Jack Heart Esoteric Evolution
Jack Heart Conversations From The Porch
Father's Day Rant

Father's Day Rant

Fame could be a liability to productivity, you see it with musicians all the time, or at least you used to see it when the West still had musicians...

Tommy Morrison a victim of Hollywood, he had two sons, so I feel this is appropriate. Rest in peace my brother.

Get out of the city’s - https://twitter.com/i/status/1670140737932099584

As all my paid subscribers know and many of my unpaid, my Substack page is thoroughly infiltrated. Likes are limited and unpaid subscribers continuously flushed by choking off their email alerts and blocking their emails. I am not exaggerating one iota. In order to make one new subscriber I must get ten because they are going to subtract nine. We have 752 subscribers. We should easily have ten thousand by now. Most recently they have been changing expiration dates, codes and credit card numbers so when Stripe gets them, they will be declined. There is a very simple solution to all this; When your Substack subscription expires on Substack subscribe to our Jack Heart site and the gremlins (their Feds, they won’t steal your money only mine, I am an enemy combatant) will never see your credit card.  Go here to subscribe jackheartblog.org.
