morality of the papistry. Men and woman would be equal, the hoarding of wealth forbidden and the rights of the individual respected. Antonia Contenta, aside from being a Roman patrician by birth, traced her pedigree back to Geoffroy de Saint-Omer. He was tied to her bloodline by her marriage to a nobleman from Burgundy, ground zero for the secrets of the Cistercians, the true founders of the Knights Templar. In academic lore, which acts as little more than a publicity agent for synarchy, Geoffroy de Saint-Omer was one of the nine founding members of the Knights Templar. (234)
According to esoteric lore, Julietta Montefeltro was the high priestess of the order from 1516-1562. No one knows what happened to her after that, but it is said that during that span she never aged a single day. Men were afraid to look at her because to see her was to become enchanted by her beauty. For half a century she inspired fear and fascination in Europe’s aristocracy. Everyone knew she was a sorceress. She came and went from the doge’s palace like she owned it. She could be in Rome and Madrid on the same day she was seen being carried on a litter, escorted by two armed men, through the Piazza San Marco. In spite of the Montefeltro family prominence in European history, documentation on Julietta Montefeltro is nonexistent. Her real name was probably Livia Loredan, which is denied in the lore, but her name is sometimes used interchangeably with Montefeltro and sometimes as her successor. Loredan was said to be in possession of Spiritus Eros the occult doctrines of the order. Leonardo Loredan was the doge of Venice from 1501-1521. There would be two more Venetian Doges from the House of Loredan in the ensuing years. Perhaps having a sorceress in the family would have impeded the family dynasty. (235) If one connects the dots there can be little doubt that Spiritus Eros was The Book of Love.

Fifty years after the Poliphilo’s Strife of Love in a Dream was first published and forty years after the founding of the Ordo Bucintoro The Rosary of the Philosophers or Rosarium philosophorum sive pretiosissimum donum Dei would be published in Frankfurt, Germany. The twenty woodcuttings called the Royal Art illustrate the great work, the union of the He and the She, the Sun and the Moon, the first ten materially and the second ten ethereally. In The Psychology of the Transference, using an explanatory companion poem written in German accompanying Rosarium philosophorum as it was making the rounds in Frankfurt among the best Qabalists in Europe at the time, Jung psychoanalyzes the first ten woodcuttings. Jung, perhaps mislead by A. E. Waite whom he relied on heavily to transmit esoteric traditions, mistakenly dismisses the entire second half of Rosarium philosophorum as a “concession to feminine psychology.” The great work turns out well in the material world and in the tenth woodcut Jung translates the poem for his readers: “Here is born the Empress of all honour /The philosophers name her their daughter. She multiples / bears children ever again /They are incorruptibly pure and without stain…” (236) (237)
Jung because he does not Understand there are two domains in a Fourier Transform, the Holonomic Brain nor the Holographic Paradigm, equates the subconscious with the biological brain. He strictly adheres to materialist science, perhaps because his postwar Jewish masters command him to or perhaps because he doesn’t know the Michelson–Morley experiment took place in the basement of Case University and proved nothing let alone the ether doesn’t exist. Iconic neurosurgeon Karl Pribram had not yet dissected thousands of primates under the auspices of Stanford only to come to the conclusion that memory does not exist in the brain but Pribram himself admits the Germans were coming to those conclusions in the first decade of the twentieth century. Besides Jung was one of Germany’s top scientists he had to know what people like Friedrich Paschen, Max Wein and Walter Gerlach were doing if not Manfred von Ardenne and Heinz Schlicke. Serrano, one of Jung’s closest personal friends, accused the great psychologist of attempting to “psychologize” the raison d’être of human existence with his clinical analysis of Rosarium philosophorum.
Clearly the King and the Queen have wings now and are beings of the air or aether. What takes place in the aether is not necessarily what takes place in the elemental world. Just like what takes place in the Frequency Domain is not necessarily what takes place in the Time Domain. The purpose of the Fourier Transform is to adjust the solid Time Domain through the fluid Frequency Domain.

The twentieth century was but a spell even before Otto Rahn found the Grail. It began in 1904 when Aleister Crowley and his wife Rose Kelly were permitted to perform sexual Magick in the Great Pyramid of Giza, making contact with a male entity far more powerful than any mere demon or angel that he called Aiwaz. Most would call him Lucifer. Crowley was given powers that Mathers, Waite, Yeats and even Guido von List over in Germany thought they could also harness. They couldn’t. Crowley told them he had reached a Magickal grade higher than Magus, which is what they were, he was Ipsissimus.He and his followers instigated the first world war as a holocaust, a blood sacrifice necessary to bring about the incarnation of Horus the Avenger who would kill Set (Yahweh) after three great battles. WWII was the second holocaust. Crowley even predicted it when he wrote in The Book of the Law, dictated to him by Aiwaz: “I am the warrior Lord of the Forties. The Eighties cower before me, and are abased.”
They would need a third and by the nineties the human race had become debased enough for Crowley’s apostles at NASA to initiate their war against all of mankind. Crowley disciple Jack Parsons and Theodore von Karman the heir of the other Master Qabalist the Mariel of Prague founded NASA through Jet Propulsion Labs. In Hebrew NASA means a covenant, a covenant with Lucifer through Crowley. WW III began in 2001 when NASA’s lead scientist Dennis Bushnell gave a power point presentation to a who’s who gathering of the defense industry then published NASA’s plans for 2025 onto the burgeoning internet knowing full well the human race was too degenerate by then to do anything about it. 2025 is a transhuman world of automatons whose only purpose is to serve them. (240) (241)
It’s a lonely place, a world of abstract images and desolation, as phantasmagorical as its own physics. If the Deagal Report is to be believed and there is no reason it should not Deagal is a military contractor not a psychic, 80% of the world’s population is already dead. Zombified by an injection Crowley’s colleague Rudolph Stiener warned of a hundred years ago when he said, “the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young.” (242) Of course the West that had been experimenting in the zombification of their own populace since Project Artichoke, with the human race being the artichokes, laid the foundation for MK -Utra following WW II. (243) (244) Things were pretty much over for the human soul when Google filed its 2001 application for a patent to embed in computer and television screens “pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects” to facilitate mind control. (245) The injections were merely the coup de grâce. The human race laid to waste by its own hubris.

At the turn of the seventeenth century Baconian Rosicrucianism would make Rosarium philosophorum its central theme with The Chemical Marriage ostensibly written by Johann Valentin Andreæ when he was sixteen years old. For the next three hundred years it would remain as the occults most important arcanum till the Golden Dawn would begin openly practicing it at the dawn of the twentieth century. Although Yeats, considered by many English literature scholars, to be the greatest poet of the English language wrote obsessively about it few if any of them understood what he was writing about. Not only are the profane ignorant of the sacred but when confronted with it, whether psychologized as cognitive dissonance or clinically perceived as pixels only capable of transmitting their part, they cannot see it even when it is as plain as the fixed elections they revel in.
Yeats Michael Robartes and the Dancer, a collection of fifteen poems published in 1920 following WW I, contains his most celebrated poem; ‘The Second Coming.’ Scholars prattle on about the poem being a commentary on mechanized warfare and the horrors it brought in WW I, which it is superficially but they completely miss its vacillating point about raising up Horus the Avenger to slay the god of the old grey world. Even when Yeats writes: “The falcon cannot hear the falconer.” The Egyptian hieroglyph for Horus is the falcon! Or when he alludes to the Sphinx: “A shape with lion body and the head of a man.” You will find nothing in academia about Yeats topic; Egyptian theological lore, just an endless pageant of meaningless words dribbled from the pens of meaningless people. Their folly is made even worse when one factors in Yeats 1913 short story Rosa Alchemica, written at the beginning of WW I, where a cult like the Golden Dawn is stoned to death by an irate Christian mob for raising up the devil which Yeats calls Legion. ‘Solomon and the Witch,’ another poem in the Michael Robartes and the Dancer collection describes in all but graphic detail how he Yeats, standing in for Solomon, and his wife Georgie Hyde-Lees, the witch standing in for the queen of Sheba, perform Rosarium philosophorum without carrying it to Mors Justi (death) as it must be. Predictably it does not work and their orgasm does not bring about Judgement Day. Disappointed Yeats writes:
“Therefore a blessed moon last night
Gave Sheba to her Solomon.
Yet the world stays”
No worries though it’s all in fun. For the coda line Yeats writes: “Oh, Solomon! let us try again.” (246)
Although both Yeats and Hyde-Lees were accomplished adepts, schooled in all the esoteric Magick of the Golden Dawn, they were to paraphrase Nietzsche all too human. They were never going to get the job done. The Royale Art is just that and can only be performed by the incarnated king and queen of souls, the living sun and moon, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Lucifer and Lilith. As the text from the poem of Rosarium philosophorum warns in Figure two: “Wherefore all error in the art arises because men do not begin with the proper substance and for this reason you should employ venerable nature, because from her through her and in her is our art born and in naught else: and so our magisterium is the work of Nature and not the worker.” Even Crowley was not so vain as to think he could accomplish the great work by himself. That is why he made it his categorical imperative to incarnate the Moonchild. (247)
The biggest difference besides the outcome in the first ten figures of Rosarium philosophorum from the second ten is the presence of the crows in Figure 9, indicative of the sanctioning and participation of Hell in the resurrection of the crowned hermaphrodite. In the Eleusinian mysteries Persephone must spend half her time in Hell or Hades. She is just as much the Goddess of the dead as she is the living, the Goddess of the summer harvest and the Goddess of the winter famine. The Norse called her Hel. Her name is eponymous with Hell in Old English, Helle in Old Frisian, and Hellia in Old Saxon. Long ago, the Germans called her Hella and the Goths Halija. All the names are derived from the reconstructed Proto-Germanic feminine noun xaljō, meaning concealed place or the underworld. In the oldest cuneiform tablets it’s the place called Kur and is ruled over by the goddess Ereshkigal. One can only receive dispensation from Kur by Ereshkigal’s sister Sumers great Goddess Inanna. In the Vedas the Goddess of Death is Kali, a female. Homer called Persephone Dread Persephone and in the latter Hellenic mysteries out of fear of her it was forbidden to even mention her name usually substituted for with Kore, meaning the Maiden. Without the Goddess of Death there can be no Rosarium philosophorum. “The world stays.” And by excluding her one can only incur her wrath… (248) (249)
In Norse mythology Hel is Loki’s daughter and it is upon her initial command over the mistreatment of her father at the hands of the other Gods that Ragnarök or Judgment Day commences. Rahn knew this full well when he wrote leading up to Ragnarök in Lucifer’s Court: “Lady Hel is Death not Life, even though she deals with all that lives. Just as a woman may not give birth without first having been fertilised by a man, Lady Hel also needs a husband. And the woman-earth and man-sun celebrate their union so that a child might be born: Life. To embrace the goddess of Death, the sun lowers himself onto her, that is to say towards the earth. During the night of the winter solstice, they celebrate their ‘hierogamy’, their sacred union. Conquered by the power of the male god. Lady Hel gives herself to him and becomes a mother. ‘Glory to you, Earth, mother of men! Believe in the embrace of God, fill yourself with fruit for the good of men!’ Once, the Anglo-Saxon peasants would address this prayer to their fields, as they worked and seeded them.
Lady Hel is also Love, bearer of new life; and it is because all life must one day perish, that she carries death within her.
She is the love that a woman feels for a man and a mother feels for her children. Grand is the love of the Grand Mother!” (250)
Those that give their love to a god will find themselves in a very one sided relationship. It was the Italian poet Dante Alighieri who wrote in the late thirteenth century that every mans heart is halved at birth and he must spend his life seeking the other half. As the hermetic proverb goes as it is above so it is below.
The Dogon, or Dog People as in the Dog Star, are an agricultural West African tribe. They were studied from 1931 – 1956 by the legendary French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, along with Germaine Dieterlen – a brilliant and highly accomplished anthropologist in her own right. What they found that the Dogon knew more about the three star system of Sīrius than the Wests best astronomers is summed up in their book Un Systeme Soudanais de Sirius. What was in that book should have changed the world but the darkness here feeds on the lies of academics and they quickly countered with dubious scientific papers, for which they feigned to swoon, and once again overwhelmed the truth with their lies. (251)
Undeterred as genius must be when confronting the apes of Thoth they wrote another book documenting the Dogons belief in the Nommo titled The Pale Fox. The Nommo are amphibious Gods, Shapeshifters, Lovecraftian in nature, extraterrestrial in origin, here long before man. They created the water so they could swim in it. Which is about as good an explanation as modern science has for where the earths water came from, none. Most Nommo are female and beneficent. The single male Nommo, the pale fox, is a trickster and capable of great malevolence. This is due to his frustration of being kept from the females since time began but one day according to Dogon lore he will be reunited with them and build a great kingdom here on earth.

There is the Norse story of Freyja and Svipdag, the herculean Viking warrior, so fierce and so beautiful that Freyja herself fell madly in love with him. The other Gods, jealous and behind Freyja’s back, turned Svipdag into sea monster. Freyja wandered the earth crying golden tears for her lost love but when she found out what was done to him she threatened to tear down heaven itself. The other Gods in fear of her made Svipdag into a God.
Ishtar makes a similar threat in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Goddess is to be feared even by the other Gods. It is through her power they and their worlds are made manifest. In the Zohar it is established that even god himself must dwell within the Shekinah (ShCYNH). In the Lesser Holy Assembly; chapter 21, it goes on to say, “with this woman are connected all those things which are below, from her body do they receive their nourishment, and from her do they receive blessing.” Qabalists call her Malkah (MLKH) or the Queen. Malkah is a derivative of the word Malkuth (MLKVTh) which means The Kingdom. Malkuth is the final Sephiroth (world), the one through which all the others are manifested. Malkuth encompasses the entire physical world a world that is projected through Yesod, the Moon, her unconscious. She is the dreamer. Learned Rabbis call the Shekinah the bride of their Sabbath, Saturn, Saturday. But they know full well she must dwell in exile until the messiah comes for her. There is a third meaning in ShCR, that all important word in Lucifer’s messianic Qabalistic title: AYLTh HShCR NGH CVCB. It means to search. Lucifer must seek out his bride in the distorted phantasmagorical world of Azazel, the lord of Saturn, where Azazel has concealed her. (252)
Although the most opulent church in the world, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, was named after her what was known of the Gnostic Goddess through the thousand years of Ottonian darkness came from scraps of manuscripts and Pistis Sophia; a text purported to be Gnostic. Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom. Sophia in Greek means wisdom, skill in Magick. With the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library Sophia is revealed to the uninitiated after being concealed in the three Mary’s of Christian lore for over a thousand years. The consensus among the libraries manuscripts is that Sophia was one of eight original Ogdoads, four pairs of “Aeons” or emanations that before the advent of the world manifested God through their sexual relations. Sophia attempted to manifest God without her consort and her actions disturbed the balance and the current world, came into existence along with the resulting god or demiurge. Sophia was trapped here until her bridegroom, her original consort Jesus/Lucifer, comes to get her. (253)
According to Gnostic lore she is to undergo repeated incarnations as a whore. In the libraries The Thunder, Perfect Mind she calls herself the whore and the virgin. She exhorts those who would seek her out not to be arrogant with her when she is cast out upon the earth, not to look upon her when she is in the dung-heap or “among those who are disgraced and in the least places.” She implores them not to laugh at her, to leave her cast out nor to cast her “out among those who are slain in violence.” She tells them that if they heed her words, they will find her “in the kingdoms” and “in those that are to come.” But she warns them to be on their guard because “I, I am compassionate and I am cruel.” (254)
That is what the moldy old manuscripts say but I lived the story in Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. Yet nobody ever told it better than David Lynch in Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks the Return…
France, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart with special thanks to Orage, Jon Valentine Lee & Joe – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France II, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France III, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France IV by Jack Heart & Jon Valentine Lee – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France V in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France VI, In the Footsteps of Otto Rahn – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France VII, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France VIII, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France IX, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart & Jon Valentine Lee – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France X, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart & Jon Valentine Lee – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France XI, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart & Jon Valentine-Lee – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France XI (second part), In the Footsteps of Otto Rahn – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
France XII, In the Footsteps of Otto Rahn – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
Previous posts on our expedition to the Sabarthez:
Jack live from Montségur, France – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
Cave Wrapup – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
Behind Paywall: La Chevalerie Amoureuse Troubadours, Felibres and Rosicrucian’s – Translated by Romain
La Chevalerie Amoureuse Troubadours, Felibres and Rosicrucians – Translated by Romain – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
La Chevalerie Amoureuse Troubadours, Felibres and Rosicrucian’s – Translated by Romain – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
La Chevalerie Amoureuse Troubadours, Felibres and Rosicrucian’s – Translated by Romain – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (
215 – Serrano, Miguel. Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, p167. <>.
216 – Ibid, p391.
217 – Ibid, p380.
218 – Serrano , Miguel . “SON OF THE WIDOWER .” SON OF THE WIDOWER . 2003. p17. Web. <>.
219 – Ibid.
220 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Lucifer, the Last Word….” The Human. 6 Nov 2022. Web. <>.
221 – Ibid.
222 – Levin , Liz. “The Leviathan.” A Living Library of Torah. Web. <>.
223 – Ibid.
224 – Ibid.
225 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning”.” The Human. 5 Mar 2020. Web. <>.
226 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell I.” The Human. 4 Nov 2018. Web. <>.
227 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity II.” The Human. 30 Apr 2019. Web. <>.
228 – Ibid.
229 – Ibid.
230 – Ibid.
231 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Blutgasse.” The Human. 27 Nov 2019. Web. <>.
232 – Ibid.
233 – Ibid.
234 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Black Sun Rising VI.” The Human. Jun 2014. Web. <>.
235 – Ibid.
236 – “Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell I.”
237 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell… II.” The Human.14 Nov 2018. Web. <>.
238 – “Stauros, the Line of Confusion (1989).” Collected Poems of Jack Heart. The Human, 12 Jul 2023. Web. <>.
239 – Guns and Roses. Civil War, Use Your Illusion, <
240 – NASA, Future Strategic Issues / Future Warfare [Circa 2024], <>.
241 – “USA INC, Nasa War Document Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares Conspiracy Con.” Anthony Hilder.YouTube , 2013. Web. <
242 – Steiner, Rudolf. “13. The Fallen Spirits’ Influence in the World.” THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS GA 177. Rudolf Steiner Archive, 27 Oct 1917. Web. <>.
243 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “LMK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue.” The Human. 28 Jan 2016. Web. <>.
244 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “The Blood of Christ – Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk, Paint It Blue….” The Human. 21 Mar 2016. Web. <>.
245 – Loo, Hendricus G. “Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.” Google Patents. 2001. Web. <>.
246 – “Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell… II.”
247 – “Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell I.”
248 – “Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell… II.”
249 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy I (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) .” The Human. 9 Apr 2020. Web. <>.
250 – Rahn, Otto and Craig Gawler (English Translator). “SIEGEN.” The Court Of Lucifer A Voyage With Europe’s Benevolent Ghosts first published in 1937. 129-130. <>.
251 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog II.” The Human. 15 Nov 2016. Web. <>.
252 – “Lucifer, the Last Word….”
253 – Ibid.
254 – Ibid.
Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.
Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (
Regardless of what anyone thinks of Jack at the very least it's undeniable you're a helluva writer and a dream reader. The answers won't be spelled out for you unless you've already had the base material swirling in your consciousness for some time now unable to make sense of it. Dreams blending with reality. Experiences and storytelling in dream form so real that someone else's experiences and story becomes your own. As I tell people if a dream is so real that you feel it just as much as you see it experiencing all the sensations that come with it as if your conscious merges with someone else's body is it wrong to proclaim it happened to you even if like a fool you got too close and were burned as a result?
So much of what I've felt and experienced and knew without understanding for so long is made crystal clear in this part alone let alone the others. The innermost being bursts with answers and explanations that I've long since knew without knowing as it seemed like a chaotic scene after scene remembering only images and the scars each scene left behind that shakes you to the core no matter how much you try to forget or write over the events in your daily life to chalk it up as nothing when you're so rattled without being able to box it into a linear narrative we are forced to spend our lives doing. The chaos of it all that does have rhyme and reason but not in the way the linear mind can understand without getting wrong. It leaves us all in a deep seated nervousness accepting that there's nothing more to life out of the fear that we're playing out something so big with very deep consequences that we know too little about. There's beauty in the fool navigating a treacherous path without knowing it.
You really hit home on dream interpretation from a period I've tried to block out for over 25 years too young to make sense of what was happening to me or perhaps to come. It's hard to tell anymore when things play out over such a long course. Am I seeing the person I've become that scared the shit out of innocent child all those years when I wanted to see my future self. A man whose embraced the darkness within, innocence lost, full of deep seated anger at it all with the rage of Mars ready to tear me apart from within and explode in blood red vision. Perhaps I'm the man who became so lost and twisted who looked backwards towards the origins at the child shaking under his sheets reeking of fear and weakness but full of innocence and naivete that angers me like the fool blindly working it's magic seems to laugh and dance through it all oblivious to the reality.
The missing key in all of this is Her. Missing from both dreams of the child and man. One giving comfort to the boy when the man became too stoic and indifferent to his situation, and the other to the broken man who questions what he's become in his later years. One was gentle and the other, well, puts you in your place.
It's one of your best. There is so much to comment on. I'll have to wait until I'm in the right frame of mind to comment on your blog. I'll use it as foundation for meditation and research. There is nothing more important than what is written here. Bravo.