Nexus Magazine took me off the internet, which incidentally has been locked down by the NSA since day one of its existence, and put me into hardcopy, distributing me to its international audience. This was done about eight years ago without any solicitation by me and during that heady two-year period where it looked like I might finally break free of the NSA’s iron grip I became friends with its proprietor Duncan Roads and key members of his staff. Plans were made for me to run the Nexus news feed and if I could; bring my cousin The Sage of Quay over to do their radio show. But alas to paraphrase Alice Cooper’s Illuminati prophecy Generation Landslide, “decadent brains were at work to destroy...”
As they say shit happens and shit happened to Mr. Roads and his staff causing him and his staff to abruptly break off all communications with me. All of them except Alec Newald whose own pedigree I suspect makes him off limits to the depredations of the blue-blooded Poindexter’s and their sixth-generation computers that comprise the NSA. We have remained friends throughout the years and Alec has recently been very active on my Substack site.
Early on I made it very clear to the NSA that I do not share their dream, now in fruition, of a world-wide police state “even if the head cop is a friend of mine.” Let me further elaborate, I would not give one pebble from the green sands of Aldebaran for all the castles in Europe. As I have told you before you are naught but the fly who occupies the crown of a steaming dog turd to me and I tolerate you, or have tolerated you, only because I must if I am to free my brothers and sisters who are trapped here with you in this unholy place. Now you have sabotaged my sites, I suspect out of desperation, and cost me thousands of dollars out of my own pocket and my ally’s hundreds of hours of work. There will be compensation...
The Human site will continue, even with its vastly depleted view count, for as long as it is able. In case you have not noticed but I know you have; I don’t need to say one word to anybody but Her. I am the hundredth monkey, and the hundredth monkey has no need for a communications network. In keeping with the spirit of that my loyal friend (two things you know nothing about) would like to have a word with those souls you torment with your existence:
“Hi Jack, I thought it was time to bring in a friends radio show, This is Barry Eaton, who I have meet and been interviewed by several times. He is also a good friend of Duncan Roads.
I chose this show because it discusses Duncan's 200th edition of Nexus Magazine and talks of some of his all-time favorite articles he has published. I'm sure your readers will find some of these topics very interesting and informative. Right at the end he also finds time to discuss Coevolution and my association with him.”
My opinion of Duncan Rhoads? He is a politician of sorts. Trustworthy? First of all he is allowed to talk and being from one of the world's worst police states being Australia, he is allowed to talk by someone.
Look how Jack Heart is censored. I know a few aussies from ultra cycling and they are all unpaid spokesmen for Pfizer like all in the cycling community. Australia is America's future so anything out of that place I take with caution.
What I see.
I used to read Nexus. I have not seen it in the few bookstores I visit but now I will hunt a copy of this issue. Print is nice but radio and internet reach a large audience as well.